Rethink Certs

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BadassBen, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. BadassBen

    I play PS2 for fun, and I have fun winning. It frustrates me, as well as others that a base under attack often has the defenders just sitting in the base, not actually playing for the objective.

    Some ideas
    A. Certs are no longer awarded for a kill, ONLY for capturing objectives (but the cert reward is MASSIVELY increased to compensate)

    B. Kills from spawn rooms grant neither certs, experience, or count as kills for the KDR
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  2. theholeyone

    So you like zerging then?
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  3. IamDH

    Certs not awarded for a kill?
    Put the drugs down
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  4. DashRendar

    Two people alone in an uncontested base destroying and repairing generators was enough to merit a large swing in gameplay mechanics and occasional account wide bans, and you think it's a good idea to award massive amounts of certs just for flipping a point?

    Back to the drawing board with you.
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  5. KenDelta

    OP on drogs?
    A-biggest zerg/most ghostcappers = win?
    B-You're fault for looking@that shiny area.
  6. Luperza Community Manager

    Some useful information that you may not know... :)
    • Defenders gain more experience while defending a base - re-securing generators, command consoles, etc and defeating enemies.
    • Players who have just spawned are worth nothing in comparison to players who have been active and defeating enemies/completing objectives. It's not beneficial, cert-farming-wise, to spawn camp enemies; they are not worth much.
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    welcome to the decline in modern gaming (starting with BF2 unlocking system). The idea of "progress" and "achievement" in a video game is a ploy designed to keep people playing games, and to hook them into sinking more time than usual into the game. It appeases to the same addiction as gambling. Instead of playing video games, like we play normal games like sports (i.e. to have fun and try to win), players now concentrate on the "progression" system, and try to find the most efficient methods of "progressing". I have actually known people who I will challenge to play a game, WITHOUT giving one concern for the progression that they are gaining, and it completely changes their experience.

    Me, i play the game for fun and to win. Every once and a while Ill notice that I have a few thousand certs, and its cool to buy new toys. Other than that, normal people dont care one bit about it. You can notice these players because they tend to be good team players, and play support roles in dedicated fashion.
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  8. Tekuila

    Freshly spawned enemies still give me a kill toward my KDR. :p
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  9. Excretus Maximus

    Let me translate the original post:

    I like to outnumber my opponents and it is no fun when they sit in the spawn room and refuse to be farmed for the 10 to 20 minutes it takes to cap a base. Make them come out and donate kills to the 200% or more numbers advantage that is camping the spawn doors waiting for someone stupid enough to step out.
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  10. Chowley

    There is only the zerg while in the dominion of The Lettuce.
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  11. JonnyBeanTown

    Your outta your mind. Someone help him.
  12. theholeyone

    Only because there are no higher objectives than to zerg for most players. The lettuce needs a bit of tweaking, like there should be more benefits placed on WG connection, but is a sound concept. Once cont lattice comes in there should be more of a goal and better use of the lattice within each continent.
  13. Spookydodger

    Amen. I enjoy my games so much more when I stop thinking of it as pursuing numbers.
  14. St0mpy

    spawn hobbits as I call them can be in there for quite a while, long past when their 'freshly minted' timer runs out. Its quite a problem as it creates a player sink in bases when they could either be pushing out to recap, or if completely outnumbered move on to a base where they can be an asset to their team.

    Currently at almost every base now when the (soon to be) losing team is pushed back, significant numbers just want to camp in the spawn to get as many cheap kills as they can in the timelimit.
  15. Patrician

    And why is that an issue? Don't run into their line of fire and they'll get no kills! Simples!
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  16. St0mpy

    I gave two reasons already, being killed by stupidly running in front of the doors wasnt one of them ;)
  17. Posse

    Terrible idea, if we reach the point where we have the spawn camped and the defenders are starting to leave, you think I'll stay in the base until it's captured, definitely not, I'll just move on to the next fight and leave the zerg defending it. Standing in a base waiting for the capture when the battle is already decided is the most boring thing this game has.
  18. Shepherd

    Well, this is the dumbest idea I have heard all morning...
  19. Acuta

    Unfortunately too many people don't care, and only worry about stat-padding their KDR. These people are usually easy to spot on the forums, high-ish KDR (2+) and a pitifully low SPM...usually no higher than 150 if they are lucky.
  20. HerpTheDerp

    And I couldn't care less about it.

    What now?