Population is noticably low, no place for Hossin

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Gunho, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Gunho

    Here i am standing in Esamir on a Saturday evening playing on the "popular" Miller server. There are some small fights here and there with a overpopulation of TR. I got no problem with the overpopulation except for the fact there are not enough teammates around to make a decent stand.This means its mostly a onesided fight where the other gets slaughtered.

    On Indar the fights are just on one place where the lattice system forces the fight to go, resulting in bottlenecked fights with not much going on the other places on the map. This indicates a lack of population.
    Meanwhile on Amerish theres nothing happening at all... mostly empty.

    Now add Hossin... there's barely enough people playing on the current maps and you want to add another map that will even more spread the thin population.

    Not that i don't want new content or maps, but just do sumething about the poplation or max allowed players per server. More server merges would be cool by me.
    As it is now TR wins every alert due to overpopulation of Terrans with strikers. (and other stuff that makes them win so easy...)
  2. huller

    So, a striker thread, a Miller TR overpop complaint thread, a "game is dying" thread AND a lattice complaint thread all in one?

    Dis gonna be good

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  3. Gunho

    No i alry said that i dont mind the overpop, i cant blame people for playing easy mode. It really is about population. The game is really emptying more everyday, while you may not notice this as a TR player, the fights are small and not massive like it used to be. Only Indar has the occasional zerg that gets stopped hard by strikers crews...

    Add Hossin to that means killing the meaning of zerg....
  4. Typhoeus

    I was actually talking about this with some friends over vent the other day and how we just got a brand new esamir, yet everyone still flocks to Indar. The same thing will happen with hossin. Personally I'm looking foward to it, but I know it'll be deserted within a week unless there's an alert on it. But who knows maybe they'll merge servers again right before releasing hossin. That may help :)
  5. Hibiki54

    School is back in session. Of course pops will be low. This was expected by anyone with a brain.
  6. Chipay

    So much ****** juice in this thread.
    After Hossin continental Lattice will come into play together with the Battles Islands, which means you'll only be able to spawn at 2 Continents at maximum (most of the time it will only be 1). So population is NOT an issue as long as we can fill up 1 continent.
  7. -MJ12-

    I guess there will be new server merges one day, as well as continent locks.
  8. ironeddie

    Yeah it will spread pop. Probably wishful thinking but a new cont may intice new players & bring back some that have left. It's a bit catch 22 the devs can't not add a new cont the game can't afford to stagnate. I think server merges may occur in the new year.
  9. LordMondando

    Spoiler alert.

    Game is allready dead, we are all ghosts.

    I'm bruce willis.
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  10. LordMondando

    Anyway OP needs to do their research.

    Point of continent lattice, will be?
  11. Kociboss

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  12. LordMondando

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  13. Gunho

    I did not know this. Its a good way to keep players in place and be forced to play the other continents as well. Its also a good way to deal with the dropping numbers of players.
    A server merge would still be nice though and would keep the faction imbalance more in check. Wouldn't want to play on a continental lattice system dominated by TR all the time...
  14. BlackbookPS

    Hossin sounds like a bad idea to me with Indar being the preffered map and Esamir and Amerish being ignored by the masses. Generally speaking.

    No gimmicks are going to convince me otherwise.
  15. MarthKoopa

    Why do people think that you need to have people playing on every continent simultaneously?

    We will never get continent locking if we don't get more continents. We will never get true battle flow if we stick with 3 continents that sit in a state of stagnation because there is nowhere for the battles to go.

    More continents is exactly what PlanetSide 2 needs.
  16. Spude

    The core idea is right but you venture into QQ too much in this thread.

    I think that there will ever be only 1 continent that will be almost fully populated, at the moment its indar because its the old basic stuff.

    But when Hossin gets released its like everyone plays Hossin and no other continents ofc esamir and amerish will just die instantly when Hossin comes.

    If they dont add the continent lock then there will always be 1 continent where people play.

    I hope Hossin will be new "Indar" because im little bit bored in Indar.
  17. PS2Freak

    Population is noticably low, because there is no Hossin!
  18. LordMondando

    Core idea is wrong, SOE are throwing resources at mapping BI's and Hosin, then introducing a continental lattice between them, so that whilst there will be more maps, people will not be spread out along them.

    So lets imagine the NC get esamir thats top left, VS Indar, top right and the TR have amerish on the bottom, inbetween each of these is a battle island and in the middle is Hossin.

    Furthermore, if a continent is 'capped' no enemy forces can spawn on it, and thus, basically no one will be there.

    So it could be the case that NC can fight either on a BI (heavily concentrated), the North western corner of Hossin or the North western Corner of Indar.
  19. Torok

    INB4 they remove Amerish for Hossin until continental lattice and it's revamp :eek: