If Alert XP is changing, the continental alerts need to be removed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    Why the heck are they changing the Alert XP? That is VERY stupid. On Mattherson at least (and many other servers I'm sure), the ENTIRE server migrates to the Alert continent. If you get stuck outside of that continent (because you login 20 minutes in), you will get stuck on a continent for up to 2 hours with NOTHING to do and at the end of the 2 hours you don't even get any experience.

    If they are going to do this, they need to remove the all of the alerts that are continent specific (i.e. continental alerts and targeted facilities alerts). That way no matter what happens, nobody will get forced out of the fight for 2 hours.

    Fix fourth faction? Please, this is just to boost member subs...i.e. more Pay2Win game changes by the devs.
  2. zedfonsie

    Alert Experience
    Alert empire rewards are now proportional to the amount of time you participated in the alert. Only characters that participate throughout the entire duration of the alert will receive the full empire reward. This participation time is specific to individual characters (i.e. it’s not account-wide).

    I don't think you read it correctly it's based upon how much you've played during the alert, so say if you played the last 20 minutes of an alert so you get 1/6 (120 minutes) of the exp you would've gotten if you played the full thing. If anything this will stop 4th factioners switching to other characters when another faction is winning. I don't think you need to be playing the continent that the alert is on to get participation time/
  3. Chipay

    You might have misunderstood the wording in the patch notes.
    You'll still get your EXP at the end of each alert even when you're not fighting for the Alert's objectives (this has always been the case because of the exact same reason you're summarizing).
    The only thing that's changed is for how long you've been online during the alert.
  4. treeHamster

    I hope so but the way it's phrased, it could go either way. Participating in the alert could easily mean being active in the alert area. I hope it doesn't but we shall see. This IS SOE, I wouldn't put it past them to do something very stupid like this to try and get more people to sub.
  5. Phyr

    No, take off the tinfoil hat for a minute.
  6. Lady Majestica

    All that changes is the amount of xp you get is based of how long you played during the alert. If you're stuck on Indar and can't log onto Amerish you will still get your xp.
  7. Kurmon

    What happens when your game crashes in the last 10 minutes and you restart it when there are only like 2 minutes left?
  8. LibertyOne

    Why, you ask? Because there are many who log in to the game minutes before an alert is over to get all their alert points and then leave again. Basically, this change fixes alert stat padding. As for getting stuck in Q, that's just the way it is. Sooner or later, an alert will come to your continent.
  9. sSie

    Why have you instantly made a rage thread when you haven't even read the instructions properly? Jesus Christ sort it out
  10. Lady Majestica

    I'm kind of curious as to why this is such a big question today. I understand that people CTD, but whats with this whole late alert crash thing. Is it common that everyone crashes with 2-10 mins left in an alert? Does SOE have numbers on this? At the end of every alert does the number of crashes just skyrocket?

    Or is this just what most people tell their outfit buddies so they can switch over to their alt, grab the alert xp and come back....."Man IDK what happened, I swear SOE does this just to mess with me. Everytime we're about to lose an alert, I crash........Weirdest thing ever..............Oh did I tell you guys I unlocked Nanoweave 5 on my alt?"

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  11. Kurmon

    No. It just happened a lot to me and it wouldn't be fair not to get the whole xp because of it. I just wanted to know if you only get the bonus for two minutes or the bonus for all the time before and after the crash. This has nothin to do with any alts.
  12. treeHamster

    I DID read it. The way they phrased it, makes it highly ambiguous.
  13. DreamlessLiberty

    Remove continental alerts!? That statement pretty much destroyed any credibility this forum might have towards making the game better. Those are the only ones worth doing. You want to do alerts spread over three continents and have to redeploy across continents to capture facilities deep in enemy territory because of the possibility of being locked out of a continent? Well I play the underdog faction so getting locked out is quite rare for me. Catering alerts to those who stack a single faction up to 50% world pop I don't think is a fantastic idea.
  14. Phyr

    Pretty straight forward imo.
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  15. treeHamster

    It depends on how SOE defined "participation". If that means BEING in the alert area, then that's different than being on the server.
  16. Spookydodger

    As others have said, you get XP for being in the game, not just for being on the server.

    ALSO: it is my understanding that the queue system allows you to go do anything you like while you wait for your spot in the queue to come up, isn't it? So you could queue up, and then go fight were you are. Or does the queue position expire when you leave the warpgate or die?
  17. Phyr

    Participation has always been "be logged in during the alert". Certain area's/continents will have a higher xp bonus for incentive, but that is not participation.
  18. Cl1mh4224rd

    To be fair, I find the phrase "participated in the Alert" to be a bit vague in this context. I don't think anyone who spent their entire time on Indar during an Esamir Domination Alert could reasonably claim to have participated in the Alert.

    I suspect you're right about "participated in the Alert" meaning "was online during the Alert", though, and that it's just poor phrasing on SOE's part. If not, it would really screw over even people actively participating in facility-specific Alerts, since a decent chunk of the Alert's time is spent getting to those facilities.
  19. MasonSTL

    You can do what ever when in the queue, leave the warp gate, die a few times, everything short of going to a new continent.
  20. MasonSTL

    To be honest he could have waited a few hours to find out instead of throwing a fit on the forums.