VS Cerberus Review in 60 Seconds (Video)

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by belthazor3457, Jul 26, 2013.

  1. belthazor3457

    Exactly what the thread says. Cerberus review in 1 minute.

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  2. Elrobochanco

    Pretty apt. Basically worse than any other option available. It's pretty amazing you can make a new pistol and have it slide in under the beamer in usefulness, and be way across the gulf to the manticore or revolvers.
  3. ih8Darian2

    On the bright side, it can do the quick knife combo while being suppressed
  4. Sneakier

    Comissionar ftw!
  5. Wezdor

    Liked the video and subscribed. You got me pretty quickly :p

    and yet the weapon is still slightly better than the rebel, which we've been dealing with since launch, has a slower rate of fire than the Cerberus and has had broken ironsights from launch until GU13 (8 months).

    so you VS actually have it pretty good, all things considered
  7. Kiddneey


    You know, when people find out that an iron-sight is off, they compensate. I have had the rebel a long time, I do fine with it. Sure the Cerb has a faster rate of fire, and you know what? It counts for NOTHING outside of spitting distance.

    Cerberus performs better at 0-3m (approx.). Rebel is better by a country mile at all other ranges.
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  8. FrontTowardEnemy

    This. Great review.
  9. Van Dax

    When you compare something to a beamer and the beamer is a clear winner you know you've done something wrong.
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  10. cfnz

    That was such an entertaining review. More of that style please.
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  11. Get2dachoppa

    Yup, that sums it up
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  12. Codeak

    smart, very smart going the quick route. I think a lot more people will spend the time to watch your video's if it is shorter. Thus leading to many views and likes to your videos. smart. learn to use better graphix though.

    lol, all pistols count for "nothing" outside spitting distance. but if you want to play the martyr on a meaningless pistol to try and distract everyone from all of vanu's other overpowered toys, be my guest. go ahead and have the last word.
  14. Phrygen

    I honestly love this review.

    Also, it is a bad gun. Then again i think the T2 inquisitor turned out to be a bad gun as well. it just takes to many hits to kill someone with it despite the accuracy.
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  15. Van Dax

    I personally agree about the inquisitor but I see a lot of people loving it so w/e.
  16. Unclematos7

    You can share with us the position of "empire with the worst pistol".
  17. Unclematos7

    The Rebel(the pistol that the Cerberus copied) is outperformed by the revolvers in damage-it's only selling point.
  18. Paqu

    You cant put a silencer on revolvers and Rebel is only 250 certs so it will still sell.
  19. Takoita

    Am I the only one who doesn't like any of the new pistols? Some people have tried to sell me on Inquisitor yesterday, but I don't see a reason to grab it, ever.
  20. Xhaleon

    I believe the Cerberus initially had an additional AOE damage attack that occurred when firing ADS, but it was patched out as a bug.
    Strange to call it a bug, because the amount of splash damage added was too precise to be an accident; it would have allowed the Cerberus to kill a Nanoweave 5 user in 4 shots as opposed to 5 with the Rebel. That would have actually given the Cerberus something worthwhile to have for the negative tradeoffs.

    For the sake of balance, I suggest that SOE bring back that damage bonus so that the Vanu aren't getting the really short end of the stick with this pistol update.