TKing for "not playing the game right"

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Killy80, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. Yasa

    It has nothing to do about morality. But arguing over forums is pointless, since theres too much hostility and close mindedness.
    I take my leave.
  2. Macchus

    lol ... team based game ... lol ... right ... this is one of the most solo friendly "team based" games out there ... oh and people like to win they just dont always win in the way you think or do ...
  3. PS2Freak

    nice that you took time to look into mirror. playing dictator and tk people because you think they should act as you want (what you think is right is - Subjective, its Pov not more) is close-minded and aggresive.
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  4. Macchus

    ill take that as a win for me then .. or do you actually have a response ?

    as to your comment on Close mindedness , you are a great example of that , with your views on how every single other person should play ..

    as for hostility ... your entire post is written in a hostile manner wether you intended it or not ..
  5. Macchus

    here is a great example of yasa's hostility and closemindedness ...

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  6. PS2Freak

    My disrespect goes to all self-righteous people here, who said - you deserved the Tk to Op.

    Who are you to dictate others how to play the game and what to do , to redeploy or shot from spawn, to breath in or to breath out.

    Please, Reflect yourselfs "teachers of gameplay"! You are not more worth then anybody.

    Where is Your Culture, while you speaking of others "unworthy" spawn-camping? Where is your Self-reflection?
  7. Orosian

    I once witnessed Vanu crowding and farming from behind the shields, afraid to push out. A couple of inspiring /re's later and they started pushing outwards and fighting back. It was a bit late, but better late than never. I think I said something along the lines of "If you stay still we lose.", and there was another line with my sarge-like rage telling them to fight.

    Every soldier who kills his own belongs on another team.
  8. illgot

    still jealous as hell I can hit 10k cap and not go "hmm, I gotta dump all my certs into buying weapons" (because I buy all my weapons with cash).

    Yes, on Mattherson the VS like to blow each other up for fun when they hit 50+ population and the enemy stands no chance. Since they cluster up like ants on a control point you'll notice randoms start tossing down tank mines, C4, AI mines, etc, then set it off in a giant explosion after a cap.

    you really can't let go of the fact that I can easily hit the 10k cert cap can you, sad. And yes the 10k cap still needs to be removed, because people like me who spend money on this game would like the passive cert gain to still work after we hit 10k.
  9. K3STR3L

    You want to C4 people for not doing as you want them to. Who's the small minded person again? rather than harass people why not just go about doing your own thing rather than act like brat child and try and ruin other peoples fun?

    This sort of self entitled brat mentality is rife on this forum and sickens me to be honest.
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  10. K3STR3L

    You camp above spawns and just sit there C4ing anyone who comes out, should I TK you because I think it is lame? I guess I should because you don't play how I want you too. But guess what I am not that pathetic.
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  11. PS2Freak

    i dont care about your certs or anything. I care about, that you said, you had fun as some other people raged, and you called them unbalanced, as you Tked them on purpose of your entertainment, while being yourself not "balanced".

    You acted like self-righteous.

    reread message #109. learn something about yourself.

  12. Gendomaoken

    All in all, those smart words you drew from internet wont change the fact, that in war game, which is all about attacking and defending, you advertise exploiting faulty game mechanics to feed ego of cert-farmers and Deathmatch lovers. While most of players do their best to fight, attack and defend, theres a few totally useless players, who sit happy all day long thinking they do something, by killing lonely idiots walking into their LoS.
    And while phoenix spam works fine from the shields, other ways of spawn camping renders everyone doing it tactically useless waste of human resources.
    Ill repeat. It is not a matter of perception. It is not a matter of morals. It is a matter willing to participate in a war, in a group effort.
    If you want to play the game you want, there are many other games that will allow you to do it perfectly fine.
    Games like Free realms and Star Wars clone wars adventures.
    Planetside2 is a war game. Its about fighting. If you dont want to fight, you should do what Kubor suggested too many times in the topic: exit game and go out, meet people.
  13. PS2Freak


    you are one of this self-righteous people.

