NC Faction Traits That Make No Sense

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by zombieslore, Aug 31, 2013.

  1. Makora

    Faction traits? No single faction makes sense. TR was supposed to have "accurate, high velocity bullets and lots of them". And last I checked the only thing that kinda fits that description is that our magazines have a few more bullets in them. Worst recoil and most definitely not the faster fire-rate weapons means we are neither accurate nor capable of creating the fabled "wall of bullets" that some few in other places have mentioned the TR to be capable of.
    With nearly 800 years and a world war of three behind their belts you'd think the collective army of the EARTH could churn out better guns then that.

    But I guess this is all for the general balance of the game. I am all for asymmetrical balance but one must realize that there are limits to when something becomes in general too good or not good enough that you have to keep them similar enough that the trait can be useful but not 100% defining.
  2. zombieslore

    When I mean harder hitting bullets for the NC I mean less damage fall off, cause if we add OHK without being point blank then PS2 will just be a MMO CoD game, and look how that turned out for CoD where shotguns OHK, give the TR a faster firing semi's but doesn't topple the auto and can't OHK unless some pellets hit the head, NC should get less damage fall off for shotguns so they match the hard hitting weapon trait without making it unbelievably OP, and the VS get something high techy. But since none of this will happen all we can do is discuss and hope that the SOE devs might give it some though if there are enough people.

    I don't know what your talking about, the T7 mini chaingun fires at 800 RPM but has that 1-2 second wind up time but the major selling point is that it can be equipped with the extended magazine which will bump it up to 200 bullets a magazine, it can fire at a fast rate and sustain that RoF thus by far, a good CQC weapon and decent mid range weapon so you can keep firing at enemies without reloading.
  3. lothbrook

    None of what you said made any sense, the TR aren't supposed to have high velocity bullets, maybe you meant high rate of fire, which your weapons definitely have. Also if you think the TR weapons have the worst recoil i can't imagine what you'd do if you had NC weapons, lol.
  4. zombieslore

    Do you know what your talking about, in no where did it stat that the TR have the "accurate, high velocity bullets." I think you were fed with some bull or your just so incompetent that you think your faction needs all of the best weapon traits. TR have the higher clip size so they can sustain that high RoF, your weapons in general have higher RoF then other faction equivalents. Vanu have the middle RoF and medium damage while having no bullet drop with low ranged damage. NC have the hardest hitting highest accuracy weapons but to balance this out, they gave them the lowest RoF and highest recoil.
    I'm just sure that you have no trigger control as TR weapons will cause some recoil if you just hold down the trigger but NC just have higher recoil in general.
  5. Kyouki

    The faction traits don't work in PS2. I'll share my thoughts on the factions. The weapons like sniper rifles, shotguns and other NS reskins are not taken into account. The weapon categories I will talk about are the LMGs, SMGs, ARs and Carbines.
    TR is supposed to be focused around speed,more bullets and higher RPM. The speed is not noticeable in our tank or infantry. The mossie is the fastest ESF by a good enough margin to count. We do have more ammo than the other factions in all categories above except the LMGs which is fine IMO. The RPM is where my biggest problem with TR starts. TR have the highest fire rate in 2/4 or half of the categories listed above. Our carbines and LMGs do not have the highest tier fire rate alone. I would prefer that the highest RPM any Vanu and NC gun could shoot would be the default RPM of our weapons, 750. I would argue the MSW-R be given a 50 RPM buff to make it 800 RPM. To keep from pushing into NC territory I would make all 167 damage weapons equal to the lower tier NC 167 damage RPM. weapons in game

    NC is supposed to be hard hitting. This is dangerous because of the two ways this could be implemented. Harder hitting automatic weapons or stronger/better shotguns. If both of these were used to make NC unique there would be a small window where TR/VS would have the advantage over NC. This would be about 10m-50m (give or take). I'm glad they did not get better shotguns for the cqc dominance that TR weapons are built around. When it comes to the tank I feel the vanguard is fine. The reaver should have more damage resistance or more health than the other 2 ESFs. Lower the RPM on the GD7F, blitz smg and GD-22s (the 800 RPM AR) to 750 max and 800 for the blitz.

    The VS have a weird trait. No bullet drop? That would be awesome for sniping. Give that trait to all sniper rifles. I'm not sure the specific stats on vanu weapons that set them apart but the way I would balance them is give all the cqc weapons a .75x movement multiplier. Also give every vanu weapon the best movement ADS/hipfire Cof and/or accuracy in game. Vanu vehicles seem to be more manuverable so I'll give vanu infantry better movement accuracy .As stated before I would lower the RPM of the cqc weapons to 750 for rifles and carbines and smgs to 800. Also same with TR the vanu would get a equal RPM 167 damage weapon. I'm not heavy into vehicles so I'm not sure how the scythe and magrider fit into the game as of now.

    The way I'm balancing the infantry is if a faction wants to get another faction's trait they would not get the best of another faction but an average/lower tier version of the other faction's weapons.
  6. DramaticExit

    Infinite rednecks firing infinite shotguns at infinite road-signs, are absolutely certain to produce this thread...In braille.
  7. Liewec123

    you totally ignored the part about all maxes sharing similar TTK (within 0.14 seconds)?
    (which is less than the average human reaction time)
    and that the only difference between the 3 is that the NC fire is so short lived, 2-3 second sustain before a 4 second window were you can get in and C4 them. while the other 2 can fire for closer to 10 seconds and then have 2 second reloads.
    no we don't call this balanced.
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  8. Makora Since the the wiki was used for references at some point, I used too. And by worst recoil I mean the worst. Not by kick, but you can't compensate for random. You can compensate for upward kick but TR's weapons wobble from left to right randomly. Meaning you can't possibly predict nor compensate for it. VS have nearly identical fire rates and last I checked they even have THE fastest fire rate carbine in the game.
    I tried the NC and VS for the first 10 levels or so, best guns I have used.
    Read above.
  9. Unclematos7

    The Airhammer is fun and all but really, who puts a SHOTGUN on a PLANE?!
  10. Morpholine

    The faction traits generally hold true to the PS1 core they're built upon. In general, TR are high ROF low damage, NC are low ROF high damage, and VS are in the middle with accuracy replacing the equally nebulous "versatility".

