Can't log in (black screen after launch)

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Exoz, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. Exoz

    So, I press PLAY, game launches, there's a black screen, planetside2 mouse cursor appears for 2 sec, then it turns to like the desktop mouse cursor, game stays on black screen indefinitely. I waited 2-3 min, restarted the game several times, nothing. Solution?
  2. Fajson

    Experiencing the same.
  3. Stealth1

    Wait :(
  4. NasaRulz

    I too am experiencing the same issue.. Everything says the Servers are Up, yet only black screen with arrow cursor. Ahhh! Talk about a huge upgrade FUBAR.... so much for testing!
  5. psylencer

    I tried validating files still have the same issue as well...
  6. FUSED75

    well at least yal are getting that far,mine just keeps saying (LOGGINGIN) and thats it,no black screen at all
  7. Darksignal

    Having the exact same issue you are not alone. Maybe mass people trying to log at the same time is bugging the server out. They should have done this update at like 2 am or something... or maybe they did and its still fubar I dunno.
  8. NaijAmericanBoi

    I get to the character screen and when I press log in, it just stays there.
  9. DukeFlash

    It happens exactly the same for me, probably for everyone else as well.
  10. Zembro

    I'm also getting a black screen after pressing "Play" in the launcher :(
  11. Prophet

    Same problem here.
  12. joeboooy

    also happening for me
  13. Mercer

    Servers will be up in 90 minutes. Remain calm.
  14. Fritnig

    Same "black screen" problem here and for a friend, too

    edit: "Servers will be up in 90 minutes. Remain calm."

    I thought the servers were already up like...a while ago? The downtime for the update is 90 minutes, is that where you're getting that number from? That time has already passed.
  15. psylencer

    for those of you who are saying the servers are getting hammered with log in requests, it should at least give us a server is busy error and if they were decent guys queue us up for login...
  16. MacG32

    same as OP
  17. SturmovikDrakon

    Same here, validated game assets, problem persists
  18. NasaRulz

    ROFL! Wonder why Planetside 2 is losing players and SOE is having to shrink it's servers and FUNNEL people to other servers.. SOE! It's because of your LACK OF TESTING! PERIOD!
  19. Firmware

    Same. Black screen.
  20. Darkshadows120

    Woah woah woah. Thats WAY too logical for SOE. A black screen is fine for them :p
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