Armistice Day happened for TR, wut 'bout fanu and MC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drealgrin, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. Drealgrin

    yeah, except it's October, and that was announced when? AT ARMISTICE DAY The game was released on November 20th.

    That means they have less than 60 days to do 2 holidays for the Vanu and NC

    The TR are going to have another Armistice Day with another cool hat while us other factions get gipped again.

    PR has always been focused on shoving TR in the limelight, and it shows, they dominate everything on Mattherson during off hours like the Vanu used to. and they're going to win all the 3 day xp bonus things because of it.

    Sony loses another bigtime fan due to their laziness.
    • Up x 1
  2. Drealgrin

    equally wanted [IMG]
    • Up x 1
  3. Jac70

    WTF, the TR never got a cool hat. They got that god awful russian cowboy thing.
  4. The Shermanator

    You best be joking.
  5. Drealgrin

    I love TR's hat and want it.

    Respond sony! Plz do your fans a favor and respond!
  6. skyN3T

    The flare gun part - oh my gawd the river of tears some forumsiders cried about that... like the fancy would last forever.
  7. Regpuppy

    Good thing it was genuinely bad for a pistol. If it was actually half decent, drop or not, they'd be right. :p