What Planetside 2 players do you hate the most

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Raichu, Jul 12, 2013.

  1. NyaR

    Hey, you must be that ESF that spent a good two minutes and his whole payload shooting my lightning in the middle of bum**** nowhere and ran out of ammo and flew away while I kept hopping out and repairing between your passes.

    If that was you - you do suck! Shoot from the back - not the side.

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  3. Morpholine

    Pretty sure you're TR, too. Not sure why we VS should receive sympathy.
  4. Sithkiller39

    Certain Command Chat heros such as (he who will not be named) on Mattherson who think they are the greatest strategist to ever come into this world.
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  5. Sordid

    Pro tip: When you want to lampoon someone for being an a-hole, it's generally helpful to do it with something that makes them look like an a-hole rather than you. Otherwise you end up looking like an a-hole. Just FYI. ;)
  6. Ranik

    Pub players who basically want to infantry face rush rather than use terrain or defensive base advantage.

    EX: "Why yes. We are surrounded by enemies and armor. Now how did you come to the conclusion that you should try and rush them from ground level rather than use the advantages of the base we own?"

    Nothing will make me more pissed off in this game than people who refuse to play smart. And their is nothing worse than being one of the handful of players trying to play smart, meanwhile the main brunt of your allies are trying to block bullets with their faces.
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  7. Blarg20011

  8. Sithkiller39

    Don't have that much of a problem with Buzz but I'm talking NC Command Chat
  9. NyaR

    I am one, no doubt about it, not hiding it either. There are certain honors I uphold, however, certain lines I won't cross. Two of those lines are trying to ban players from the game or trying to get players kicked from an outfit based on personal disagreement. I can disagree with a person without going for petty vengeance.
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  10. Blarg20011

    Oh... I thought he was the one who must not be named... I'm just going to go now.
  11. McChimperson

    Yeah. Pretty tragic that any idiot can get command chat.
  12. Sithkiller39

    No the one who must not be named is someone Mattherson NC Squad leaders should know by heart due to his "amazing" plans and "brilliance"
  13. Rogueghost

    C4 pooping smg fairy is were its at.
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  14. Linedan

    Anybody who's better than I am.

    So basically, everybody.
  15. BoomBoom4You

    People with high BRs who still cannot tell the difference between factions, and TK you thinking you're an opposing faction member, then send you a /tell saying they're sorry, that they thought you were [insert empire name here].

    If you're new, I get it.
  16. Tekuila

    Stop wearing giraffe camo. :p
  17. Pikachu

    Player's who's skill level is mine or lower, which seems to be all NC. We're so bad it's embarrassing. Was close to taking Crossroads from terrans but they pushed us back, we came back with tanks and they pushed us again, and again back to Peris amp station. They didn't use nearly as many tanks as us yet performed superior. :(
  18. Visk

    • Shotgun users who teabag.
    • Infiltrators who sit back and wait to steal a kill by dealing the last 5% damage on you out of nowhere.
    • Spawn room warriors.
    • Dual Anti-infantry max units who taunt after instagibbing you.
    • Vehicle-only players who pad their K/D ratio by logging off when they are about to die.
    • Infiltrators who try to do the whole Knife/Commissioner move and fail miserably.
    • Heavies with Resist/NMG and an automatic shotgun. It just screams "I can't aim and I am afraid of dying"
    • People who teabag you and then taunt you through tells after hitting you with under 10% damage.
    • People who switch to a shotgun after getting repeatedly killed by you.
    • People who switch into a dual Anti-Infantry MAX unit after being killed repeatedly by you when you are the only enemy around. They literally blow 350 resources to kill one person.
    • People who pull a tank after losing their Dual Anti-Infantry MAX unit that they pulled to kill you after you've repeatedly killed them.
    EDIT: Spelling
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  19. Giggily

    Scrubhumans who just can't accept the fact that the Ginyu Force Rules.
  20. Mythicrose12

    If it makes you feel any better, I've winged you a couple times with my lancer. It's your name. Ninja turtles belong in the sewers, not in the sky.