[EXE] or [666] VS equivalent on Connery?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FrontTowardEnemy, Aug 5, 2013.

  1. FrontTowardEnemy

    So, whenever I find a [EXE] or [666] player on Connery, just like roaches (lol) I know there's going to be many, many more arriving shortly.

    While playing as NC and TR on Connery, I really haven't come across an outfit that is as prolific or numerous as either of these are on TR and NC. So, TR/NC players on Connery- is there a VS outfit that you find comparable to [EXE] (if NC) or [666] (if TR)? I'm just curious.
  2. Mouse75

    DPSO, JENK, TPLR, if I had to pick specific ones.
  3. Hibiki54

    [DPSO] and [JENK]
  4. Afrodude4

    DPSO or JENK. Also, EXE is TR (That's me) and 666 is NC.
  5. firewolf

    I would say your best bet is DPSO. They are large like EXE and 666, And like EXE and 666 they use their numbers well.
  6. ent|ty

    NC are tenacious on Connery.
    Also, they keep their sundies up, and lots of them. VS just dont care.

    Several times as VS I would hit enemy sunderers with all of my rockets, and the NC keep them repaired.

    The funny thing is (30 mins to an hour later), I'll actually get 320XP+ for kill assistance on those same sundies... I'm thinking "WOW, they kept that sundy up that long? "
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  7. Psykmoe

    I always felt that Connery makes pretty sparing use of Sunderers in general, it's always easy to find a good deploy spot and get enough spawns to make the tiny bit of spawn xp add up.
  8. Rogueghost

    JENK I see more of them then any other VS outfit.
  9. Morpholine

    We pull Sunderers, but all sides are pretty pro at abusing the drop pod + C4/mine before rendering cheese, so the vast majority of them do not last long.
  10. jeuvisage

    You realize those large outfits are almost exclusively full of low BR negative KDR terribads who run around in zergs all day long. Also isnt EXE effectively dead? I havent seen much of them since the Helios Connery merge.
  11. MilitiaMan

    DPSO and JENK are so much fun to fight, they huddle together and while when you are out number this sucks but omg is the C4 kill spam amazing.

    I don't always use HE, but when I do. It's against DPSO/JENK.
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  12. firewolf

    Ok 4 things.
    1 KDR is meaningless in Planetside 2. A heavy upfront all the time will die more then an infiltrator sitting back and sniping. Does the heavy assault do a lot more for the team? Yes they do. Does the KDR make them bad? No it doesn't.

    2 So what if they are a low BR? BR means nothing but the amount of time you have played the game. I have seen BR 10-20s Straight up win a 1v1 with a BR 50+. BR is only good for the amount of certs you are likely to have into things and the amount of time you have been playing.

    3 As an EXE member we are not even close to dead. We have a lot of people on at all times doing all types of squads. so no EXE is still up and around.

    And last but not least 4. What is a zerg really? Is it a lot of players running around like headless chickens dying over and over again doing nothing? Or is it a platoon of players attacking a base because the lattice forces them to but they are still working as a team and taking bases.

    I recommend looking at this as it is a very good thing on the definition of a zerg. https://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/how-to-tell-zerg-from-not-zerg.144192/
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  13. Blarg20011

    Wow you really have no idea what you're talking about.
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  14. FrontTowardEnemy

    Just to clarify- I was meaning that if you're NC and if you have experience fighting EXE as NC, then what would be the VS equivalent, and conversely, 666 if you're TR. :) I did/do know that EXE is TR and 666 is NC.
  15. FrontTowardEnemy

    Not judging. I have my own opinions about those outfits as well, but I was just wondering from the NC/TR side if there was a VS equivalent, as someone who mostly plays NC or TR would have a better feel for it than I do since my VS is my "main" and my TR/NC characters are only BR 17-18 or so.
  16. SNAFUS

    I miss the old 666 super zergs they would drop on us. Was a blast going in hot trying to bowl all their max's with the mossy.
  17. FrontTowardEnemy

    Well put.

    Frankly, the main difference for me personally when encountering EXE and 666 vs. other TR/NC outfits is that if I see a single EXE Mossie, there's literally TWO DOZEN of them just over the next hill. No joke lol. With 666 it's the same thing, only Vanguards, and to a lesser extent Reavers.

    Not complaining however. I think I accrued 60+ certs in less than 20 minutes with my Burster MAX one evening due to an EXE Mossie swarm. My Engies couldn't keep me in ammo fast enough lol.
  18. firewolf

    Must have been our air division starting up again. We have been trying to get that rolling for awhile
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  19. Keiichi25

    EXE is not dead. They host planned ops on Wednesdays and Fridays. Archcraig, who is one of the leaders of EXE, runs a platoon he calls 'Drunk Division' on a semi-regular basis.

    While Archcraig has a craptastic KDR, he runs his division for fun and could give a crap about how many kills he gets per his death.

    Also, not all of them are low BR or 'negative' KDR (Which is impossible). There are other continents they run on because after a while, fighting on Indar is not the 'only game in town' for fighting. I know this cause I run with EXE on occasion and run into them when I play VS or NC.

    You may want to actually 'play' on the other side and see how they run or see what is going on before you say "they are dead." Now 3KDC, which was a mostly chinese outfit... I rarely see many of them on, and especially what seems to be their 'prime time' which is during the West Coast Prime Time or Late Night and tilting the Pop advantage way off balance to NC. I hate them, even when I play NC, because they always bring a questionable fight with their lagging or questionable kill spams.

    The Chinese got their own server, therefore neutering 3DKC. Unfortunate, I liked them.