Another way to make the phoenix better (without OPness)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by IamDH, Sep 13, 2013.

  1. Tristan

    Because the most fun part about Planetside 1 was being bombarded by phoenix rockets every 10 seconds as infantry.

    How about no.
  2. UberBonisseur

    • Up x 2
  3. IamDH

    You either have issues reading or you're just plain rude
  4. Tristan

    "I think a rocket you can fire around corners from inside of the spawn room should OHK infantry!"

    "No, being shot by people you can't see was tried and was not fun in any way."

    Does this make it easier?
  5. Keiichi25

    Actually, if we were going for accuracy... Most sniper rifles would require being 'planted' in order to pull off accurate shots well past 100m, and we would also be able to achieve sniping shots well past 400m, and upwards to 1km (Which we can't).

    We would have Prowlers and Vanguards lose mobility being hit at the tread location.

    Actual LIMBS blown off from close range explosions...


    Beam weapons would have damage falloff at inverse square and no 'drop' in accuracy.

    Chainguns only exist on vehicles...

    Anti-Vehicle weapons would not be 1 man portable.

    We would also have:


    Phalanx Anti-Missile systems.

    Fuel Air Explosive Bombs.
  6. NachoFoot

    I would re-create my deleted NC char if they did this. Best part of the game was picking off TE Striker squads. I nailed Buzz 3 times in a row before he moved his squad elsewhere.
  7. Goretzu

    A head shot with a Phoenix isn't a given, it takes a reasonable amount of doing (probably more than with a Sniper rifle at most ranges).
  8. Ronin Oni

    uhm... sure.. I guess... wouldn't happen often.

    Honestly it does enough damage that it's worth doing it anyways sometimes... Sit on an ammo box, hide behind the hill all your friendlies are on pushing at enemy inf across a small field to the enemies hill a 100m away and just body blast em... You either get an assist or kill for each rocket, and it's fantastic for MAXes

    More important IMO would be like an afterburner ability... press shift and it gets a significant speed boost. Likely once turned on it stays on for balance but it'd certainly make it a lot more useful.

    Not Lancer fast of course... but certainly faster than default RL's
  9. Ronin Oni

    Better question...

    why did you ever actually delete him in the first place? o_O

    I mean, unless he was only like BR10 or something, that just seems wasteful... game like this balance will swing all ways at different points.
  10. Messaiga

    I don't believe you understand how people want the Phoenix to be buffed. They want it to be better against vehicles, not have some cheesy Anti-Infantry ability that ruined the game for TR/VS for a whole week.
    • Up x 1
  11. Regpuppy

    Or make it guide by wire for 500 meters with a reduction in reload times. At that point, I wouldn't care if it had the lowest DPS out of all the launchers. At least I would no longer be sacrificing movement and situational awareness at the same time. It would also make it better against vehicles than it currently is without some cheap gimmick like infantry headshots or "lolcamera"
  12. Pikachu

  13. Cinnamon

    I suppose it was funny in a way when half the NC players were hiding behind rocks trying to snipe infantry with phoenix.
  14. HadesR

    When they buff Flak armour it might be something worth looking into ..
  15. Pikachu

    Allowing headshots wouldn't be that bad I'm sure of. :) It would just make it more fun.
  16. Craeshen

    Wow are you going for a gold star or something for bad suggestions today. This is a horrid idea nuff said....
  17. NachoFoot

    I think I deleted him the day Sony laid off 50% of their employees and stated they were working on game engine improvements now. That says, "we are done with balancing."
  18. LynxFury

    A shift for extra speed boost and reduced range would be an excellent extra bit of fun.
  19. LynxFury

    I humbly suggest you take a few extra seconds to look for better places to fire the rocket from. Seriously I almost never expose myself when firing that missile. Find good cover like behind and behind two rocks or a vehicle and a rock a couple steps down from the top of a roof, or even near the back wall of an available window. Acquire the target by taking a sneak peak or mini-map, ask for ammo and get to your firing position. Once you get the ammo pack, you can even use a few rockets to recon down the likely avenues of approach or where the enemy might try to take cover to repair.
  20. Ronin Oni

    they're coming back to that after the optimization