Pro Nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drasilov, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. MonnyMoony

    You dont have to be in the thick of a firefight to be useful. There is more to this game than further bloating a zerg.

    The thing is - you'll never know how many times you haven't been killed because a friendly sniper took out another enemy sniper who was scoping you, took out an enemy soldier flanking your position, or took out that lone enemy soldier sat on top of the tower - able to get multiple kills just because nobody bothers to look up.

    A sniper being useful is largely invisible (and by your reaction - thankless too).
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  2. PsychoGraves

    Don't get the fuss, just wanted to come in and comment (and piss people off).

    U got sniped = U were spotted
    Don't like to be sniped = Don't get spotted
    NW5 useless? = Don't use it (before contesting this troll, yes I'm using stock everything on my most recent br5) (no its not an alt)

    If only ps2 had something called the AWP... sigh... life would be so much better. :cool:

    Seeing as we usually have like 12 people sitting around, not actually moving up and taking and holding points have cost us many a base fight.

    Or it could just be the server I play on, where we have very few people.
  4. PsychoGraves

    I feel your pain. IMO said fools are not really snipers. Just K/D ratio brag wh0res who are more concerned about said K/D ratio than anything else.

  5. Vaphell

    How about 100m-150m? Or are we going to play false dichotomy it's either 50m or infinity?
    And if 'i don't have to be able...' why 'NW users are able' ?

    And what if there is no closer spot to speak of? Will you run into the open to decloak and snipe like an idiot in plain view? Have you been to the desert on indar or on Esamir snow plains, especially old version? 3 rocks and hundreds of meters of nothing?

    Sniper rifles. Their mods do nothing but cripple their performance and do nothing to counter the ongoing powercreep.
    Any bullethose = spend few hundred certs and get accuracy and effective range considerably improved, in some cases even encroaching on the turf that was supposed to be occupied by supposedly "RANGE: VERY LONG" craptastic sniper rifles.
  6. Canno

    Okay. Ignore things like the skill actually involved in being a good sniper. Going to ignore the time spent getting to a good spot and the risk from so many scout abilities. Never mind that if any vehicle finds you the sniper is defenceless. We'll ignore the less health by default that an infiltrator has. We'll also just forget that a bolt action is pretty much useless in a close quarters fight unless you get real lucky with a hipfire - you can't really scope with a 7x at close range, can you? Okay let's skip over that spotting gives away your position as bad as the loud, loud cloak sound.. You know, the cloak that's fairly easy for people to see when it's on.

    Right, ignoring all that..

    I consider myself a decent sniper. I think I'm about 85 or 84% of kills with SR-7 and Rams 50 combined. I only play TR so I can't comment on anything but those two weapons.

    You can not, at all, compare any other weapon to a bolt action rifle when you talk combat. Not in any meaningful way.

    You can not compare the reload speed to any close quarters weapon. With a Rams you fire, bolt action (thus the name) to load the next shot, takes about 1.5 seconds. A short reload (reloading before empty) is 4 seconds, long reload (completely empty clip) is 6 seconds. Clip is 5 rounds, 35 reserve. 40 shots. Even if you get a OHK every time that's 40 kills in.. uhh.. I hate math, a lot of friggin' time. Okay even ignoring reload times it's 40 kills in a minute, roughly (keeping in mind you reloaded and fired instantly). Throw in if you reload only after empty clips you're looking at 48 seconds on top of that.

    Okay now go and compare that to any other weapon. Any. I'll wait right here while you do.

    While you're doing that I'll tell everyone else a little story. Trying to kill an engineer behind a mana turret the other night. I scored 5 headshots and got 1 kill for it. The same engineer. NW5 blocked the kill 4 times, 5th time I guess either his healer left or whatever. Remember that when they come back from comparing weapons.

    Okay they're back.

    Yeah exactly. Being a sniper sucks but it's something we (try to) enjoy. All that stuff up there I said to ignore? We can't.

    We do the job that lets you do what you do. Keep that in mind. You being okay with NW5 blocking one shot headshot kills hurt YOUR snipers.

    Successfully killing that engineer on the first try, which I should have been able to do, would have saved vehicles and people on my team. Reversed it would have done the same for your team.