    Its not in your responsibility to watch how others play. where do you taking this right ? right!, you are self-righteous.

    you want fight - go out and fight, and dont look what others do.

    i dont think there are people, who Only spawn-fighting "all day long"; yes, maybe they have phase (tired of fighting), and "relax" in spawn. but you describe it as "white-black", while there is "Grey" too.

    but you know it better, right? self-righteous man... intolerant and close-minded - the man with a sin.
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  14. illgot

    "Mommy, this mean guy on the internet blew us up for no reason. My friends and I all captured a base uncontested, well more like 10 bases because we had almost four times the population of the enemy, and mommy... after we captured the base this mean guy and his friends tossed down explosives next to themselves and set it OFF!!


    Some of the crazy kids laughed at this, but mommy, you would have been proud, I turned around and killed those mean people over and over about a hundred times every time they were resed because mommy, they killed us for no reason after we captured the base!"

    That is what I am hearing from you. Sometimes it is just fun to create a little harmless chaos. Trust me, it is completely harmless when people die after capturing multiple bases uncontested when your faction had 70+ population, an army of sunderers and tanks, and some people toss down explosives and kills everyone around them after a capture.

    Ok, maybe not completely harmless, I guess some people care about the K/D if a medic isn't around.

    And yes, I am a troll in game because to me, this is a game, not my life.
  15. PS2Freak

    i understand you, but -

    Can i suggest you, use TrollGun aka Flare gun. This is Trolling Everybody understands. Very kind and beautiful to watch, trolling, and you not having fun on other people back.

    i mean you want have empathy for your problem (certcap) , but you yourself refuse to give empathy for other people problem, people who dont had fun as you made some chaos.....
  16. Gendomaoken

    You can scream angry all day long, throwing all those self-rightous morals.
    But ill quote one guy on thi: If you think that you are allowed to play game the way you like, spoiling others game, that they can just aswell spoil yous by C4ing you.
    I dont get it, why do you even bring morality into war game. I dictate you the way you are supposed to fight? Devs made force fields possible to shoot from inside to help defenders make an open spot for counter assault(this argument was brough up long time ago on this forums, it is not my personal opinion), hence also why many bases got walls around them, just so the tanks cant shell them. And soon we will have force fields aswell.
    I am not the one self-rightous. You are making all those counter arguments to defend your flawed philosophy of playing the game "your way", which contradics the way its meant to be played.
    And im afraid you wont stop spewing your BS argument about ME dictating the way YOUR GAME should be played, untill devs make it impossible to either gain certs from inside spawns or make it impossible to hurt enemies from inside spawns.
    One last quote:
    "I absolutely understand the guys impulse. You might think it's harmless what you're doing, but your refusal to participate ruins the game for other people, why shouldn't they ruin the game for you?"
  17. SShocK

    I think people should decide for themselves how to play the game.
    Teamkilling for such a silly reason seems pretty sad and childish to me. But most of all it seems pretty counter productive.
    These people will not help you after you teamkill them, but instead they will just report you or return fire on you.
    Why not try to motivate them, tell them to max up and prepare to push out together. I have seen this work plenty of times before.
    If they don't want to, let them be. It's just a game, don't be so frustrated. ;)
  18. Anti-Skub

    I think you have me confused with someone else. If the other team gets pushed back to their spawn room I generally leave and go somewhere else. I'd rather shoot people than wait for capture XP.
  19. Anti-Skub

    It's a game made less fun by people refusing to actually play it. Attacking a base usually ends up lasting minutes before the defenders start refusing to come out. I don't TK people for not leaving the spawn room, but don't try and justify that crap with it being "how you enjoy playing the game".

    The people who do it do it for one reason only, because they want free XP and it ruins the game for the people who aren't just in it for the XP or their K/D ratio. Camping the shields is boring for both the attackers and the defenders. All SOE needs to do is change it so that you don't get awarded XP for killing somoene through a shield. Then we'll see how many of you keep laming it out in the spawn room. Let's see how many of you really are doing it for the fun of it, and not as a way to get kills you are unable to get when the other team can actually shoot back.
  20. Yasa

    haha yeah i still do that some times. but mostly during alerts when people are trying to get things done. if i have to tk a hundred prowlers in order for the tr to win an alert, id do it without batting an eye.