VS Max AV 1 shots Infantry

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Strikejk, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Strikejk

    Is the AV of VS Maxes really supposed to be a Infantry killer?
    Didn't they tweak the AV damage against Infantry or did they scrap that again?
    AV weapons shouldn't 1shot infantry.
  2. Vearo

    AV nerf is (still) on the PTS.
  3. Strikejk

    Okay, I was so sure it came with the last GU but it looks like they removed it from the list :/ Sad. I really want it already
  4. Ghosty11

    None of the VS AV MAX weapons one shot. It takes at least 3 shots from a ZOE Comet to kill infantry. A head shot might kill in one shot, this I'm not sure of.
  5. Tankcrusher

    I am assuming you mean the comet VM2? Yes they can from time to time one shot infantry flat out if they are packing dual versions, If they land head shots and have High ZOE. It depends on what the target has equipped like Nano-weave and Flak, Heavy's with the shield are likely to live through it.
  6. Aquilae

    i'm literally having to tell TR that one is not the same as two.
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  7. Kodaa

    I don't understand the problem. Sure, comets can kill infantry (possibly one-shot if dual wielding, zoe, and it's a clean headshot), but it's difficult and inefficient. Comets are hardly "infantry killers."
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  8. Ghosty11

    Landing dual head shots, one from each arm, is not technically "one-shotting" even though it feels that way. Insta-gibbing? Yes.

    If a VS Coment MAX dual headshots infantry that Infantry should be insta-gibbed. IMHO.
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  9. Bill Hicks

    People stupid enough to get close the NC max: scatt need to be nerfed

    VS Max sniping people from long range : fine
  10. Bill Hicks

    I find it funny that people are saying the comets have to headshot. Most people are not at full health. So a comet max can snipe you from long range. balanced
  11. Aquilae

    yeah, since it never happens it's fine. if you get bullseyed at long range (they do less than 100 splash damage) by two projectiles going 90m/s, you stood there watching them come at you with enough time to say OH NO IM AWFUL before they hit.
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  12. Tankcrusher

    I have a VS character and the max has full ZOE, and a pair of comets, if you have maxed ZOE one comet can quickly kill an infantry if both shots hit full on. So technically if your a great shot/ lucky, its not a heavy with a shield, or a Max one can do it. I can see why this weapons going to get an infantry nerf in fairness.
  13. Crayv

    2 direct hits (one volley) from a Comet does 1110 damage ((475 + 80) x 2) enough to kill a person with nanoweave rank 1 or a person wearing flak 5.
  14. Ghosty11

    Come give it try, and see how effective ZOE Comet sniping is. Your likely to be pretty disappointed. I'll kill more enemy with dual Blueshifts at long range than dual Comets, since the Comet's projectile moves slowly enough that the enemy can simply side step the rounds, couple that with the convergent point of the weapons when dual wielding. You literally have to shoot one arm at a time and adjust your aim for each arm when shooting at long range.
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  15. Aquilae

    1 ≠ 2
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  16. Ohmlink

    Ok so it does this consistently in a given situation, the nerf is warranted.
  17. Strikejk

    Cool down guys, this is not a discussion about it. The discussion is already done, AV weapons will be nerfed. I was just to stupid to see that they moved the balance patch from the current GU to the next one :)
  18. Ghosty11

    I can agree with the last part of your post. AV weapons should not be infantry killers, they should be like the VS Vortex AV MAX weapons. Sure they can kill infantry, but they shouldn't be efficient at it like the Fractures & Comet etc. currently are.
  19. Tankcrusher

    No a single shot from a comet can not kill an infantry in one hit, Not that it matters in any case cause they liable to be nearly dead or halfway there.
  20. NoctD

    Its one shot from each arm. :rolleyes:

    Basically - the end result is like any other OHK.

    ZOE 1 + 2 Comets is something TR/NC can't compete against... very cheap to cert and deadly. Pounders/Falcons? Hahahahaha!