Operation: Make Faster Game

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by codeForge, Sep 10, 2013.

  1. Takoita

    Good news!

    (Although the given explanation for physics improvements + my very limited understanding on the subject give me nightmares about hijinks like "one tank blowing up, a bunch of remote clients observing the event from different angles and distances, thus reporting conflicting results of the debris hitting six different tanks and the server resolving the conflict by blowing them all up simultaneously".)

    IMHO the unified benchmark - and especially the results it would record and report - would go a long way towards resolving the current mess.
  2. JonboyX

    That.... is impressively complex.
    Good luck!

    (PS knobs, not nobs :) )
  3. MrMojay

    Hey CodeForge Will the benchmarking be able to optimize the game according to the results of the benchmark, or will suggestions be made for players to maybe adjust settings in *.cfg files, or will there be a big shiny green button that says "Apply Optimization".

    I think everyone needs to recognize that making a game of this magnitude is nothing short of artistic and technical wizardry that is pushing the very boundaries of current technology, so people need to expect there to be problems along the way.

    When you push past boundaries you are heading into the unknown and bringing with you what you already know and a deep curiosity of what you can achieve.
  4. RaTzo

    WRT my earlier post in this thread, I was unaware that all other production had stopped and the whole team is currently focused on performance.

    GJ guys! Please let us know when you have an ETA.
  5. SikVvVidiT

    Meanwhile my awesome FPS took a -15 fps decrease and my game stutters now constantly....

    All in all another AWESOME "HOTFIX" brought to you buy the same guys that took months to fix sensor darts, broke our arms in another patch, and had us falling through the ground for several patches.

    Great optimization!....I blame the 'layoffs" actually I don't because their patches were broke with a full staff. Maybe its the lack of a test server. Nope not that either since a lot of the bugs in this current patch were /reported on the test server, ignored, and passed onto live...

    /end rant...
  6. NC_agent00kevin

  7. SirDart

    Thanks for all the hard work to your dev team Codeforge! Being a software engineer myself, I can totally relate to the length of time it takes to get these things right. Although I do still wish you could wave a magic wand, and all bugs were cured, and all performance was exemplary.

    It is the unfortunate side affect of "software patching" and "software upgrades" that have brought about the demon of "good enough to ship" today, now let's make some money... Either that, or just greedy shareholders and execs. :eek:
  8. Eugenitor

    Coding team: Nearly a full year after its release, we're finally going to make the game work right! We promise!

    Forums: Yay!
    • Up x 2
  9. terrascorn

    i7-2600k with 16 gigs of ram 1.5g ddr5 EVGA gtx570 is unplayable, and has been since launch. The fps meter is a joke, the number is never once solid, and simply paints a useless blur of green splotch as it somehow barely chokes out eight frames a second in any battle involving more than five moving things.

    I think you are full of you know what, and looking to stretch cash out in the hopes you will get something together in time to not fail epic like on the shores of yonder MMOooo cash cow the bean counters insist the stockholders are looking for.

    Still, I have provided my monthly stipend to enjoy all the games available in the PC plus and a couple extra twenties because some of the weapons are fun at 5 am when there is near zero popujlation and I can actually lift the weapon before I am dead from head shots, where opening or closing the map doesn't take 3 seconds each way and the entire UI is a choppy square wave of .. what IS wrong with your code man?

    This doesn't happen in Arkham, with dx11 and batman all tesselated to the nines. This doesn't happen in neverwinter, with all things turned all the way on. BLEEP this doesn't happen running two (2!) clients in EQ2 at max everything on and smooth like glass!

    KOBOLD hates YOU
  10. Dogen

  11. Blarg20011

    What are you playing this on, ultra? I run a 3770 with 8 gigs of RAM and a gt640 and get a pretty solid 30-50 FPS.
  12. SurgeonX

    That sounds pretty awesome, but is there any chance we could have this before we get any of the performance improvements please?
    That way we can benchmark the build before the first improvement update and then after.
    That'll give everyone a clear picture of exactly how much of a difference all your efforts have made.
  13. NorthernFist

    I start playing ps2 last year in novembre/decembre. It`s an absolute amazing fps-experience and i thought the bugs /performance issues will be fixed soon. After a few month and purchasing 10000 SC the performance problems only cause me to get upset while spending my freetime playing ps2. So one day I deleted my char, took a few month brake. After 6 month I went back to see if there are some improvements. First I checked out if I yould exit the game without getting the error message. After realising that even this bug still exists I got an anticaption that nothing changed ingame. So was it....

    About 1 year after release you start spending some effort to make the game playable. Thanks! For me this was the first and the last game made by SOE.

    Edit: Your communication politics really sucks. Compared to the other game I play (Eve online) you are lightyears away of comparable customer support.
  14. Hoek

    Are you serious? After two (or more) years of game design you came up with this boring concept which revolves around spawn rooms. Camping, camping, camping, camping - that's the core of Planetside 2. What in earth are you thinking? It should go without saying that such mindless gameplay will not keep an average player entertained past the initial excitement. It's like you guys are deliberately aiming for a failure..

    I'm afraid you've made a huge mistake by not addressing this important issue during the past year. Too many players have left the game feeling annoyed and I don't see why they would ever come back. PS2 is turning into a wasted opportunity and it's so annoying to stand by and watch it happening especially when the inept management decides to "optimize" the mindless game rather than fixing the gameplay first.
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  15. SikVvVidiT

    Only reason why they are starting to communicate here now is because I'm pretty sure some boss somewhere told them to...
  16. Mut0mb0

    i feel pretty well informed all the time, pretty much everything gets covered via forum, twitter and youtube.
    Alot of stuff players requested ended up on the roadmap and we got new content all the time.
    sure its buggy ;) but real gamebreakers are rare and get fixed in a few days.

    non the less, the optimization comes a little bit late and i hope they can recover some of the players lost.
    most of my buddies stopped playing, because 15fps isnt something you can enjoy.

    it's good that you've finally acknowledged that the HUD/GUI is a performance pig, but it is pretty hard to believe that simply "updating middleware" will somehow reduce overhead by 90%.
  18. Mut0mb0

    we dont know how bad the overhead in the current version is ;)
    but take such numbers with a grain of salt ....
    this is most likely a worst case scenario where the optimization is very bad and you can speed up things very well, but we dont know how big the impact will be on general gameplay.

    lets wait and see :eek:
  19. Rohxer

    That goes along with my other favorite one (which will probably apply here as well):

    "The first 90% of the code accounts for the first 90% of the development time.
    The remaining 10% of the code accounts for the other 90% of the development time."

    The Ninety-Ninety Rule: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ninety-ninety_rule
    I've got a copy of that printed up for my desk at work for when I'm asked how long something will take to code...
  20. kidwithstick

    PLEASE try to increase the distance at which soldiers are rendered, especially from the AIR.

    This is my biggest beef with ps2... I want to love ps2 so bad but this aspect is huge to me... I cant stand getting blown up before anyone even loads on my screen, and bombing in liberators is almost pointless being as you need to be within a stones throw to actually see where the enemies are...