    When I snipe I look at what is holding up my side. I take my time to flank, sometimes spend a few mins only to die to some tank with a scout on, or a lucky find, or a plane flies over. Assuming I make it and the situation is the same I take measured time to line up shots and try to weaken the defences (or offence) of the other squad. I've spent a lot of low exp/cert time helping my team achieve something. I could have gotten MANY more kills just sitting in as another heavy or another whatever flooding the front (which is valued and needed, don't get me wrong).

    I make the choice to accept lower exps and certs and spend my time getting in position to take just 40 shots. I do this because I enjoy the challenge.

    You want it to remain that NW5 blocks OHKs from a bolt action sniper rifle who's JOB is to kill with a headshot, which it is balanced for. You want to keep a mechanic that takes away the enjoyment of the job we once had. Because you spent some certs and can't stand to wait for that quick revive or *gasp* 8 or 10 seconds to respawn.

    Screw you.

    You want it that way? Give me a bolt action 30 round clips, 200 in reserve, reduce my fire rate and reload to what close combat can do. THEN it's balanced.
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  7. LT_Latency

    If I want a big kill streak, I get the bolt action. You can drop people from safety, In most battles you have the ability to win. If you hit your shot you win, They have no chance because they are dead.

    You can win most gun fights by outshouting your enemy unless they are very close. You wait until the ADS then you pop them with a head shot. If you have friendly they can't rush you because of your teammates so you just eat them up

    If you opened it up to any range snipers would drop pod onto every BS spot they can find in the game, With stealth that makes the invisible at long range and not even show up on the radar when they shoot on some high perch no one else can reach. Most of these spots don't allow you to always have a kill shot at the moment so they are not infested with snipers.

    That right, you may have to get into gun fight with your enemy and win them.
  8. Syphers

    PS1 had a 5 mins TTK FFS. The game had depth but the shooting was a dull unrealistic spam, this is just not a good example of fun and proper sniping mechanic. Also judging by your KD I doubt that you can nail HS on moving targets yourself
  9. Hoki

    I made that video as research mostly for myself so that we could find out wtf was going on with BAHS.

    For a long while people were in denial that BAHS were not OHK'ing. There was no question about whether or not NW5 should prevent OHK, we started out with disbelief. (last novemberish)

    Then enough snipers had experienced it so that it was like the big bang theory, all credible people knew it to be true, some still were in disbelief, and didn't understand the whole red circle could be used to identify headshots. (inexperienced snipers trying to tell snipers how to snipe, it was adorable)

    Then came the headshot indicator and thats when I made the video, because it was actually happening a lot more after the explosives nerfs, since more people abandoned FA for NW. It didn't make any sense how so many people could have NW5 already.

    So I did the research with the rifle that I use, the SR-7. Its a perfectly good rifle and I'm not about to stop using it for 4 extra meters of OHK range.

    I tested with NW2 and NW5 to see which ranges could be survived. I then tested with a silencer because why the **** not, and it is really ******* funny to see a BAHS fail to OHK at grenade distances. Also its charitable to educate my fellow snipers on why you should never ever use a silencer on a bolt action.

    I also wanted to confirm that Infs could survive BAHS with NW5.

    Video was made before we confirmed that NW5 actually gives 250 additional health, the popular belief was that NW5 gave 125 additional health and that BAHS suffered a strange headshot multiplier. Another clever forum goer figured out that NW5 was "bugged" and reported, which resulted in the tooltip being changed.

    I honestly can't be asked to give a **** about BAHS anymore, if you want something fixed, abuse the **** out of it.

    And so i've been running around with NW5 and resist shield kicking puppies for the past few days, just like that Morpholine hack that doesn't even snipe yet gives lots of advice.

    Oh and I earned over 700 certs in one day so the whole cert cost excuses just make those of you that are using it look like ******* horrible players. This isn't WoW. There is not a limit to the number of certs you can earn.
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  10. Imposer

    Honestly it's bad enough as is. There are only two reasons that you got hit. Either he's spent a lot of time learning how to snipe moving targets effectively or you stood still too long. A target that isn't moving is a dead target. Players shouldn't get a get out of jail free card under any circumstances. In both of these instances the Sniper deserved the kill. I have a BR 44 that I have been playing on since December (would've been on sooner but there were computer issues) and up until recently I didn't even have level 1 nanoweave for anyone. I managed to get my Heavy up to level 4 but so that I could take another bullet from another Heavy not a sniper who deserved his kill. I was saved by it once and I felt bad because now I had become one of those guys who always get me so frustrated when I go sniping.
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  11. felfox

    Well that explains my feelings that silencers were messing up my gameplay badly... And here I thought I was just having a bad day.

