Why is this game so complicated?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RedSludge, Aug 4, 2013.

  1. SpetV

    Noob faction? Says the TR with T2 Striker, the most noobish lock on rocket launcher.
  2. IamDH

    Play heavy assault and use the shield
    Use MAXes and tanks
    Get nanoweave (more health) and upgrade your shield to get stronger
    your still new and need to know this isnt CoD where you can just clear a room
  3. Rohnlex

    are you serious ?
  4. anaxim

    As other guys said play as a heavy assault until you get used to the game. BUT if you have bad frame rate then that is your main problem. It is really easy mode for people that have 40 frames or more in medium-big fights.
  5. Puppy

    Err... Newer players only have default guns...
  6. Patrician

    To answer your first question; because it's not BF3,CoD or any other FPS. Is a different game.

    To answer your second question; because it's using a brand new game engine, designed to power SOE's game into the next few years. Also, unlike the BF3 engine, it has to render hundreds of objects on screen (players/vehicles/missiles/bullets etc) at the same time.
  7. Excretus Maximus

    If you're emptying a a full magazine into someone and they don't die, you're missing 90% of your shots.
  8. LordMondando

    The more complicated PS2 becomes espeically in the sense of giving small scale tatical actions (e.g. individual battles) a larger strageic context (aka metagame). The better.

    roll on resource changes and continental lattice!

    And there are plenty of outfits out there happy to train up newbies. If your on Miller check out digital-legion.com or one of our open platoons we are trying to run more frequently.
  9. FIN Faravid

    This game is not complicated, it just is so different and big it feels complicated.
  10. DJStacy

    Try and remember that as a low level infantry you are rather fragile at first. If playing medic cert into flak armour and your med gun, this way grenades and explosions will not kill you so much and you can heal yourself by pressing F. The med gun improvements will allow you to res people from farther away so you can stay in cover more.

    Try and think about the situation you are in look around you use cover to move up on positions. Don't give away your position if you are obviously outgunned, and when there is lots of air stay in cover.

    last thing I would say is that as medic remember when you res players unless you have maxed out gun you will need to top up their health after res'ing them. Use the population stats on the map to try and gauge resistance level in the hex, unless you are in a good outfit squad 3/1 4/1 odds against in pop numbers is usually going to end up in a painful end.

    Don't get farmed use the Redeploy button on the map screen .....................
  11. ToggleSwitch

    Complicated!!!...please tell me you're a preteen...
  12. uhlan

    There are some basic truths in Planetside 2, but complication ISN'T one of them.

    The problem, more often than not, is that the results can be counter-intuitive considering the game is highly dependant on your frame rate and server lag as has been mentioned earlier.

    Those hampered in any of these regards will have a very negative experience.

    Some folks are lucky and rarely encounter these things and as such, don't understand why so many get frustrated.
  13. Keelin

    Yes, true. That being said - you should still have a gun for every situation.
    You won't have them on a single class and you won't have the newer types (smgs, shotguns) but you're not exactly helpless either.

    Most of the default guns are also actually really good.
    Still, unless you surprise someone with specialized close range weapons, in close range combat, you're probably not gonna win.
  14. 660/12

    Why would you ever post something like this if you want the game to succeed? Driving off new population is a death sentence.

    Not going to bother addressing the individual points.
  15. The Fizz

    There is really only 3 things you need to be concerned with at this point:

    1) you are new and playing against people with MUCH more experience than you. No amount of skill in any other FPS is going to help you since PS2 is a whole other beast. You must learn the game, plain and simple.

    2) accept the fact that you are going to die..A LOT. Don't worry about it. KDR isn't as important as it is in other FPS. Instead of worrying about how many times you are dying, try to learn what you can do to keep from dying. If that means hiding behind a rock and only healing people as medic, do it. If it means being an engineer and only supplying ammo, do that.

    3) the game is mostly team based. Killing the enemy is only a fraction of the whole game. Playing as a medic, you can go an entire 2 hour session without killing a single person and be one of the most important players on your team. Team work matters here. You can't just go into a situation and kill an army of 30 people by yourself like you can in BF3 or CoD. Getting a kill streak that high is rarely seen and only the experienced players can try to pull it off.

    Just keep at it and take the time to learn. Also, have fun with it. It is an MMO and meant to be fun. If you want to grab a harasser ( the buggie vehicle) and jump off cliffs, go ahead, no one is stopping you. Also, if you find that you just aren't learning very much and not having fun alone, find an outfit. Seriously, the game is 10x more fun with an outfit. They can teach you what to do. Most of the outfits are full of great people who will be more than happy to teach a new person the way to play this amazing game.
  16. WaiZen

    Exactly, what I was gonna say!
  17. The King

    The game isn't complicated at all.
    There are a few players who said that they didn't know that there were other continents for a month or two.
    For myself, I found out within that same day as soon as I pressed M and clicked on the top middle drop down.
    I say that many things is common sense. There are just a FEW, like 3 things that may appear complicated, until you just guess or assume by looking at the map and playing for a little while.
    Your problem maybe that, the enemies you face are all wearing Nanoweave 4-5. Since VS on Matterson was spoon fed with 10k-20k experience nearly everyday for a month or two, many of them have nanoweave 5. So if you're fighting the Vanu on Matterson, maybe it is time to change if they always get the best of you. I would say join Waterson Vanu.....but, nah. I'm sure you can learn to play soon, or just quit, like you said you are likely to do.

    I would use 11 certs to get nanoweave on the heavy assault class to get your health higher. Then right before the enemies turn around, press F to activate your heavy shields ability. You should get them
    There are also attachments in this game for the weapons you use. It'll help a lot.
    I don't know what class or what faction you used, since I red this whole thread and I forgot what you said.
    If you're NC or VS, the default Engineer/Light Assault weapons are amazing. The TR's default weapon for those class kinda sucks. but if you like to use those classes, there is a very cheapo gun that is amazing. Cost like 250 certs..

    Pay attention to your crosshair the huge + sign, see how far apart this thing is. If it's too separated, stop shooting and then resume after if goes down.

    I would say play as an infiltrator to learn what is going on, then switch to each class to see which one you like. Then start upgrading the armor on that class, along with the attachments. Forward Grip will help with the right mouse button (ADS - Aim Down Sights)The laser dot will help with hip firing. Using a medic? Try upgrading the medical gun to revive players faster. Like repairing other players? Play as an engineer, drop some ammo, repair vehicles and so on. These will help with getting experience/gathering certs while you really learn to play. See what goes on, etc.

    I think you're really dying to players who aim strictly for head hip shooting while you are hip shooting and the CoF is just too large to reliably kill them at that range since you're prolly trying to aim at the head, however, most of the shots are going around it. Aim in the heart or above that. Until you get a weapon with tighter CoF, then aim for the head. Got to learn the weapon you use. A single weapon cannot do it all.
  18. Nepau

    To be honest this is the biggest thing that Most Current Gen FPS players have to get use to.... All bullets in this game are NOT hit scan. That means that your bullets all have travel time, unlike games like CoD or Halo. This causes many who are not use to it to aim as if it is, and not give as much of a lead to shots as you would normaly need.

    Add some latency issues and it can give you the feel that your shots did nothing.
  19. raw

    Turn-around and instakill is mostly lag compensation failing.
  20. LT_Latency

    It's not complicated, You just need to have someone show you the basics.

    Once you know the basics it's simple. BF3 is not built to have matches bigger then 64 players