Players you have noticed (Ceres)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ulrikke, May 27, 2013.

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  1. SuperTrooperWaterloo


    Not my nemesis but everytime this name appears i smile.^^
  2. Renko

    NC : Some MACS, ElDuck
    VS : Some UVG, DORA, Saturaxcz, Failed78, Daikar
    TR : SaltyPenguins and Theinvisiableman : the two most annoying TR (one is a pro-TK, other is a mentally disabled person)

    Special mention to Gardna, whom whined on me last night because we were two to kill him. We were on a liberator xD
    Never met a noob of his kind...
  3. SaltyPenguins

    and why was i mentioned ??
  4. IamDH

    Snoopadoopa and mega farm
  5. Renko

    I'll let you guess :
    When I die 4 times :
    - One time is from a VS Guy
    - One time is from a NC Guy
    - One time is from a TR Guy
    - One time is from you ...
    A time ago, I tought you had something against me. And I know many players who feel the same ^^
  6. SaltyPenguins

    let me get this, so you think i purposely team kill TR?
    and whom are these wonderful people who think the same as you. im all ears. i never team kill purposely, its always accidentally or a strange way in which i dont even understand (eg: not rendering TR when im in a harasser)

    whats the problem you have with me, and also whats your gamertag, i dont remember a Renko.
  7. TerryTenMen

    Sorry salty, it's been said on the forums now so it must be true
  8. Torok

    Salty if it‘s not much problem do something for a certain Dollar87 or like that too please, He‘s one whiny terran

    Tx, owe you one
  9. SaltyPenguins

    hahha ill aim for him xD
  10. SaltyPenguins

    said by what 1 person, a whiny TR. angry i TK'd him once.
  11. Renko

    Once ? You Tk'd me at least twenty times...
    One month ago you were the first on my killboard ... and i'm not the only one.
    I didn't insulted you. You just have to recognize that you do TK a lot more than the average TR (whom TK a lot, we all know that).
    I know you are a good player, I didn't say anything against that. But you need to learn to avoid static mossies and libs ...
  12. DeeX

    Thats just one x more than it should be, because DeeX was already in use. ;)

    btw we also have NC alts, but on Cobalt :)
  13. FrankMite

    SaltyPenguins is in TTRO, he has to keep up the tradidtion.
    • Up x 4
  14. Pikachu

    SaltyPenguins :D
    • Up x 1
  15. Jur270

    Scipius at leats i get 5 revenges
    Boarstears nice esamir biolabs fights
    Vigil ******* reaver pilot
    00mambo ******* LA

    Purotte ******* shotgunner
    Kalumfulga actually have almost same mutual kills
  16. TommyXXL

    i agree, after the random under 10 br noobs that teamkill and ****** little happy three friends outfits that also team kill randomly,
    ttro outfit is the only big outfit that has players team killing when they get bored, the big br ttro ones are helpful, saltypenguins always healing or repairing when needed but some cleaning should be made, team killers don't have a place in an outfit!

    as to noticed players lately, the vs scythe pilots and liberators got pretty annoying : blib(erator) , pikabanga die fast but most of them go in flames escaping in the last second ! i won't even say anything about the instalkill reaver pilots, worse than a max flying !
  17. SaltyPenguins

    ill have a word, and ill try to clean it up.
  18. SaltyPenguins

    20 times. a bit over the top i checked my killboard and the most ive killed 1 TR player is boogeygirl at 14 kills but he is my best bud. we fly libs which can somtimes have a mind of its own.
  19. BradMaddox

    Respect to UVG, DORA, MACS
    hate all you top NC VS EFS pilots like ElDuck, Giggo, Bottled,... :D

    TR please, lets join some of the smaller outfits into one large outfit, and actually do something instead of stupid 1 to 2 squad suicide do nothing missions
  20. TommyXXL

    ok then, i will message you if ttro members do teamkillings, if i will be not the only one that tells you about them you should seriously think about removing them forever from ttro... lately in the last days tr outfitless noobs teamkilling got really bad, i don't know where they come from :mad:

    where those op strikers are now?.. probably no one uses them anymore since all enemy aircraft have flares now, if tr needs something on ceres, it's an air outfit !
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