    Now, one of the things the current developers wanted to do was offer ways to blur those traits if you so preferred, so if you felt obligated to play NC to be on the same side as your friends, but preferred the feel of TR weaponry, there would be a similar option available. And for the most part, they've done just that. The mere fact that forumsiders can quibble over how TR weapon A is an analogue to VS weapon B, but differs by fractional stat Z proves it.

    Of course, not everything's perfect, but frankly they've done a damned good job with it so far.

    So what if VS has a weapon with the highest ROF in this gun category, or NC in that category. Across the spectrum of weaponry, TR's high ROF trait holds true.

    Now, I do think they went too far with the NC's slightly-higher propensity toward shotguns (just the Jackhammer in the original game, really), and have no idea what they were smoking in thinking aircraft and tank mounted shotguns could remotely find a balanced midpoint between grossly overpowered in areas they should not be (see: release air hammer vs air) or largely useless overall (see: C85 modified).

    Edit: Also to the OP - See how line separation and full-stop periods makes a point much easier to grasp in text-based communication?
  11. Worxe

    To be honest id be all good with this despite always running with a blitz.
  12. dragunov

    TR guns are way overpowered, while they claimed NC comes with damage but their lower recoil and RPM is way overcompensated.
  13. GhostAvatar

    While all that is true, I only comments on TR and NC reload times. Not VS reload times or ammo count, which of course don't make sense. But the challenge was to find a single that does makes sense. And to me the reload times for TR and NC do make sense. So I want my internet cookie :p
  14. Goretzu

    They've had a MUCH worse one for a long while now.
  15. NovaAustralis

    The NC of course! Yeehaw! ;)
  16. NovaAustralis

    Faction traits argument again hey?
    I'll post this... again...

    Bit hard to see?

    Here's the breakdown:

    Accuracy - VS High, NC Medium, TR Medium
    Recoil - VS High, NC Medium, TR Low
    Rate of Fire - TR High, VS Medium, NC Low,
    Damage per shot - NC High, VS Medium, TR Low

    Ammo type - VS Energy, TR Cartridge, NC Magnetic / Flak
  17. Yasa

    the mcg sucks and heres why:
    1) Spin up time means that if you and your opponent start shooting at each other at the same time, he will always kill you first. Very poor TTK, u'd be dead before u reach 800 rpm. (btw the carv's rof is 750 so essentially u are trading 50 rof for a 1s spinup time.) Whats the point of having 200 bullets if u cant even kill 1 guy?
    2) Stupid cof means that you need to burst fire with this gun. But you cannot burst fire with this gun because of spinup time.
    3) Stupid cof means that after about 3 seconds of firing, you are stupidly inaccurate. Theres no point to having 200 rounds if you have to reset cof. Just duck somewhere and reload with a normal gun.
    Mcg is just a confused gun that does 143 dmg at 800 rof. Sometimes.
  18. zombieslore

    Sigh, another CoD kid, personally I hate CoD, they ruined a whole generations of gamers making them think of so much unrealistic things, here’s the truth kid, minguns or MCG hace the most recoil of any gun in real life and the only way to make them functional is to place them on a solid none moving object that will spread the force created by said gun onto the mounted vehicle or stand because in real life X amount of force is created in one direction is also created in another direction so that’s why you don’t see people carrying miniguns or .50 cal machineguns around.

    The CoF is to prevent the gun to overlap and be used as a spray and pray tool at mid ranges and the spin up time is to just kep it realistic. Here’s a sugestion, go check out something in real life before you talk about it cause this thread I created was to ask other people’s opnions on why the game goes against human logic.
  19. zombieslore

    That chart is either out of date or just wrong on 1 thing, the recoilis supposed to go NC>TR>VS but everything you got is right on. but this chart is general since weapons diverify.

    Also thisisn’t about faction game play traits,it’s about logic and why this goes against either human thinking or the lore/faction specialties.
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  20. HerpTheDerp

    Close, but in game it's more like this:

    NC traits:
    - high/highest damage + low/lowest RoF = average DPS
    - high/highest vertical recoil + low/lowest RoF = average recoil per unit of time(RPT, update your dictionaries)
    - stationary ADS CoF bonus(note: useless)
    - lowest horizontal recoil
    - normal mag size and reload speed
    - biggest damage potential per ammo pool(note: mostly meaningless)
    - #yolo

    TR traits:
    - low damage + highest RoF = overall highest DPS
    - low vertical recoil + highest RoF = overall high RPT
    - bigger mag sizes, longer reload times
    - highest horizontal recoil
    - #totalbiscuit

    VS traits:
    - low damage + high RoF = overall average DPS
    - lowest vertical recoil + high RoF = overall low RPT
    - moving ADS CoF bonus(note: OP AS ALL ****)
    - average horizontal recoil
    - higher bullet velocity
    - no drop
    - normal mag size, fastest reload
    - lowest damage potential per mag/ammo pool(note: mostly meaningless)
    - #twerk
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