NC: Dual Falcon MAX

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Zazulio, Dec 22, 2012.

  1. DailyFrankPeter

    I bought the 2nd Falcon and, after the change done to them, I regret.

    The cross-eyed projectile path is the most annoying thing ever. I'm having more success with just an HA with a Shrike now.
  2. MykeMichail

    This thread is so outdated. I'd part with another 750 CERTS per arm to get the original Falcons back instead of the games worst rocket launcher.
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  3. TorigomaSET

    Wait till you try the Ravens.
  4. Pikachu

    Wow this thread wasn't from yesterday. :D Anyway it has an interesting part in the first post:
    In other words 3 or at most 4 shells were enough to kill a MAX back then as I remember. Nowadays it takes 5.
  5. Zazulio

    Wow, can't believe this thread is on the first page again, haha. OP, here. A quick update of my feelings on the Falcons:

    The state of the Falcons in the current game is now awful. Just awful. I get none of the joy from them as I did before their rework. The entire feel of the weapon system is awkward, unpleasant, and ineffective. The fact that your cannons now fire missiles is goofy enough from a design standpoint, but the fact that the missiles are so clunky and awkward to use is just unforgivable. They are huge and glowing, and leave massive smoke trails that both obscure your vision and make you an impossible-to-miss target for the vehicles you're firing at, even under near-perfect circumstances of coming in behind them in close-quarters. I'd give up my left nut for the Falcons I bought back in December. Those were more satisfying in every way. They were easier to fight with, had much, much better firing effects, and were just cool on a general level.

    And then we come to the Ravens. Gosh, the Ravens. The Ravens are a direct upgrade to the Falcons, and not a small one. They massively outperform the Falcons in all situations. Perhaps they have slightly less raw damage potential (against vehicles, at least. They still one-shot infantry at any range), but they more than make up for that by being faster, guided, having bigger clips, better effects and trails, and nicer sounds. The Ravens completely strip the Falcon as a viable or satisfying choice in almost any situation. Hell, the Ravens damn near outstrip every other weapon system for the NC MAX of their functionality, with their ability to one-shot any infantry unit at any range, as opposed to the scattercannons which are largely decorative outside of pissing range.

    But I digress. I'm not here to talk about the Raven. I just want a better Falcon. Or, failing that, the old Falcon. With the sad state of the NC MAX scattercannons, the near-uselessness of the Falcon, and my unwillingness to grind 2000 certs or spend twenty bucks to upgrade the better weapon system, the only time I ever pull a MAX when playing NC anymore is for air defense, and that makes me a sad lil' dude.
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  6. DailyFrankPeter

    Yeah. Except now I'm slightly worried that as soon as I grind enough to buy Ravens, the next big thing will come out and make them just as obsolete and wonky as Falcons are now (they'll probably make them go off in spirals, like Chinese firecrackers).
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  7. TorigomaSET

    As long as they do not Nerf them, Ravens will always have their place. There is simply nothing that can be done to them other than a direct damage upgrade that would make them better at what they do over something else.
  8. Zazulio

    Yeah, I've learned my lesson about rushing into anything too quickly, and never using Station Cash on weapons, because that happens every damn time! Bought a shotgun, they nerf it and release pump shotguns. Buy a second Falcon, they nerf it and release Ravens. Upgrade the **** out of my Flash and buy a fury, they nerf it and release the Harasser. It's almost like they want me to keep buying things...
  9. Liewec123

    necromancy is wrong guys!
    on a side note..R.I.P my sweet falcons, you were loved.
  10. Pikachu

    I feel sad for all the new players with their stock MAXes. Worse shotgun than when I was in their age and falcon not nearly as good long range weapon against infantry anymore. People used to think the stock MAX was really good. Shoot people with scattercannon at close range and if you see someone standing far away shooting at you then you shoot a falcon shell at him and finish him off with a few pellets.
  11. Evregade

    While Ravens are definitely nicer at range or against infantry (cover, what cover?), I have found dual Falcon to be a very nice alternative if you are in a location where you can ambush enemy vehicles. It only takes 3-4 salvos (depending on the vehicle) to the rear armor to blow one up. If its a deployed prowler, half the time I was blowing them up before they had time to undeploy.

    The fact that the falcons don't "screech" through the air like ravens helps with the ambushing part, as the tank doesn't know whats going on till your second set of rockets hit.

    However in almost any situation at range, or where its unlikely you can sneak around the enemy armor, I'd still go with the ravens.
  12. Jogido

    on a side note has anybody else noticed that Falcons are rated at 300 rpm in game?

    that would be pretty awesome if that were true
  13. Ceskaz

    the RPM don't take account of reload speed (which is nonsense with 1 shot weapons), that's why. If you look there, you will see the true RPM, with reload: 29.