Does VS dominate every server like it dominates Mattherson?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by hazmat88, Aug 18, 2013.

  1. gregfox89

    You guys seem to love Amerish, and likewise the NC love Esamir.
  2. Fang7.62

    Which server?! Mattherson? I'd love to fight on Esamir but Woodman NC doesnt acknowledge existance of any other continent than Indar.
  3. gregfox89

    Mattherson. Well the NC have the South-East (aka worst) warpgate on Indar now so they've been capping Esamir when they get pushed back. Indar is a VS/TR battle most of the time. Amerish flips between VS and TR. (we also get pushed back by the North Warpgate)

    This server is weird because the faction balance totally changes throughout the day. VS dominate at night, but in the morning/afternoon TR and NC are stronger. Afternoon alerts have been pretty close lately.
  4. IamDH

    Everywhere other than vehicles (which now plays a tiny role)
  5. RealityWarrior

    Last night's Bio alert. We, the VS, got the victory splash screen but someone in my outfit mentioned it was actually a tie. Speaking for myself, and as we were always attacking not defending said bio labs everywhere our 1 1/2 squads went we got pushed around. Granted we were looking for, and found, many fights where we were out numbered but a 12-24 isn't going to take a 48+ Bio lab (even though we got all 3 points a few times).

    I was glad that in other places other VS held onto what we had there (ortho? looked like a hellish 3 way fight all night) but defending is much easier than attacking.

    That said... the VS did NOT dominate last night, we were fought to a draw. This is a constant prime time thing now. If you are still whining at this point you might want to get off the forums and actually try, you know, playing.
  6. TriumphOfMan

    Alternatively we could use some common sense and remember that the requirements for capturing said continents have been made far easier to achieve.
  7. Deezy

    Oh, Triumph. You and your logic.
  8. Bitter cup o' joe

    On Ceres it is the TR that caps the continents
  9. Vixxing

    Yes they do! (we are just fewer that share the glory on Cobalt since we often are under 30%)
  10. Navus

    LAst night like %55 vs took a biolab from 45% TR in a 48+ situation. This should never happen and while the VS were taking points, the TR were still trying to camp the pads on the other side of the biolab. While pops are an issue at times, the Tr are just ****ing dumb
  11. Traxiconn

    I know the feel. ;-; Cept I switched to TR because I hated steam rollin people. So borinnnng.