Scout Radar Changes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LibertyRevolution, Jul 24, 2013.

  1. maxkeiser

    Yet again they are making highly questionable changes that nobody asked for. The scout radar has been in the game since it began. No issues and nobody (as far as I am aware) was asking for changes.
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  2. siddar

    Sorry I only have four darts on my infiltrator but maxed Flash and ESF scout radars. Clearly that fifth dart will completely change my views.

    Oh wait no that extra dart doesn't mean anything because the need for engineer resupply makes it completely irrelevant. Darts simply cover less area then even a 100 meter radar. Darts maybe as useful and a 50-75 meter radar but are not even close to value of a 200 meter radar.

    You simply fail to see the bigger picture here. Your darts cover the areas you want them to cover near you and that is enough as far as you're concerned. What you fail to see is that 200 meter radar is winning fights for your team on the other side of the amp station, tech plant, biolab that you simply are not aware of.

    Cloak is more important then darts to a infiltrator and changes to scout radar means cloak is now completely negated by scout radar. As long as someone is willing to sit patiently hidden away with a scout radar all infiltrators in area will be exposed at all times. How is that helpful to infiltrators in anyway shape are form? Tell me do you really think your going to track down that radar with your darts? No you wont because limited range of darts means they are mostly a defensive tool while the longer ranges scout radars allow for your team to quickly secure a area then go on the attack.
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  3. Phrygen

    This is a pre-emptive change that will give the new motion sensor infilatrator deployable more of a purpose, and for mlg / battle islands..

    Meanwhile they dumped on my prox radar :(
  4. Shoza Nakh

    I have no problem with scout radar become useless on Flash, it's OK. I have a big problem with SOE completely change another ability in this game without giving me back my certs, witch I never want to spent on such crap, like this "refurbished" Flash Scout Radar or MAX bursters, or ML85 Enforcer or whatever they want to nerf into oblivion.
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  5. HadesR

    One can only guess that they will be releasing an " Implant " at some point that removes you from radar ... They are not doing anything without a reason .. Sadly for a few of these changes, that reason seems underhanded.
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  6. Ravenorth

    Theres people who´ve been asking to balance it since the beta, scout radar especially on ESF is still really unbalanced even after this change. It should really just behave like or Recond Detect Device, which means it wont detect targets that are not moving. Its a very simple way to give counter for such an unbalanced tool. When someone with scout radar comes nearby, then you could stay undetected if you´d just go hiding stay still. I dont see a single reason why it would be a problem and should´t be possible, while not being able to move you can hardly do anything without alerting enemies nearby, so its a reasonable change.
  7. Vortok

    Having to stay in the vehicle is a good change and makes sense. Was too easy to stash a Flash somewhere for free wallhacks, especially at Amp Stations.

    Detecting cloaked Infs is strange... so much for them being able to Infiltrate. Radar no longer detecting stationary targets mostly benefits people sniping in the hills, though could situationally help people trying to hide in corners while enemy forces go by.

    It's pretty easy to get shot off a Flash even if you have a Fury aimed at the door they're walking through. Go ask for a windshield to stop bullets or something.

    Does make me a little worried how these changes combined with the radar implant may work, but I'll just wait until implants are actually implemented in game to see how things will actually work.
  8. Greddy

    No problem! Just make a new account, new character, on a second computer and let it sit on the flash. Problem fixed! And we dont have to bother with the 5 min respawn timer. Its a win win situation!

    If anything, you can also use the referee system to use on this recruit program and collect the rewards!
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  9. Ravenorth

    I agree that its not "much" as a counter, but still gives you possibility to stay undetected, which is better than nothing. Best would be that you could still move if you are crouched and stay undetected, but I wont see that happening.
  10. Blueink

    So they increase the cert cost, make one of the few reasons to pull one basically worthless and screw over the unique ability of one class at the same time?. A new low in an avalanche of poor decisions bravo Sony, bravo.
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  11. Baleur

    Scout Radar is the ESF radar......

    But yeah, the Proximity Radar change is a bit of a kick for Flash drivers.
    But then again, you can't deny it was a BIT cheaty to just hide a flash under a stair somewhere and get realtime free radar pings.
    At least with the Scout Radar you need a pilot that actually circles around.

