Poor Connery....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BigMacDeez, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. Tradewind

    24/7? Bull-****.
  2. Sebastien

    The funny thing is that there was a lot of VS crying about over-pop of the TR. Wasn't much that could be done about it, because it was Red Thunder that would do it.
  3. Taemien

    I never said we didn't have any of those things. We have a lack of them, as in we have less than the VS. Thats why we lose. Its the only reason we lose.. though we don't lose all the time. I'm personally in an outfit that is organized and has great leadership, and the other day I believe I ran with yours (TLR I believe it was) in one of your open platoons and we did fine. NC overall didn't win the alert, but at the platoon level it was pretty good.

    My point wasn't to bash the entire NC or TR (though I don't really care about the TR, nothing personal, I just don't play them). But to explain that our losses can't be blamed on anything but ourselves. We're good, but we can be better. We don't suck, but the VS suck less. Overall I do think NC has some better players. Squad to Squad, we do usually win. But I have been in some squads (not my outfit or yours) that simply don't talk to each other. When I say, "Hey SL, which way do you want us to assault the point" and he logs off... yeah that ain't good.

    So when I say:

    Here's why the VS wins:

    TR/NC are not as organized.
    TR/NC are not as good.
    TR/NC are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
    TR/NC have a lack of leadership

    Its a shotgun blast over the head. If the shoe fits wear it. It doesn't apply to everyone. But the ones complaining about the situation aren't doing much to help by pointing fingers or blaming game mechanics. If you have a good group/outfit, keep on trucking. If you don't, get one.
  4. ShadowViper

    This was a terrible post and should feel bad. I truly hope you are 13 because that's what it sounded like.

    Also, Vanu overpop confirmed problem on at least Matherson by devs so CSB.
  5. Taemien

    I don't believe this thread is about Matherson.
  6. ShadowViper

    Well aware of that; hence above.
  7. HellionX

    This is a post about connery.
  8. HellionX

    Why am I responding to this? Honestly this could the most boring needless post ever made? People who attempt to sound smart often look stupid. I understand that statement on a profound level after only skimming through this post.

    I award you no points and may god have mercy on your soul.
  9. Sebastien

    You did worse than he did. You didn't even refute any points.
  10. Bastid721

    u must be newbie connery merger victim
  11. Tradewind

    No actually.
  12. Bill Hicks

    Maybe kids from Asia finally got their one week of summer vacation?
  13. HadesR


    If you had played before the merge yourself you would know that it hasn't always been " 24/7 " in NC's favour .. The 4th Empire played a big role in swapping the pop between NC/TR for many months , the same months in which RT had a huge presence on Connery.

    The only thing that was pretty constant pre-merge was VS being the under populated faction

    6th Feb


    23rd Feb

  14. BigMacDeez

    I'm still waiting for your screenshots...
  15. FrontTowardEnemy

  16. Bastid721

    Exactly. Thank you for agreeing.
  17. Bastid721

    Unless the merger happened on Dec. 15 2012 then no.