Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by VanuBangura, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Purg

    Simply not true. A Lancer out damages and outranges a Striker and you can simply pop smoke to nullify a Striker. Striker will only lock armor and air, Lancer you can shoot at anything. Any other lockon weapon will take minimum 15 seconds more time to kill than a Lancer would if all projectiles hit. At maximum Phoenix distance, the Lancer will outgun it by ~22 seconds last time I checked.

    Group it, get locked up by Striker (or any other lockon weapon) - pop smoke/flares or attempt to break lock before they can achieve it and you'll receive no damage. Lancer, you're just dead with no warning and no idea where you were killed from.

    Harassers - about the only weapon that I can consistently hit a Harasser with.

    The only time I make a choice between a Lancer and something else as VS (like a Decimator) is when I know I'm going close quarters so I can try and stick one down a MAX's throat.
  2. Spookydodger

    You and I seem to have vastly different experiences with the Lancer. My Lancer accuracy is 50% on my main, and that's even with spamming shots at aircraft.

    I think you are very jaded and your point overly broad. A group of 20 decimators at 500 meters is going to be less effective than 20 lancers, in regards to Armor. 20 guys with pistols isn't going to do anything to that. 20 guys with Lancers are going to be creamed by aircraft without AA support.

    And let's be honest with one another here, a big part of the Striker's appeal is its ease of use and that it basically ignores terrain. Once the lockons are changed and they fix the terrain issues, the Striker and Lancer are going to be right on par with each other overall.

    Would I take the Striker over the Lancer, all things being equal? Sure I would! Being that I'm a VS and that isn't possible, the Lancer isn't a bad "consolation" prize.

    I'm not really sure what you're trying to prove with your bombastic speech, but I think it didn't work.
  3. Purg

    LOL! Phoenix?!

    Hey, I love my Phoenix, fun weapon to use but if you're taking on a tank zerg using Phoenix in a group, you're going to get overwhelmed before you may take out two and hope they didn't bring any air or have snipers with half a clue.

    I've seen what a group of Strikers can do too, so I threw on smoke, pillared a rock when I they tried to lock and smoked when i got locked and shelled them with HE. Killed a whole bunch of them too.

    I've been a part of a Lancer squad and a Vortex squad, tanks just melting - probably no clue how and from where. Taking down Liberators. ESFs were the only ones difficult to hit but if you have enough Lancers, some of them will hit enough to move them along if they survive.
  4. Spookydodger

    Yes, it is easier to hit Libs and Gals, though I'm more worried about ESFs with pods that know what they are doing. So usually a burster or two or some lockons are advised.

    There's another spot on Indar that is great for Lancers with some backup. Howling Pass Checkpoint. Multiple points for Lancer groups to get straight line shots. And a spot where they work better than lockons because they can snipe the little bit of tank sticking out from around a corner or hit a MBT when just the turret is visible over a rock.
  5. Maer

    This thread is hilarious. My Vanu brethren disappoint me.

    Clearly you have not seen the video.

    Or the real video :p

    Could you do the same with lock-ons?

    Maybe. Against terrible players. IR smoke counters lock-ons.
    Nothing says ambush like 10 high velocity laser explosive to the face
  6. Pax Empyrean

    I'll keep that in mind when I can get my Lightning inside of buildings. For idiot rocketshotgun tactics, any dumbfire launcher works.

    The northern half of Indar is covered in the stupid things. I'm not getting killed by them, but they and they alone dictate the tactics I can use. The other launchers are safe enough to ignore. But when I'm fighting the TR, I have to hide behind crap and pop out, fire a shot, pop smoke, fire a couple more shots, then pull back and repair the damage from the ones that hit me anyway. Repeat every 15 seconds. Fighting them that way is the only way that works; actually driving around at speed is suicide.
  7. Morrow

    And yet it's still more useful than the Phoenix
  8. Pax Empyrean

    The Lancer does not out damage a Striker. Two fully charged shots from a Lancer do as much damage as three of the Striker's missiles.

    Does nobody actually look at how much damage weapons do before they say crap like this?
  9. SpetV

    Lock ons can miss. I dodged them many times with the ESF without any flares, just by reversing and using the afterburner.
  10. Nogrim313

    its a strong weapon, but stupidly situational.

    the charge mechanic should be flipped instead of charing up, the first shot should be fully charged with the delayed charge on the back end

    ie Fire,.....stage 1.....stage2......stage 3 fully charge stored again

    so when you first pull it out you have a full charged ready to go, with the charge building up over time after a discharge.

    the time to charge could be left the same or even slightly increased it just sucks as a weapon to have to wait for it to be usable after pulling it out and charging up just to have the target already out of range or sight by the time the POS is worth firing and then having to cancel the shot after like 6 seconds

    giving it two fire modes, full charges (longer refire time but only fires when fully charged) or the faster single shots would make a lot more sense and make it a more user friendly weapon (the middle 2 ammo shot is pretty redundant or could even be a decent third fire mode option)
  11. Eejay

    Please, by all means keep complaining about it. The less people are aware of its awesomeness, the smaller is the risk for a nerf.

