Post GU13 - Infiltrators now completely invisible to low graphics users

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ih8Darian2, Jul 28, 2013.

  1. NinjaTurtle

    How much are we talking here because if your PC cost more than $1,500 max then you were ripped off.

    Of course if you are talking about an old banger for a car then maybe that would be the case but my car cost me $6,000 (2008 Honda Civic). A PC should not cost me more than that
  2. Elbryan

    Are you moving in the pictures?

    Infiltrator is (and should be) nearly invisible when standing still.

    The cloak isn't as effective when you're moving.
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  3. ih8Darian2

    Unfortunately I was not, I would but I can't edit original post now, so I'm not sure if I want to
  4. ih8Darian2

  5. FrontTowardEnemy

    Good. It's about time they fixed it. 80% of the player base must be running around with low graphics settings. Since GU13 when I'm playing Infil I get shot a LOT less by randoms when I'm trying to sprint from one point of cover to the next.
  6. DeadliestMoon

    You do realize that the people who legitimately can't run this game at medium settings are screwed right?
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  7. ih8Darian2

    It is about time it got fixed, but it doesn't seem fair for the people using low graphics.
    Those who went on low graphics just for an advantage aren't really affected by this, because now they'll go on high settings and leave the people who need to use low settings to suffer.
  8. IamDH

    Because it affects the visibility of infils.. Try it
  9. Primarkka

    Oh so this is why I'm doing quite a lot of killstreaks. No wonder it felt like easy-mode. Please revert this change.
  10. ih8Darian2

    I thought you could only change render distance?
    And if I just haven't seen it, what should I change it to?
  11. Phrygen

    It would be best if it was the same on all settings.

    Its better like this than the way it was though.

    this will NOT be ok with the new perma cloak though...
  12. ih8Darian2

    I'd rather not have them revert it because of how easy they were to see in the past, but I'd love it to be equal visibility on all settings
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  13. IamDH

    Experiment with it. It can help ur FPS a lot
    Its on the left side of the graphics settings (its a bar like render distance)
  14. Phrygen

    why? There really is no need for that now. IFF was an issue because we would see an enemy infil so easily, and we knew it wasn't a friendly. Now its very hard to see Infils, so IFF is a good thing.
  15. Primarkka

    Before the former visibility change the infils were invisible like they're now, but they were countered by IRNV. That does not happen anymore, thus a large chunk of competitive players are really screwed since most of them want clear graphics (no idiotic bloom + DOF everywhere= low graphics).
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  16. Fire Works

    Overdone that change. A standing invisible infil is ok but they are completely invisible while moving. Thats too much in my book (until i get TF2 Pyro :D).
  17. lilleAllan

    I hope they're not actually that much harder to spot on low.
    We had it bad enough with IRNV being completely useless for 6 months+, which they "fixed" just before the nerf.
  18. Rikkit

    hi, iam playing on low, to have good fps in lage scale fights. and i am ok with the change on cloacking, sometimes i see a shadow running arround, and most of the time i am able tu hunt him down (max level scout darts are awesome)
    if your bullets hit them, they start to "blink" so you just have to lead your bulltes in them to keep them "blinking"
    so if there isn't some cover nearby, there is only a low chance for them to survive.

    but post the updates it's a bit harder than pre update. it now often happens to me, that i stand in front of them, and see nothing, than i turn arround and eat some bullets
  19. Jex =TE=

    So what they did essentially is make it the same way it was before they made them visible? Why can't they just use the same visual across all settings. Forget making it look better on ultra, just standardize the damn thing so we all see it exactly the same way (which I'm guessing they can't because the cloak is tied in with the way things render with the engine so any changes to settings alters the way everything looks).

    Are they invisible running as well?
  20. P4NJ

    I won't read the whole topic but I assume it's infiltrators crying about hard it was before and idiots spitting at people with low graphics settings. Such is the way of forumside.

    Meanwhile I'll still be on low settings because FPS.
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