    So lets see... Every time I fire, I have to disengage and reload a shot and then rezoom and- oh look my target fled because he knows 'jimminy jillakers batman, there's a sniper out there!' and now I have to either try and shoot em again on the run or they're already behind cover... Lets just try super close like everyone says I should do... Oh look I missed because 'insert whatever reason' and now they know im here and are blasting the crap out of me. I have time for -maybe- one more bolt shot before I'm dead?

    As mentioned before, snipers give up a steady flow of certs for the reward of taking out vital enemies from 'safe' distances. I take out medics, engineers, that LA that no one sees running in a straight line towards the sunndy with C4 in hand... I pick off the other sniper's that are taking out our own important people and when I have to, I shoot down HAs stupid enough to run across an open field and make them think twice next time so that our own friends can advance. It's personally rewarding as opposed to some in game score and I've practiced A LOT to be able to even head shot people on the run (which by the way is crazy difficult unless they're running in a straight line, at which point it's still super difficult when being done at like 150-300+ range.) As soon as the flow of enemies stops or our men advance, so do I to pick a better vantage point or rush in to capture before the enemy can return.

    Now that said, nanoweave isn't meant to prevent getting one shot... (least I hope it wasn't because that would just be stupid) this is pure upgrade with NO downsides besides how many certs itll put you back... It'll give you a bit more help so that stray shots wont hurt you as much, so that you can take a 0.5s more of a beating than your foe while you both blaze away with LMGs or carbines or whatever. Its meant to give you an edge and survive a bit better so that you have more breathing time! If my bolt hit's you in the chest, instead of 2 body shots to kill i might need 3 and that's fine with me, but the head is a weakness and when you're doing the ADAD dance and shooting back at me from 300 feet away and I have to figure out velocity, drop, and guage the pattern in your approch... if I still manage to shoot you in the head, you better believe you should go down because I WONT get another chance...

    And even if I do get another chance, so what... 8 second death? In massive fights I'll pick an LA and suicide C4 the enemy knowing I'll die. I'll come in, c4, shotgun and knife and do it over and over to pad certs and kill as many foes as i can... When I snipe, Im giving up this kill slog for a more precise and targetted approch that will hopefully help my allies push back.
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  12. Vaphell

    yes, not only increased drop makes aiming more tricky, dog slow bullets increase probability of missing due to the guy twitching in the last moment when the bullet is already en route to his head, you also get max_dmg and min_dmg points of the damage curve moved closer. That translates to the approximate ~20m loss of already unimpressive OHK range. Against NW5 we are talking OHK up to 30m with tier1-2 and low zoom models (down from ~50m unsuppressed, 40% penalty), up to 50m with the top tier (down from 70+m unsuppressed, ~30% penalty).
  13. Sworaven


    Here are the actual stats. The TSAR-42 is the rifle with the low-magnification scopes and the SR-7 is the Tier 2 BASR. All stats are identical except for muzzle velocity and reload speed. Damage is the same.

    So stop spreading misinformation and try using some actual facts and stats.
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  14. S1eB

    I suggest you go play Infiltrator for at least a week and then come back and try speaking the same BS you obviously know nothing about.
  15. Metalsheep

    I would be all for reworking the Sniper Rifles a bit, and retaining the current balance of nanoweave against sniper headshots. Increase the velocity of Bolt-Actions by a significant margin, improve reload speed. This will allow a Bolt-Action user to attempt to quickly place a followup shot on a target, and more easily hit moving targets at distance. This only detriment is removing your sight from the target to cycle the bolt.

    For semi-autos, they only would need a velocity increase on their rounds to allow more consistant, accurate fire on a moving target, there is already plenty of ammo in a magazine.

