PS2 Is In Danger of "Combat Medic" takeover

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ent|ty, Aug 1, 2013.

  1. Scudmungus

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  2. ent|ty

    I'm glad you can see this.
    This is not me calling for nerfs or unfair things. I can deal with whatever the game throws at me, even if in the short term, I'm a raging /yell'er at things I'm seeing lol.
  3. Snoozzzer

    Medics have the same TTK, the same health, hitbox and movement speed of the other classes. The have their niche specialty, and that's it. Same with light assaults and their jump jets.

    Or engineers with repair guns and ammo packs.

    Or heavy assault with rocket launchers and negligible shields.

    And despite being the most talked about class, a distinct minority bother playing infiltrators with their lower health and cloaking.


    Why are you against every non quake-like shooter again?
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  4. xThundergodx

    Nice post too bad as almost anything that is ever relevant on this forum your attacking the wrong problem. Medic guns/grenades ressing times are fine, this game has a extremely short TTK i know people have claimed this and that but if catch a medic while he is ressing someone even with maxed medic gun you can take him down before he can run for cover (unless your really far and is forced to burst fire alot) and whoever he just ressed is gonna get gun down by you because he has no shield.

    What actually needs to be changed is putting a limit on how many revives you can get at a given time, that would stop platoons of medics from reviving people every 5s and creating a never ending cycle. Lets say a regular class can get 2-3 revives every 10 minutes per life, a max would obviously get less revives so lets say 1 every 10m (of course this is just an example numbers could be higher or lower). Problem solved, this would also effectively get rid of the annoyance that is killing a Max half a dozen times inside a room just to see he get revived and repaired every time.
  5. c4r151

    What baffles me is that you can revive someone to full health faster than you can heal them if they're still alive.
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  6. HadesR

    They should really Imo have two cert trees for the Medic gun.

    LMD: Fast Rez

    Always revives with 25% HP but you cert into its speed to make it quicker

    RMB: Health Rez

    Always takes X amount of seconds but you cert into making it revive with more health

    Having it revive quicker AND give more health is a tad bit overkill
  7. WorldOfForms

    Once again we have a mechanic in PS2 that is dumbed down compared to PS1, and the result is something unbalanced.

    In PS1 you had to carry "med juice" just like ammo, and you could give 4 revives on one pack of of juice. This same juice was used to heal your self or others, so reviving reduced your heal ability. So no unlimited revives (although if you wanted, you could carry a LOT of juice, but that reduced your ammo/grenades/weapons carried.

    Also, reviving someone took at least like 10 seconds, maybe longer.

    Also, a revived person started with zero stamina, meaning they couldn't run, and could only walk until they stopped somewhere and stood still for a minute until Stamina recovered.

    Obviously with PS2's faster pace, we wouldn't want a revive mechanic this restricted, but as you can see it's night and day between PS1 and PS2. The PS2 revive could go some ways to being more like PS1, but not all the way. Even a simply heat bar like the repair gun could solve the problem.
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  8. ent|ty

    NICE! I knew it. There had to be something noob about this, cuz like I said, this has been a scourge of games from the last 5-10 years.. thats what we need.

    I could be happy with that mechanic. Trade one thing for the other. Keeps things interesting., and you dont get this ridiculous we're seeing in PS2 now about this.
  9. Nogrim313

    and the award for dumbest rant of the week goes too...

    seriously if a medic is healing/reviving he is not doing any damage, stop whining and learn to shoot the ******* medic first.

    its like they want to to prioritize targets or something silly like that
  10. HerpTheDerp

    The entire med gun is ***-backwards. You can only heal people slowly one at a time, which is crap, but at the same time fully certed medic gun has range of 3 meters and revives at full health which is stupidly overpowered.
  11. -Synapse-

    I kinda wish the medic's gameplay had a bit more depth than POINT DA MAGIC GUN AT DEM AND DEY GET BAK UP.

    I would love to see a well fleshed out first aid system. Something where you have to drag your fallen teammates into cover and provide the appropriate medical attention depending on the type of wound, determined by the last bullet impact area (Arm, leg, chest, abdomen).

