Miller you mad?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pella, Aug 21, 2013.

  1. Pella

    All Jokes aside. I decided to record and observe what was happening during alerts. And especially prime time.

    This current alert was a Dome Domination, So it was across 3 continents.

    What amazed me. And quite frankly a no hope attempt from the VS/NC factions. Leaving moral low across the board.

    People like winning, And the only benchmark for a empire to Win and gloat is currently from alerts. So you wounder why people like to jump on the winning side to take all the rewards and leave there current faction hanging, Its a sad sight. And consists of terrible fights and only benefits the individual who hops faction.

    SOE needs to add a 12 hour character lock. Exactly like PS1.

    Just watch the video. Which has been sped up from 5mins to 1min odd.. Watch the population counter and be amazed.

    TLDW: Right after the alert, within 5 Minites. TR pops drop like a stone from 40% to 35%

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  2. Phrygen

    In other news, the sky is blue. Thanks for bringing this revelation to the forums though.

    Edit: And only 5%? Come to mattherson. 10% switch to VS is not uncommon.
  3. Pella

    Pro tip:

    Click on my name and follow me. Then you will get Alerts up the top when i post.

    Saves you from searching my name all the time. And hanging on everything i say.

    I ended you yesterday. Now jog on please. And keep on topic.
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  4. Phrygen

    I didn't even log in yesterday, not that we even play on the same server, and even if we did i play TR primary. But sure... you "ended me yesterday" o_O

    And no, i have no interest in following you. Sorry.
  5. Morpholine

    Oh teh noes?

    TR went from very dominant world pop to only slightly dominant world pop when an alert started? And you consider this a bad thing?

    Also, I'm not really sure why you have a minute and a half of fade-to-black nothingness sandwiched in the middle of the video, especially since the last section appears to pick up right where the first section cuts off.
  6. Pella

    Your right. i must of used the same clip twice.

    No worrys. People get the just of it. And the video shows the decline.

    This happened at prime time. Which even a 5% swing is huge.
  7. LordMondando

    I thought you were moving to VS. That would help.
  8. Pella

    I have a BR81 VS :p

    And no that was a joke. Faction loyal here.
  9. blashyrk92

    Ooooof... You're a feisty one, aren't you? :rolleyes:
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  10. LordMondando

    Well my point is more, we can blame 4th fraction as much as we want.

    TR has more organised outfits, VS and NC have left. I'd indeed hazard that something like 70/50/40 TR/VS/NC is the current situation.

    Thats not the same as saying anyone is good or bad. Tr can reliably throw far more people at objectives than anyone else even if it is often a fairly organic self directed process.
  11. Pella

    Was being sarcastic. And some what humorous. :eek:

    As i'm not here to entertain forum warriors who have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. And resort to trolling.
  12. LordCreepy

    First of all thanks alot for showing RNX in your scoreboard with empire music in the background - that was somehow epic :D

    Jokes aside, logging on another faction for an event is somehow cheese and a 12h lock would likely solve that problem.
    However paying members couldn't claim their daily certs on all characters then.
    Maybe a 6hr lock that kicks in after 10 minutes playtime or so.
    That way you could log in grab certs and log out?

    Another idea:
    How about some TR outfits unite and play 1 event as NC or VS - might end up with a more balanced event?
    I wouldn't care switching - playing NC during the test server event was actually quite funny.
    Can't speak for my outfit tough.
  13. OmegaPREDATOR

    12h for change character is a little too much. Just limit at 2h15min that will limit population change for alert.

    Even that I don't like, I will be limited to recover my cert from my others accounts each day.

    Maybe limiting to stay in VR zone during 3h when changing characters and don't give the alert XP when in VR. Could log for daily SC without be a 4th factionner.
  14. IronWarrior

    Traitorous Heretic.
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  15. LordMondando

    To be honest, TR events switching holesale to the NC or VS for a while might not be as crazy as its sounds.

    If forth fraction amongst individuals is a problem, why not make it a solution on the level of outfits. Least till systems come in that make pop overpop less of a problem.
  16. McStrike

    Dominating victory denied = win for the NC ;)
  17. LordCreepy

    Well MCY usually trys to keep one to farm at...
    Wouldn't be surprised if they helped there too.

    Anyway back to topic - Pella has a point and I noticed it too:
    Players deliberately change factions to win an alert - indirectly pushing the winning faction even more.
    And it gets frustrating and boring for the rest. This has to stop!
  18. bPostal

    I think what the NC really need is a Jesus type figure for everyone to rally around. I nominate you, LordMondando!

    That or more organization without more bureaucracy. Still though, you could be God (or his son).
  19. Larek

    First things first, I'm a noob in this game (NC, BR 20ish, KD ratio 0.6), so maybe I'm not qualified to say anything to that situation. However, I think the biggest problem isn't the world population per se, it's more of their composition. I feel like I'm fighting (dying) all the time against Terran people, who are way better than me, with BR 50+ in organzied Outfits or Squads. I try to help during alerts where I can, but getting shot by such experienced players is quiete demoralizing. The first hours where just brutal and I felt worthless and I think many players get scared away, without fighting against people, who are on the same level as they are. Therefore I liked it more to fight against the VS, who have more low level players (just a subjectiv feeling, I don't know whether or not It is true) and stood away from alerts.
    It's getting better now, and with other weapons and better certed gear, I managed to kill more high level players but I suppose not many players are so patient, as I am to get more 'skilled'.
    But a solution for this problem could be a better organisation, because most of the time I don't really know what I should do to help my faction, the commando chat doesn't say anything to new players, where they could be needed.
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  20. Goretzu

    This is the only thing that will help Miller - some TR outfits moving VS/NC if they want a nice fight and balanced server.