Vortek future weapon OP 500 damage in next update of test server..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Navoletti, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. Navoletti

    yeah after mthe next update vortek rotary have 500 damage in reaver is cleraly op compared with the others,they have much distance for hit with high damage or minium damage of 400.....

    sure in dodgefighting win all time with this high damage weapon.

    soe why add more damage in a wepon op?vortek is a weapon op since much time and you soe never fix this..

    this weapon need a nerf not more op!!
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  2. Riku

    Damage per round is not all that matters :rolleyes:
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  3. KenDelta

    Nerf the Vortex rotary!! and buff the AH.
  4. Tradewind

    You didn't really need to start another thread for the same complaint did you?

    ps. you still don't get the concept of rate of fire or magazine size.
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  5. Scorponok

    Nerf the NC damage per shot in the infantry weapons while your at it ^^
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  6. Kenny007

    I miss summer vacation...
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  7. Navoletti

    now reaver have a clearly advantage op in air versus other esf with few shots destroy the enemy in sec more fast of before..

    and versus infantry well is clearly very op-
  8. Scorponok

    its all the same its all down to aiming...theres less pilots then ground troops and alot of the troops are worse then the pilots at aiming..
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  9. NinjaTurtle

    And what of RoF and magazine size?
  10. Tradewind

    Stop talking, immediately. Once you factor in the Rate of Fire, the DPS is almost identical.
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  11. -CDL-Peacemaker

    This guy HAS to be trolling us.
  12. McChimperson

    Mmmm. Ignorance flavored.

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  13. IamDH

    And give them a shotgun that shoots shotguns, only to nerf all shotguns later on
  14. Eclipson

    Well, you forget that the Vrotek isn't the only Rotary getting changed. In there current state, the Vortek is a bit much because it can one clip without any upgrades, but this update will make it so all Rotary's can do the same.
  15. GSZenith


    (i hope, cos 12shot killing libs wasn't very balanced :confused:)
  16. Bolticus

    I read the title as "Vortex future weapon OP"

    My reaction: :eek:

    On topic: All the ESFs are still balanced. the only thing that matters in the skies is a pilot's skill.
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  17. GhostAvatar

    I am just going to post this here, posted by someone else on another thread.

    Sorry, what was that?
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  18. Bhudda V1

    isn't the vortex rotary's mag size getting chomped down to 25 from the test server patch note's

    Vortek Rotary:
    • Magazine size reduced from 35 to 25
    • Amount per certification rank adjusted from 2/5/7/10 to 2/4/6/8


    Vortek Rotary
    • Inflicts maximum damage up to 150 meters
    • Minimum damage inflicted beyond 275 meters
    • Minimum damage is 425
    Vortek Rotary:
    • Ammo Capacity changed from 350 to 250
    • Amount granted by certifications reduced from 35 to 25 per rank
    Vortek Rotary: Time required to reload increased from 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds

    all info here
  19. LordMondando

    I like how, despite the fact all balance changes are prompted and informed by statistical modeling, we have had 7 months of threads like this.

    X is op based on variable Y. NERF PLOX.

    I look forward to the next 7 months, then the next, then the next.
  20. Charlie

    I hate threads like this.

    1 - It's not out yet.

    2 - If you actually read the discussion thread on the test server forums, you'll find that people have concluded the "new" cannons provide different combat styles for the ESFs:

    Reaver does more damage, but due to limited magazine size you have to be more accurate.

    Mossie allows you to hold the clip down much more, due to the large magazine, so you don't have to be as accurate to deal decent damage, but deals less per shot.

    Scythe has the advantage of not having to lead your targets as much due to the higher projectile speed, making it a bit easier to land your shots.

    Or would you like a game where everyone has the same vanilla gear, and the only difference between us is our colour? Jeez....