[question] Auraxium on Striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LowTechKiller, Aug 20, 2013.

  1. Crayv

    With my Striker I have

    137 kills, 67% accuracy, 7,509 shots fired, and 5,052 hits

    With the Decimator I have 84 kills, 70% accuracy, 585 fire count, and 410 hits.
  2. theholeyone

    I had a go with the striker.


    60% accurate. 23 kills for 500 shots is 22 shots per kill. Or under 5 volleys to kill. that is the thing a lot of TR forget, it's a 5 shot lock on volley, there really isn't much difference between 5 striker shots and one shot of any other lock on in terms of use.
  3. P4NJ

    Challenge ACCEPTED
    I shall swim in the tears of the noobs and savor every volley of rage inducing missiles. Ceres shall burn under the iron boot of my Striker.
    • Up x 1
  4. LowTechKiller

    True, which means I'm getting one (soldier) kill for every 12 magazines I unload from my striker.

    You better watch out NC and VS. I'm a stone-cold Striker assassin.
    Sure enough...if you hang around long enough for me to reload 11 times, you're toast suckers....:rolleyes:
    • Up x 1
  5. theholeyone

    That, or it's a case of 7000 rockets going after the one ESF who doesn't have flares.
  6. SpetV

    You need to play as VS or NC against TR, get locked on by the T2 Striker in the middle of a dogfight, you'll probably rage.
    T2 Striker requires 1 clip and half to destroy and ESF while the annihilator requires 3 to destroy one. Also the Striker can shot trough terrain and flares, it happens to me many times to get hit by it after I used flares.
    About the shots/kill, T2 Striker shoots 5 rockets/clip that's why you shoot so many rockets for 1 kill.
    Also: How many times have you died in your ESF because of a Lancer or Phoenix? I guess 0.
  7. Sagabyte

    I think its sad to see so many rockets fired and so few kills. The striker is that amazing at preventing vehicle or air movement. Who would want to stick around with a striker nearby?
  8. Unclematos7

    Here are my stats: 1008 shots fired/23 kills 70% accuracy.
  9. LowTechKiller

    No you don't.
    You just keep saying it over and over hoping everyone will start believing that it's common.

    It's like saying that you know people have been struck by lightning, so therefore every person who goes outside during a thunderstorm is going to get struck by lightning. Just stop it.
  10. GhostAvatar

    12364 shots fired, 229 kills. Its going to take a very long time indeed.
  11. y3ivan

    222 kills 0.29k/m 64% accuracy 5667 shots 2 headshots o_O
  12. LowTechKiller

    Headshots??? How the...?
  13. SifuBob

    264 kills, 0.17 k/pm, 67% accuracy, 13,943 shots fired, 9,306 hits.
  14. Midnightmare

    i got the weapon but thing i fired it like 5 times.......i just cant get myself to play HA.

    Just seems as sutch a noobish class.
    most powerfull weapons.
    noobish no aim spam with whatever rocket launcher.
    insane ammount of HP

    its really a calls completely focused on making kills and i just rather play "the objective" if there is something like that.
  15. SpetV

    Have you played as NC or VS against TR to see it by yourself? I guess not because you're an obvious troll or a noob that doesn't want his only weapon he can get kills with to get nerfed. Bad news for you, it will get nerfed and fixed no matter what you say, I can't wait to see you QQing on the forums after that.
  16. LowTechKiller

    Actually I have a BR 55 NC soldier and a BR 44 VS soldier, so yes, I've played against it.
    I completely understand why pilots complain against the Striker, I just don't agree with them.

    I will agree with you that the Striker will get nerf'd, because that's what happens to every good weapon that SOE releases into the game. No doubt about it. However, it doesn't mean that I won't continue to defend the Striker here in the forums against unsubstantiated complaints like the ones made by you just for the sake of trying to get it nerf'd.

    I hate to beat a dead horse, but each time your argument breaks down to the point that you have to make personal attacks, you make yourself look stupid and immature, and once again you've let your true colors shine.:rolleyes:
  17. Keiichi25

    For comparison... Both weapons bought on the day they were available on my TR character... Some of those Annihilator kills - Flash riders.

    To the person who stated that using spreadsheet argument is not helpful, I agree. But hey, it is also the spreadsheet argument about its damage and its abilities. While the score is high on these guys, as well, one thing to note, when I play TR, I play with a group that organized Annihilator/Striker squads. Only 15% of those is me being solo or not being part of an organized group and me pot shotting things. This also includes some time when the Turrets (Both Engy and tower) turrets were 'lockable' and varying degree of success based on positioning and where the lockbox location was. You will also notice the number of shots fired, higher, the score will be inflated higher due to the fact that more shots fired and also number of targets. The striker will allow you to hit more targets of opportunity per load versus. If you can't finish on one target, you can switch to another target, which means, if you didn't finish off something, but someone else did, in a striker squad, I can switch to another target and finish the mag and get additional score points for being part of that kill.

    And as a side note... My NC is the higher BR ranked player...
  18. Keiichi25

    Actually... Yes... I have played NC and VS against the TR... Hence me posting on some of the threads and pointing out that the issue isn't always the weapon, but how people are tackling it. What is the best way to deal with a Hacksaw MAX or a Scattercannon MAX? Definitely not hitting it from the front and definitely not without some sort of C4 means to drop on it or a lot of people mass firing on it from range.

    I also have seen, as TR, how decent NC and VS players overcome a squad of TR with Strikers at various locations as well. And I do try and do the same thing.
  19. Keiichi25

    And out of all that, how many of those were full 5 volley shots? How many of those were to a single target? How many of those were actually 'you' being the single source of damage? How many of those were actually you and another striker monkey?

    The problem with the Spreadsheet arguement you present, just as much as it was with mine or the others here, is that these flat statistics are based on overall numbers, and mean jack when you don't weigh it based on how these were achieved.

    It is like firing two different guns, where one of them is setup precisely and another one has a monkey just pulling a trigger and then citing the one that was setup precisely is better because it hit the target consistently where as the other one was all over the place.
  20. SpetV

    You know what's good at VS and NC rocket launchers? They don't go trough flares and terrain.