Can we just admit the NC isn't the NC?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Brayton, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. TheBloodEagle

    Test our your view with this:
    Keep in mind there is also Damage Per Magazine, Simple TTK, Ideal Damage per Sec & Damage Tiers

    I personally think NC has the best variety of weapons (example: all 3 damage tiers for Carbine/Assault/LMG - 200, 167 & 143) and also tend to have better attachment options & personally the accuracy is good for me since I've used a TMG-50 for months.
  2. NinjaTurtle

    OHK on all weapons
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  3. shd

    Just joining in to say, when i saw "power" linked, i was hoping for this. That's what you should have used.

    That is all.
  4. DJPenguin

    I for one would like to see a bigger focus on Gauss based weaponry. And an audio update for the weapons to make them sound more "ion-esque" if that's even a thing.
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  5. Lamat

    TR weapons have side-to-side recoil, I don't find it bad because it just bounces back and forth across the target, and you can afford to miss a bit with high ROF large magazine guns. It's a draw back that still synergizes.

    I've gotten used to NC guns and I can do ok with them, but they are not newbie friendly, you really have to get a feel for them and how to burst fire. Lets compare to VS guns now, very accurate and easy to us out of the gate. A new player on the VS side will be able to contribute more than an equally skilled new player on NC.

    Hard hitting weapons that are slow firing AND produce large COF that hurt accuracy, all works against itself. They would need to either by slow firing yet accurate, or have enough damage per hit to make up for misses that hurt you DPS much more when you have low DPS.
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  6. AtheistPeace

    Ya, Can we please stop with the shotguns.
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  7. Vashyo

    Yes too much shotguns, I want some MG max arms!
  8. MrMurdok

    There are two things I really about the NC (because I hate freedom)

    1. Audio, the devs really nailed most of the weapon sounds. NC weapons really sound powerful compared to the TR weapon sounds. The Shrike could use a sound buff, though.

    2. They're predictable. Say you're rounding a corner and you come across a ZOE, you think to yourself "Well, maybe the player is bad, maybe those are Comets, maybe he's low on health and I can take him.

    Rounding a corner and finding a NC Max, you just throw your hands in the air and yell "Done!"
  9. Cinnamon

    You want NC weapons to have more faction specific character?

    Maybe have a "clarkson" version of some NC weapons that have more powah rawr but tend to break down and jam very often.
  10. Drsexxytime

    This has been NC's greatest issue forever. Queue Easy Mode VS, Normal Mode TR, and Hard Mode NC jpg. RoF, Acc after fire, and no bullet drop > Dmg per shot.

    Moar Shotguns.

    "We want each faction to have more flavor" - Introduce a pistol shotgun for NC.

    SOE is one closed minded, unimaginative group of people that's for sure.
  11. Shadowsun

    Be thankful for the free game.
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  12. johnway

    I do agree to a certain extent that the faction identity and traits are marginal at best but trying to fix them might be slightly harder without one side saying its OP or constantly moaning on forumside.

    As i understand it, the NC are suppose to deal the most damage but at the same time their weapons aren't as accurate so have to get in closer ranges to be effective but to compensate they take more damage and deal more damage like an anvil and hammer. The traits probably most noticable (supposedly) in the tanks and reavers.

    The VS are suppose to have accuracy and agility on their side and they have that in spades with their weapons and vehicles without a doubt.

    The TR are sort of middle of the road who don't truly excel in one thing but being an efficient organisation thats well supplied, they get weapons that function efficiently and have deeper pockets for ammo . They rely on good old tried and tested weapons that work compared to using experimental new tech like gauss tech or laser weaponary. Ok I don't know what TR faction advantage is tbh, but being the defacto faction in lore, i would safely assume that VS and NC splintered from them one way or another.

    The solution to making sure these characteristics are inherent is to amplify them, but at the same time make it feel balanced and this is the tricky part. I could argue that the NC on paper have the most heath and armour whilst at the same time deal the most damage at the sacrifice of range whilst the VS efficiency and speed comes at the cost of health and armour or dmg output. It would be very tricky to get right and how the tr fit into this i wouldn't know. Not to mention possibly very one sided. Either the NC will be picked off from a distance or they will dominate in zerg rushes with their stronger armour and health whilst having weapons that work efficiently in close to medium fighting. What were they like in the Beta?

    Having played as all 3 factions, if i was playing as TR or VS, i've gunned for the NC as they easier to deal with. Make no mistake, their weapons hit hard and once they do have you in their sights its painful, but before that time they're easy pickings sometimes. If NC had sufficient numbers and had plenty of numbers with plenty of decent outfits it wouldn't be much of a problem.
  13. AUSGrizzly

    What you said here... Is what NC was in the Beta...

    Tell you what... Give me something else to use other then a Singleshot Slow Reloading Next to no Splash or a collection of Shotguns which are pretty much exactly the same except for maybe one or two MINOR differences...
    And I will use it...