    In other words, I want to be this:

    NOT this:
  12. Lambchopz

    It's still not as bad as the Assault class in BF3, but I definitely agree it's easily abusable by people who know what they are doing. A simple increase in the revive timer would and adding a target limit of 3-4 people for the rez grenade would probably be enough to fix it, but going further I wouldn't mind a limited supply of ST revives on top of that. Also, they need to figure out a better way for medics to heal people that are actually alive. As it stands people aren't really expecting medics to heal, they are expecting them to be rez-bots. That is a problem. Maybe something more similar to the engi ammo crate should replace the healing function on the medic-gun (with like a healing pulse every X amount of seconds for a fixed duration until it expires), or be an additional tool that maybe takes your grenade slot or something. I dunno. Part of the problem with the medic gun is that the point/shoot nature of it makes it a pain in the *** to use in large fights. If your AOE heal is out of energy you just aren't going to be healing in large fights.
  13. Makora

    As someone who primarily plays the Combat Medic, I can say that a maxed out medic tool is stupid effective. BUT when thinking of balancing and so forth, you have to keep in mind that this is a class gimmick. It HAS to be a game changer.

    So how I see the medic tool is a bit backwards. It takes LONGER to heal someone when he is at critical health then it is to wait for him to die and rez. I don't wait but it's a bit finicky. It should take longer to rez and fastest to heal. Reward you with keeping everyone walking.
    But you HAVE to keep the rez time short enough to justify using it. If it's too long, then it loses the purpose as it is faster to spawn at the nearest point with full equipment no less. And with medic kits that heal you to 100% health instantly, you really wouldn't need a medic unless no spawn points were near.

    So a sort of ammo for medic tool? It's an idea but the presence of an ammo pack makes it moot. Cooldown, is a more likely option, but the impact would be minimal at best. Limited revives per person? It's an option. But it'd have to be a system that refunds revives over time. You should NOT be punished for living longer. Then there is the option of having rez canceling tools or options. Maybe quickly walk over to an enemy corpse and hold E to "initiate deconstruct".
    Or just toy around with revive/heal times and ranges.

    Combat Medic has Combat in it's name for a reason. Some of the most versatile weaponry in this class. I've personally begun to call it "Assault" because, LA and HA. Where's the "just A"? Medic's the "just A".
  14. Advent1s

    Simple, if you die twice, you become non-revivable.
  15. Accuser

    But I got a 360 no-scope triple kill while trying to cap the enemy base solo. I deserve to win the game!
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  16. Sephuku

    What I hate the most is that people are invulnerable until they accept the ress.
    What happens when you wipe a full squad of medics on a point with a few good players and someone throws a revive grenade? You stare at a corpse? You shoot hoping to get the kill instantly?
    What if he isn't getting up? Are you reloading?
    Whoopsie, wrong target. Another medic revived and shot you in the back.
    Oh, and another medic c4'd your MAX.
  17. Tristan

    I suspect the only reason you don't think there's a major issue is because you die to every half person you see and need rezzes all the time. Maybe you should explore both threads and see all of the people bringing up varied and valid criticisms of the current functionality before opening your mouth.
  18. Degenatron

    I wish that were true.

    True story time. About a week ago, we were assaulting a biodome, and we had gotten about 15 players queued up around the door at the end of the SCU Shield generator room. A Zoe max steps out of the door, turns all the way to the left, starts firing and turning from left to right, and killed every single one of us. The entire action took about 4 seconds. I wish I had been recording.

    A scat max would have to reload after killing 3 or 4 players and would only match the DPS of the Zoe max on the targets at point blank range.

    There is no way that a scat max, or ANY max in the game could match the raw DPS of a zoe AI max. I know that I don't have to call for a nerf, because with the way they get over-used by the VS and the incredible effectiveness of them, the devs will eventually swing the nerf bat on their own.

    But to the original point: there IS a counter to the medic rush, and that's ANY organized max attack. You run with 3 maxes (ANY brand of AI max) and 3 engineers and you can clear a room of 12 medics faster than they can heal and revive.
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  19. Chubzdoomer

    Logic isn't welcome here.
  20. Vanon

    If he is prioritizing targets, and not having a problem killing medics, then i highly doubt he is dieing to every half person. The only valid criticism i've read is that the rez time is to short. The fact is a medic only group, which is the topic of this discussion, is very effective vs PUB's. Thing is, a medic only group is orginized, hence all being medics and staying together. Any orginized group can take them out with equal numbers. I know your not knew at this game, so i am just going to assume you don't run with an orginized group, and have no idea how to use or what tactics are. So let me explain.

    12 medics in a point defending it: Throw grenades in, charge after last grenade lands, or rush in with HA's/Medics, or LA/medic, or max/eng.

    12 medics in open field: bomb with lib, bomb with galaxy, rocket with reaver, shoot with tank.

    The reason medic groups suvive is because no one charges together, and they go in one at a time.

    Now for the dicussion about how overpowered the medic gun is, it's not. The revive potion should have the time it takes to heal someone from 0 to full, but other then that, it's not broken and it's not a problem.