    I'd say it kinda equalizes the Scout & Proximity radars.
    And the change to ping frequency from 2 seconds to 1/2 seconds is a HUGE buff for radars in general. AND that they now detect cloaked infiltrators. It's definetly a sweet buff overall.
  12. QuarkDoe

    Flash now totally unuseful crap.
  13. Hunter_Killers

    Scout is Flash and ESF.

    Proximity is every other vehicle.
  14. Adamar09

    Maxing out the stealth line on my flash pre-emptively for those changes was a poor idea, huh.
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  15. Dregan

    This is a bad idea. The Flash is not a combat vehicle. It does not increase your ability to fight. It decreases it. Even if you have guns on it, even the awesome fury, you are still better at close fighting if you are not sitting on it. As such to keep up radar coverage you have to play the cowards game: Run every time there is an enemy or go hide in a corner. Not really interesting gameplay.

    Now one could argue that it would make the flash can be a scout vehicle like the name of the radar says but lets just look at the life expectancy of flash on its own... yeah pretty low. It would most assuredly be destroyed more often than it gets to fulfil its role.

    Now IF the infiltrator gets a new radar device to put down I could see the nerf to the Scout Radar be a good thing AND a necessary thing but as long as recon darts are as... lets say bad, as they are taking away the scout radar before we have a solid alternative is a bad move.

    It seems to me that it is trying to be pushed into some sort of role that has the flash riding around outside bases trying to hunt down infiltrators. Guess what. Infiltrators (the ones I see) rarely hide in places where the flash will be of any use.

    So in closing: This is a wrong change at the wrong time. When the Infiltrator has his new tools, these changes would be understandable (except maybe the seeing infiltrator thing... that one is weird). At present however it is just a hindrance to the people that were smart enough to actually get a radar flash/ESF.
  16. pmurgs

    So I don't like flying in an ESF or driving a tank/harasser. I like infantry combat. My choice of vehicle has always been the flash or sunderer to get where I'm going. Both help my side.

    The flash is like driving a vehicle made of glass. Almost anything kills you. ESF, tank, harrasser, rockets, mines and even the terrain when the flash decides to flip when hitting small bumps. Driving around with a flash is suicide most of the time. You can't even look more than a 45 degree angle to the front.

    Scout radar made the flash worth pulling, but clearly for a very minority of players. The vast majority of players still pull a tank or harasser. SOE, with the nerf to scout radar, you've taken away the only vehicle I felt was worth driving to me. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. Note the sarcasm.

    I spent station cash on doing up my flash, cos it's what I ride because scout radar was the only thing that appealed to me out of all the vehicles in the game. But without scout radar to help cover a base, what's the point. I am not going to sit on my flash while the rest of my side gets to go fight. I am not going to drive my flash around trying to get kills with my fury. The flash is far too slow, un-manoeuvrable, vulnerable and limited visibility to even consider doing that.

    My flash will become another pointless vehicle I just drive to get somewhere. I'm probably going to start pulling harassers now rather since I have a much better chance of getting to my destination alive with one. Thanks for wasting my station cash I spent on my flash SOE. All those certs I spent maxing out everything on my flash. I'm very unimpressed.
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  17. Kaesarr

    I like this modification as I know now that BOTH my faction and the enemy factions will not have this bonus.

    It is a good modification pmurgs, admit it please :D

    The problem is that it was too good before. And SOE take quite some time to correct things
  18. Uberubie

    This is something that should have been done so long ago. SOE waited too long though, because now there's going to be a whole lot of whining to go along with this. Being able to light up large amounts of a facility by stashing a flash behind a wall or a shield somewhere was an incredibly cheesy thing to do. Also, this encourages more infiltrator recon dart usage, not a bad thing.
  19. FLHuk

    Having one guy in a platoon pulling a cover radar for a deployment is teamwork as it contributes to the platoons overall objectives. Fairly easy that one..

    Higby has suggested in the past we need hints to play the game properly, Cobalt doesn't have many NC BR100s, my outfit has two of the few and they see the game as it is, all about farming. This view is supported by a few VS BR100s that have ported over to us in the NC for the lols.
  20. VSMars

    Oh well. Looks like I'll just have fun finding "creative" spots to park my Flash at. Not that I didn't do that before, but now sitting in one on top of the Biolab dome will become a standard occurrence and not a one-off stupid stunt.