    Quite frankly, the lancer pwns. What's the range again? 700m?
  12. Meeka

    You missed the point entirely.

    Not only are Decimaters great for close quarters and MAXes... have you ever tackled a tank/harasser, etc rolling around outside a building with a Striker? Give it a try. Give it a good try. Then, try it with a Decimator. Nobody wants to be caught on the battlefield with a Striker... because it becomes a heavy's handycap unless in the particular situation which calls for them.

    Decimator = practical, all round good rocket launcher with heavy damage.
    Striker = impractical rocket launcher only useful for spooking away aircraft... or on the plains of Esamir. Outside of that, nobody is running around with Strikers, because they are incredibly niche and incredibly impractical.

    I say this as a TR, I say this as a VS, and I say this as a NC... Striker is all but useless. I can't even remember a time when I was killed by a Striker. I'm not even sure it has ever happened... and I fly Scyths and Reavers a lot.
  13. exohkay

    Wrong, the lancer has its' own resist value.

    Pretty sure it's 1500dmg, per max charge.

    Striker is far better than the lancer overall, Lancer is ******* good though, and phoenix needs a slight buff (perhaps 300 metre total range, not 300 metre range travelled, i.e 300m radius), no static ********, and faster reload IMO
  14. FigM

    I think all ESML were a mistake specifically because of their long range effectiveness.

    Infantry should not be competitive against armor at long range.
  15. Purg

    I did.

    Versus a Vanguard.



    Seeing as you probably won't bother with the links, all projectiles hit from both weapons, Lancer wins by a couple of seconds.
  16. ghnurbles

    The Lancer is great. It nails lol-podders and other ESF who can simply shrug off lock-ons with their flares. It hits armor that can easily avoid lock-ons with cover and distance. It shreds MAX units at mid-range like nothing else, and is a very good source of damage against Harassers.

    I'd go so far as to say the Lancer is OP at the moment, in the same way as the Engineer's AV turret - it can put out consistent damage on armor at a distance where you barely render on their screen, which is just silly (and incredibly frustrating for the armor). Both the Lancer and the AV turret need their effective ranges toned down.
  17. Xae

    The Lancer has been in the game less than 5 months, is available to 1 faction and has 50K kills.

    The Skyguard has been in the game since release and is available to all 3 factions. It has 60K kills.
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  18. SpaceKing

    No, no. The Skyguard has been in the game since June 20th. The thing you're thinking about is a toy version we got when we pre-ordered the Skyguard.
  19. Pax Empyrean

    I stand corrected; against a Vanguard, it wins by a couple of seconds. Against a Sunderer, the Striker kills eight seconds faster (twelve seconds faster with maxed blockade armor), and against a Harasser it kills in 13.45 seconds instead of 27.8 seconds; less than half the time. If all you shoot at is MBTs, then the Lancer does marginally more damage than a Striker. If you're shooting at a variety of targets, the Striker out damages the Lancer. Now, it takes two guys with Strikers to volley down a Harasser, which takes 4.85 seconds. The Lancer requires 43 hits at c1, and 9 hits at c3. You'll need somewhere between five and eight guys to kill a Harasser without reloading, depending on how much you charge your shots. If you go the most efficient route and use five guys, it'll take longer to charge and fire two volleys than it takes the Strikers to lock and fire one.

    What makes you think I wouldn't bother with the links?

    How dense are the people you're fighting? What kind of idiot parks his tank next to a building?

    If a Harasser lets you hit him with the slowest dumbfire rocket in the game, then that's his colossal screwup. Thanks for providing strategies that work against absolute morons. You can also drop anti-tank mines at your feet and wait for them to try to run you over.

    I play mostly on Indar, usually defending whichever side of the north part of the continent is getting pushed. Maybe you haven't noticed due to some debilitating cognitive defect, but there is almost no cover there either. So yeah, totally impractical ground targets except on one and a half continents. Out of three. And aircraft. Obviously a crap weapon.

    Uh-huh. It's easily the best AA launcher out there. Maybe you're such an amazing pilot that you never get shot down, but if anyone ever killed you with another launcher, they could have done it more easily with a Striker. It takes a three man Grounder team to drop an ESF, but you can lose two of those guys for one guy with a Striker and still do it. Other factions need three man teams to volley down ESFs, but the TR can do it with two and have useful anti-vehicle capability from them at the same time, and it requires no skill whatsoever. At least with the Lancer you have to aim it.
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  20. Hypnoso

    3 - 4 Full charges to kill a reaver/mosquito. (Try and hit it) I got golden medal with s1 less then in a month using it. Now, I'm using Lancer for 4 month and I only got silver.
    nuff said
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