    Honestly, people that post about NC Maxes being Overpowered or Unorignal sound like they have never tried to use one, we have no options, nothing, TR Maxs have Spray, Spam, Explode and I think more Explode but with a Mix of spray in it now. VS have almost exactly the same exacpt for their Faction Elements to them. NC have, Shotgun or "Miss and your dead but then again you don't kill him in one shot so your still dead unless you backpaddle while screaming for engie" weapons...
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  14. Drsexxytime

    Not sure if serious...
  15. Lamat

    It's not a free game. Many people have put a lot of money into this game, myself included. You can't use the free to play model as an excuse that they don't have to make improvements for their customers. Even if you don't put any money in, you are putting in time getting killed by people who do put money in to keep them playing.
  16. Areski

    Holy crap!
  17. TheBloodEagle

    Check out the damage per mag
    Keep in mind it doesn't show recoil, COF, etc. If you managed to have fantastic aim with the EM6, you'd kill way more people. Plus the 167 tier weapons (EM6, TMG-50) do much better at medium and long range than the Carv (spray weapon). =P

    Anyway, I think it would benefit the NC if you guys made a thread similar to what we did for the TR, which got Dev attention:
  18. Lord_Avatar

  19. DashRendar

    Sorry, NC can't have railguns because we already gave railguns to everyone else. You'll have to try harder?
  20. DashRendar

    We need less talk here about infantry weapons and more talk about force multipliers and force handling, because that's where NC gets hit the hardest and why we fail the most. Infantry isn't the only thing this game offers, and it's the first place TR/VS like to sidestep an NC balance thread, because it's the one place NC is really balanced in a logical way where the downsides don't outweigh the power. Don't fall for the bait. Now lets have us a discussion...

    -The Vanguard: a great 1v1 tank, but has the least crowd control capability of any of the in game tanks. Even the Lightning has better crowd control because it has faster firing rate and more DPS and is fast enough to escape if things turn bad, it doesn't "need" a shield like the Vanguard does because a Vanguard can't escape from a bad situation, it has to stay and fight or die. The ML85 Enforcer is a good AV weapon that patches the holes in the damage of the main gun in AV, but it's terrible at killing infantry following the nerf. The Vulcan doesn't share this problem. You'll be a smart Vanguard driver if you equip the NS Halberd instead, because it increases your effectiveness.

    -The Reaver: used to be a good 1v1 ESF for the pilot skilled enough to minimize all of its built in downsides in order to capitalize on its short list of advantages. Even during that period it was still a less capable craft because the other fighters could do more to help the fight instead of just ganking some lone undefended flier, but following the Rotary rebalance, it just has far too many downsides and really no mechanical advantage. It's a glass cannon without the cannon part. The Reaver is the slowest, largest, loudest ESF which is really only viable at taking out Libs and Galaxies because ESF combat now is too risky and you don't have the mechanical advantage at close range anymore, which was what the entire Reaver design was hinged on for months, it NEEDED that edge because it was its only edge to speak of that wasn't outclassed by the other two craft. It used to have superior health pool = lost. It used to have faster AB top speed and momentum to engage/disengage from a losing battle = lost. It used to have a superior Rotary which offered it a higher EFFECTIVE health than the other two ESFs at the very least to overshadow its deep downfalls = lost. What does it have now? Use the phrase "vertical thrust" and I'll punch you, because you don't understand how air fights actually play out.

    -NC Max: a great 1v1 Max with (you guessed it, the least crowd control). An NC Max must be fully certed before it's even viable by design, however when it is viable its action is like a lightswitch and it actually gains its close range superiority finally, that only cost what, 5000 certs with no real driving motive? So the NC Max gains the ability to put down a single enemy Max very quickly, very fun to do. What kind of situation do you see a single undefended enemy Max alone in a room with nothing else around him? Uh huh, thought so. Tiny magazines, long reloads, and the burden of closing the gap while taking fire is all working against the NC Max. Forget about "superiority" here for a minute, the amount of situations where the NC Max is able to contribute to the cause of taking territory for your team is much lower than the others because of its severely limited crowd control capability. Max AV = Comets > Fractures >>> Falcons = Ravens.

    -Phoenix: This is not a great rocket, it has nothing "great" about it that is not overshadowed by something else in game. Its camera guided projectile is a gimmick for people who are not capable of learning projectile flight patterns. The Phoenix rocket is so slow that a stock Sunderer will outrun it, and its 300m effective range only compounds with that to make the practical uses of the Phoenix very limited indeed. It seems the actual situations where you would need or desire a camera guided rocket are shut out by default. It has the lowest damage output of any rocket type in the game because the rocket does not even begin its reload sequence until the rocket hits, runs out of range, or is aborted mid flight. Phoenixx rocket doesn't even kill an infantry terminal in one rocket, every other rocket in the game does. Where is my incentive to use this rocket? Hard to use, situational, weak, outclassed by the Lancer/Striker/Deci/Anni.

    -Harasser: The ML85 Enforcer is a decent AV weapon, the C85 is s***. The NC Har doesn't match up to the Vulcan/Marauder Har of the TR. The Saron Har may share the same issues as the NC Har, but at least the VS get the PPA Har, which gives them a role that NC doesn't get. You will find NC Harassers equipping Halberd or Fury mostly because our ES guns are too situational.

    The NC just have so very few areas in game where they shine, and the game makes you work so hard just to achieve that little bit of glory, where glory for the enemy seems to be "working as intended." Forget PvP, the NC are underpowered in the actual game meta of assembling an army and taking territory because of the culmination of these issues. The NC have to endure too many downsides to gain not enough relative to TR/VS. Bottom line is you are most likely to find an NC using NS things because our ES design sucks, is too situational, and not powerful enough in its niche to scare the enemy away. The enemy is not afraid of the NC. I have heard rumors of the game devs agreeing that the NC needs a revamp and that they are working on it currently. I don't have anything to go on besides that rumor, but I guess all we can do is wait and hope... and whine. Whining seems to do some good in the meantime.
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