Briggs Server merge????

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by monk1junk1, Sep 9, 2013.

  1. monk1junk1

    So it will happen, one day. All good things come to an end and eventually briggs will be forced to merge with another server. My question is how on earth is this going to happen? No other server is close to Australia, so who's going to get the short end of the stick? Will some US or EU server be forced over to Australia or will Au be forced over to a US or EU server? IMO, it's a really difficult thing. You risk an entire server quitting the game because of ****** connection. So, how would it be handled?

    PS: For anyone from briggs thinking about saying "Briggs pop is fine, no need to worry", Whilst I agree that the population is at a nice level (Except that NC are ********), think about this. When was the last time you were in a queue?
  2. AirbornePotato

    Think of it from the PR point of view:
    Causing a lot of trouble at once, by merging it with another server and concentrating the displeasure of the oceanic gamers into a short period of time,


    Letting it sit and rot slowly, which is a very effective method of getting rid of something on the internet if you're in a position of power.

    and yes, briggs is badly underpopulated. During alerts, at most 2 platoons per faction. That's barely 100. Then, assume that another 50 are around (a platoon's worth of pubs).
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  3. The Reveller

    Whatever the population gets to, they shouldn't do it. Better to have a low-pop (relatively speaking) server with players on good connections than move everyone somewhere high pop and high ping.

    If the move it from Oz they'll also prevent a bunch of players ever trying it - the fact that there is a local server is a drawcard for all Oz + NZ players.
  4. Tinuva

    Hey Monk,

    The last time I saw a queue was when the revamped Esamir was launched and apart from that it would have to be during the last Double XP weekend.

    I think one of the major issues surrounding the drop off of players is the combination of poor optimisation (decreases potential for new users to stay because it can run horrorbad) and lack of any new content changes.

    These are both being heavily worked on and I think if we can get some decent optimisation changes in quickly with a strong focus on improving performance across the long term as well, we shall see an improvement.

    Hossin should also be a good change when that makes it live, however unless optimsation is improved and we start getting more numbers onboard, we shall have 3 empty continents instead of 2.

    I for one love this game and I really want it to succeed, I am not too phased about the TR overpop because I like the bonus XP we get as compensation. We are also getting much better coordination within the NC ranks. Its just a shame that VS seem to have fallen off a cliff...
  5. Pikachu

    There are New Zeeland players? :eek:
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  6. Tinuva

    There are New Zealanders? :eek:
  7. Mcponington

    It's much more likely that they will slowly let it die, probably give people transfers when it becomes unprofitable. Merging would just destroy the population of the server which is moving because this is a FPS and requires a decent ping to be enjoyable to play.
  8. Tinuva

    Oh and forgot to add, if Briggs merges with a US/EU server, I for one am out!
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  9. hammyhamm

    Yep, it's going to be a horrible laggy mess if briggs gets merged with the US server (most likely). I was initially thinking that we were going to merge with the upcoming chinese Planetside 2 server(s) but it looks like they are getting separate hosts with separate (lower) market prices. Having a pacific server located around Hawaii would be "midway" in terms of submarine cables and balanced pings for all players but the market for PS2 is obviously in the US so it's likely that AUS will eventually be merged with the US WEST server Connery.
  10. anaxim

    I believe even the players that don't mind the idea they will still quit when they see that with a 200ms ping you lose half your life before you know you are hit.So all of Australia/NZ will quit....but they don't know it yet.
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  11. Tinuva

    It will be a sad day :(

    SOE lets have a Double/Triple XP weekend to please ppl and bring them back :eek:
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  12. OrbitalNZ

    Can you provide a link to a official source regarding a potential Briggs Merge.

    TBH I doubt it would be feasible, as without an Oceanic server I wouldn't have even bothered with PS2.
    If a merge occurred and I felt I was now at a disadvantage due to connection speeds and ping I'll would just stop playing.
    I suspect a great many players on Briggs would feel the same.
  13. NinjaKirby

    I guess they could operate only one continent at a time to bring players together. Cycle the Continent every GU, or every 1-2 weeks.

    Far from practical though... people who don't like Lattice, or flat out don't like XYZ continent... difficult predicament.
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  14. Blackinvictus

    I'm playing from Japan and noticed that I get better performance on Matherson than Briggs.

    Aussie Outfit mate was telling me the reason is probably due to the cheap jury rigged hardware they have set up in a Sydney basement? LOL
  15. Spartan101

    1 week ago, for Indar.
    Briggs will not be merged anywhere in the near future, so no need to talk about it
  16. Lychwood

    I just moved back to Australia from the UK where I started my main on Ceres. Since I got back I had to change my details to get my Australian debit card to work and was going to wait it out for the server transfer tokens. However I haven't noticed any serious lag problem when I do play on Ceres EU (have to wait til evening time here for a decent pop.). Not to the point where it affects my gameplay - My K/D has gone up since I got back.

    So maybe some consolation there if people can get the same experience as me.

    As things stand I won't be transferring my main when/if we get the option.
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  17. anaxim

    I know what you say, in Planetside 2 if someone has high ping, the latency is nicely/well hidden.It is not that you will have a bad experience.It depends on the situation , if you see the enemy fist you might have even an advantage with high ping.But if the enemy sees you first or you see each other at the same time ,than the enemy has a clear advantage.
  18. RaZz0R

    I live in Melbourne - ps1 player as well - and while there was lag there it was still fun to play.

    With PS2 - my main is on Connery and IMO it plays better than being on Briggs where I have 2 alts.

    If you are worried about Briggs - go join Connery and play there for a few days - you will find it better than Briggs in both network speed and server performance... again ... IMO
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  19. Sen7rygun

    Briggs is a relatively low pop server, but realistically we would be seeing queues for every single alert if people would just get organised (NC atm), stop faction swapping (NC and VS atm) and just plain b*tching out and hiding when the alerts start (VS).

    The server almost always has enough players on to lock one continent at least.
  20. Bulltahr

    Briggs pop is pretty good from a players perspective, if you want a big fight/base, you can find one and if you want a outpost fight squad size, you can usually find one also. Seems relatively polite place, I think we have a great community, including cross faction relations, this would probably be lost in a high pop server.
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