Pro Nanoweave

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Drasilov, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Drasilov

    I think Nanoweave 5 should always stop you being one shotted. Its a natural progression IMO that 1000 certs (or whatever it is) to give that much protection.

    Snipers have been the biggest joy killers for me in this game so far. One shot dead. Oh well that's just so much fun. No idea where from, cant retaliate. Yawn.

    A couple of those and I'm logged right the hell out. Sick of instant headshots from halfway across the battlefield.

    I think NW5 should guarantee survival from a headshot with even the most powerful sniper rifle. Leave you on low health but survivable.
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  2. KanoHe

    Nanowave 2 garant you ohk immunity from snipers at ~100m already...
    You want OHK immunity from dalton direct hit now?
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  3. Oreo202

    Liberators are obviously horribly OP! Disgustingly so!
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  4. Drasilov

    My HA has NW3 and I die so often to OHK's its got beyond a joke now. In fact I'd say my survivability has not changed one single fraction of a percent from NW1 to NW3.

    OFC with one hit kills you have no clue how far away anyone is unless you happen to see the flash before seeing your brains pirouetting across the battlefield.

    I reckon on a typical night I get OHK'd maybe 10 times with my NW3 enabled guy. I've taken to running in circles while aiming at a point most of the time now. An old FPS trick but snipers still usually OHK you anyway.
  5. IonCannons

    Exactly, where do we draw the line?
  6. Excretus Maximus

    I got one shot through my full overshield, shield, and nano 4 by a shotgun earlier.

    Let's nerf those too.
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  7. The King

    That's because they are so close to you now. You can almost pistol kill them to death. You want them to be 10m away from you to get that 1 hit kill?
    Sniping at 10m.... lol
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  8. RHINO_Mk.II

    I think you're a little ninny who stands still too long and wants to cry for mommy when you receive your just desserts.

    Thankfully, although we both are entitled to have our opinions, the development team is not going to do anything about them.
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  9. deggy

    I haven't been sniper'd in WEEKS. Keep moving, don't stand still in an open area.
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  10. Zerran

    If any class is in need of a nerf, it sure as hell isn't snipers (or any of the semi-autos either, which this would also hurt terribly). With nanoweave 5 they already have to be so close to you that you can effectively shoot them to death with pretty much anything except a shotgun.

    When snipers have to enter the effective range of LMGs and ARs to... well... snipe... something is very very broken.
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  11. Hicksimus

    I don't see why you should have a nanoweave face to troll my RAMS shots anyway. Nobody dies to headshots any's getting out of hand, 1000 certs doesn't matter because they are an infinite resource.
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  12. Pixelshader

    Stop standing still and you'll stop getting sniped.
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  13. Morpholine

    Obligatory "You one-shot-one-kill elite recon wannabe snipers would never have made the cut in PS1" post made.

    Nanoweave as it sits is perfectly fine.
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  14. Ganelon

    Sniping in this game..... lol.
  15. Tow2Bravo

    Nanoweave is fine as is. Getting shot in the head should result in your death. Don't grow roots and you've already beat the snipers.
  16. Metalsheep

    I never had an issue with nanoweave stopping 1 shots. You put a ton of certs into that suit slot specifically to avoid 1 shots. I don't even use nanoweave.

    Personally, i dont think ANY infantry weapon should 1 shot. This game is too big and battles too large for things smaller than Tanks to be 1 shotting players from full HP.

    I think it would be spiffy for Infs to get a special scope so they can see player HP, so they can prioritize sniping lower HP targets. Did they say that Enhanced Targeting had a range cap or not? This could be a big implant for snipers if there is no range limit on the Enemy health display.
  17. sanguin1us

    are you an angel?
  18. Drasilov

    Ok I decided to try it based on the colourful ;) feedback here - since I don't play Infiltrators much...I wandered around with my TR guy - still has the default rifle but with x12 scope. Basically I couldn't hit anything unless they were literally completely stationary and close. I have tried sniping at range and the bullet drop puts the target below the lowest part of the sight so you're pretty much firing blind. Also the default weapon doesn't seem able to one shot even with a headshot (tried in VR) close-up. He's BR 25 and I've yet to get a ribbon or medal with the Infil.

    I rolled a VS infiltrator. Well what a complete world of difference...the bullet drop is very small and in one night I got a medal and a service ribbon (with just using the default scope and no other aids)...about the only thing you need to do is lead the target slightly. I could even hit ppl on the move and clear across the battlefield (just within render range). Unfortunately like the TR above it looks like you need a minimum two shots to drop someone even closeby using headshots with the default weapon (in the VR simulation).

    So I guess you need the bolt action model to one shot (pretty cheap anyway) and not sure about ranges to OHK. I'll need to get a bolt action at some point and try it. I got one shotted by infils around 10-15 times last night all told. I thought one guy was deff cheating as he 1 shotted me three times in a row with no warning shots and I was moving plus I was in a biolab with a bajillion other players all fighting. Then I saw he was sat on the dome about 30m up which explained why he could 1 shot me. Derp...

    Its so damn hard to tell how far away infils are when they one shot you. I can imagine with NW5 you would basically not be able to kill anyone with the default weapon before you needed to reload - so I see your point.

    It would be cool if when you got killed there was a "so and so hit you at x meters" bit of info - not direction, just range (it would be next to impossible to pinpoint someone with just range info).
  19. VSDerp

    i got nanoweave maxed out on my infiltrator and i dont get 1 shotted. i actually have like 2 bars of health left. and it be headshots cause of that bell ring sound.
  20. Zerran

    Props to OP for actually going out and trying this himself.

    As far as distance, these are the best videos I've found:

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