Thoughts on NS SMG

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SoggyPoons, Jul 27, 2013.

  1. MrIDoK

    I use it and love it. It's kinda like the close range brother of the full-auto scout rifle. It could need a bit of love though... my hailstorm can do the same things thanks to its higher rof, mag size and ammo pool.

    143 damage, but with 698 rpm to keep it in line with the other ES SMGs (it's still faster than any NS gun). Maybe the 5 rounds more, but it's still ok with 30 if the damage goes up.
    Also, the cone of fire (both standing and moving ads) should be lowered at 0.15 or 0.2 to make its midrange performance better compared to the other smgs. Right now it's too inaccurate for what is supposed to be the ranged SMG.
  2. SuBs

    Thanks! Got my pocket SC saved up for a decent sidearm.
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  3. AggressiveDonkey

    I like the NS SMG quite a lot.

    But does anyone else here think the reload animation looks like someone putting a cassette into a cassette player?
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  4. qwertyqwerty

    This smg ONLY for infiltrator. Use sometimes brain and logic.
  5. Redhorrn

    I love it for all classes... learn to shoot and then you might like it too!
  6. VanuSovereignty

    It's like the Eridani... but worse. I can't believe I wasted certs on the thing.
  7. DxAdder

    This is a NS weapon which IF bought with SC means ALL your character have access to it.

    It's not suppose to be the best SMG in the game. It simply a trade off vs the empire specific weapons.
  8. ReformerTR

    Its only 250 certs I think. I would save your SC.
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  9. SoggyPoons

    I aim fairly well, my probably with it is the whole getting outgunned in CQC despite it being an SMG.
  10. Camycamera

    enjoy it while it lasts; it'l be nerfed soon. dat hipfire accuracy.
  11. Rogueghost

    Magshot, repeater, desperado, manticore and both of the NS revolvers can all kill faster then the Ns smg.
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  12. GroundPounder

    If you are TR, do NOT buy.. its a weak, and I mean very weak, version of the Jag.
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  13. eldarfalcongravtank

    i bought the smg and as long as you dont try to kill maxes or heavies it is pretty solid. works best at midrange and has insane hipfire accuracy even without laser sight. also, it is possibly one of the best feeling weapons in the game. it looks like a weapon from a modern warfare shooter (which is great for me since i came from bf3). it feels, sounds and looks awesome. the art design team did an incredible job.

    too bad its performance is subpar thought. at closer ranges, it lacks the punch. at medium ranges, it still needs too many bullets to kill. and at ranges beyond 50m you may as well move back to a terminal and get a carbine/assault rifle/lmg. also, i found that one full magazine often has trouble killing a guy, not to mention you're lucky killing heavies equipped with max nanoweave armor and NMG/RES shield with that thing. so i advise the following: either bump up its max damage to 143 or increase the extended magazine ammo to 50. otherwise i will ditch the gun pretty fast again. too bad you cant get back the invested certs for the attachments
  14. Rogueghost

    I would get one of the NS revolvers if you want to spend SC, the emperor is nice and I have about 200 kills with it but its not worth spending SC on.
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  15. MrIDoK

    It's the same as the other SMGs... It seems better because it expands slower thanks to the low rpm, but the actual bloom per-bullet is identical.

    If they nerf this, i demand a nerf to the Renegade. :eek:
  16. The King

    It felt "OP" to me and feels like it'll be nerf'd.....

    Besides, it's the hip firing God weapon. I can hip fire from so far away. I don't know if you're ADS all the time, quit doing that.
    You can easily hip fire from 1-50m away and even longer.
    It can do it both, ADS or hipfire for far range. At very far range or close.

    I don't see how you feel that it is underpowered or whatever. It's a very powerful weapon.
    At close range, it doesn't have the DPS as the other SMGs, but it is the most accurate.

    The only bad thing about it is the fact that, it doesn't gain anymore magazines/ammo when you are using the ammo suit.... It stays the same.
    I"m sure this is a bug. Other than that, I feel that itl'l be nerfed.
  17. Trysaeder

    This is the correct solution. The NS guns have all been slower, more accurate weapons prior to this, and it's fitting that the PDW does the same.
  18. Blue_Moon

    Well, this gun should match the description. A hard-hitting, slower smg. 125 dmg at 750 rpm does not match this, and frankly, it's underpowered. All else being equal, 143 dmg at 700-725 rpm would work more in its favor, in my opinion. The main concern is that it would overshadow any of the empire specific smgs. I don't play vanu, so pardon me if 143 dmg at 700-725 rpm does that. I'm fairly certain it doesn't do that to the TR or NC.

    It's a very nice gun, otherwise. It looks great, sounds great, and it will be my first purchase once it gets a buff. I'm confident it will get a damage buff since it doesn't even match its "hard hitting" description. It doesn't match it, not by a LONGSHOT.

    GET IT? Longshot? No? Ok. :(
  19. Remonew

    From going against it several times, its a very odd weapon.

    Close range I was shredding them with my TAR, normally its about even with other SMGs provided we open fire at the same time.

    Long range I normally don't even register smgs as a threat, but it surprised me by dropping my health and killing me almost at carbine range.

    echoing what others have said, its weird mix of carbine and smg. I don't think its OP by any means, it just fills an odd role.
  20. Lafri

    I bought it with SC because i love the NS AR/Carbine.I got about 130 kills with the NS SMG and it still feels kinda odd.
    0-12m, outgunned by any shotgun, ES SMG and any CQ LMG/Carbine/AR (even pistols if up against better players)
    13-25m I dominate expect vs. 2 Gen ES SMG/CQ Carbines. Mixing ADS/Hipfire and bring home the bacon
    25m+ I better use my Comissioner/Underboss...
    If feels like the strange brother of every good weapon. The NS SMG lacks RoF, dmg, mag. capacity or accuracy depending on the situation. It has a role but no real purpose. Well at least it's a Infi toy for all factions.