    In addition, however, i would like to see sniper bullets leave a brief trail. (ala, Halo's sniper rifle, it leaves a trail for only a brief moment.) Similar to the Lancer, but not lingering so long. This would be a neat effect, in addition to helping locate the newly buffed snipers. A sniper shouldn't just camp, shoot and scoot, as they say. This will give snipers more incentive to utilize their cloak as well.

    The power of the rilfes can remain untouched, Bolt-Actions can still 1shot non-nanoweave players, and quickly bring follow up shots on ones that do have nano, but gives both sides a fighting chance to kill their target, or find cover.
  16. Drasilov

    Well I went out with my bolt action rifle today....I had mixed success. I'm not great at sniping since its not a class I play but I found it very very hard to get a headshot on anyone, even with the VS weapon (cheap bolt action, damned if I can remember the name). I got 3 or 4 OHK's all told. One was a Max so that was nice (think he was already damaged though). I also managed to get the jump on another infil....I should have tried melee but I couldn't resist a headshot from 1ft away from his left ear...

    The rest of the time I tried sniper and after the first shot my position was given away and I would be immediately OHK'd from the guys I was sniping. I'm at maybe 100m or so with NW3.

    At one point I was OHK'd while invisible and reloading from a sniper on one of those aircraft landing platforms. I was on the other side of the valley - maybe 80m?

    I did hit a lot with it - a lot more than I would have with a TR weapon but the damage wasn't enough to matter as they would just heal up.

    I also was hidden under a bridge invisible when a guy walked under the bridge, turned straight toward me and killed much for invisibility.

    The hardest bit is finding somewhere to actually snipe from. Without the suppressor you are right on the radar and fire comes straight your way after your first shot. I guess if you know the maps you would know the best spots. I found a couple of good ones but I'd still be OHK'd eventually. I did get a few kills just with body shots.

    Wearing NW3 means absolutely nothing in CQC as I found out. You are killed in maybe a hundredth of a second less than before. It seems to be that its only use is against weapons at a distance.

    Regarding kill cams - I hate kill cams, they get in the way of the flow of the action. I've never played COD. The last online FPS I played was Half Life 2 about ten years ago.

    I think I'll stick with HA and let you infils get your free kills while I try to aim my RL :\ . I got the silver medal on my unguided rocket tonight lol...sorry for rockets in the face infantry guys :eek:
  17. felfox

    Just so you know, Bolt actions have no faction flavor on them. Besides their looks and animation they all act exactly the same I believe. Where faction flavor appears is on semi autos where TR get a faster fire rate, VS get no drop and NC get a ... bolt action.

    That said, all I can say is maybe try to shoot from farther away so people are less likely to know where you are... However this is also coupled with the fact that at proper sniper range, you'll need to do headshots all the time if you want any sort of success :/ So it's a catch 22... the farther you are the safer you are but the harder it is to aim... couple this with less damage and suddenly you cant even hurt people that you can barely hit anyway... People can claim risk vs reward but there's no risk in this game at all. The only -risk- I take suicide bombing 20 people with an LA is how many -if any- people I can blow up with each stick... 8 second revive time? That's a joke and I'll be right there leaping into the jaws of death to get more kills!

    (I dont really advocate what i wrote but point is, who cares? there's no risk in this game and the only thing a sniper 'risk's is a low score/hr count for the perfect shot... )
  18. faykid

    that is not correct, sir
    my key classes all have NW4, and none of them survive headshots
    the only ones who survive headshots are high BR heavy assaults
  19. Rudmed

    ....This is kind of a dumb question, but did you equip it?

    Also how do you know how far away said infiltrator was when he shot you? He could have been in the kill range for all you know, not to mention we have video proving the fact that nanoweave 2 is all you need (I think it's in this thread somewhere). So that statement is actually correct, and proven.
  20. faykid

    i run as a sniper most of the time, with NW4, and this is how i know. when a high BR infiltrator spots me and takes advantage of my unwareness, he OHK me. sometimes, i come back and revenge. this is how i know where he was - normally, quite far away. and sometimes i kill him back (if lucky to actually catch him aiming at someone else)

    if you look at my stats, you will see that i play as infil most of the time, and a good portion of my kills are sniper kills. from my experience, the only targets that cannot be OHK are heavy assaults, and not just low BR (those go down easily), but the glowing ones, high BR (this i know because i get assists after shooting them at the head and not killing them)