[Suggestion] NS - Gatling Gun

Discussion in 'MAX' started by Master, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Grotpar

    NS gear on MAXes is stupid.
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  2. keniwaful

    The solution is simple.
    Erase shotguns for all other factions! ;) :)
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  3. Adept

    I think maxes shouldn't exclusively dual wield weapons. Given that they are infantry sized heavy weapon platforms, they should get 1-2 single weapon options with the intention of addressing their faction based weaknesses. Ofc with some heavy drawbacks.
  4. Master

    So i guess you don't use bursters and wont be getting flamethrowers?
  5. Master

    I would weep.
  6. Takoita

    As I've already posted in different thread(s), I suggest making current wrist-mounted guns into sidearms (maximum 1 equipped; buff stats to compensate) and giving MAX a bigger (1 higher damage tier) LMG or something like that.
  7. Grotpar

    So, I guess you're stupid?
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  8. Master

    nah, just one to call out other's stupidity.
  9. Booface

    I'd love two handers for MAXes, but there is a bit of an issue when it comes to giving powerful ranged weapons to a high durability unit. After all, pretty much every way you've got to fight a MAX involves getting right up in its face (dumbfire rockets, C-4, planting and shooting tank mines at their feet). You'd have an issue of a MAX that can severely threaten you at range, but you can't threaten him back. Rockets become easily dodge-able, and even if one lands the MAX can just slip away behind cover.

    I'd be most worried that for that to work, the weapons would end up having to be weak enough (either through inaccuracy, COF, damage, etcetera) that they might seem stupid to use. I'd love to see them make it work, but not in a way that it feels like it's not legitimately powerful.
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  10. Pikachu

    I want pump shotgun for NC MAX.
  11. Anghammarad

    I want a proper 2000+ rpm Minigun for the TR MAX.
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  12. Epic High Five

    Hey, if you wanted shotguns you should've rolled literally any faction.

    Oh wait that makes the argument seem ridiculous.
  13. Goretzu

    If TR gets the airhammer than NC should get Mozzies. :D
  14. Naithe

    Sure you get shotguns we get SMG's.

    Nah on a serious note. I'm fine with others getting rapid fire weapons etc. But that doesn't mean it has to be either gatling or minigun or what ever. Make it a LMG, a coil gun, heck an industrial bolter! But no minigun!

    Also atleast at some point NC, where all about railguns, and that kind of tech. Its a shame that most of their max/vehicle weapons don't reflect that. :(
  15. CptFirelord

    You want TR weaponry, play the TR. Our "empire specific" trait is already missing for our empire, and you want to take yet another thing from us? No. If you're going to ask for chainguns on the MAX as an NS weapon, I want an NS Lancer or NS Lasher or NS Ursa, actually, how about NS Anything-without-drop? Give us your lazor pewpew weapons. But no, you can't have our last thing that's unique.
  16. CptFirelord

    Why? Reaver > Mossie.
  17. Khyrin

    How about dual barreled LMG type weapons with high damage, low RoF and average spread?
  18. Naithe

    Why would i have anything against that? ;)

    Personally i'd prefer something that felt more nc.

    I wrote this suggestion somewhere else. But i'd love to see nc getting a sort of "heavy" bolter that fired lightning AP sized shells at a slightly faster fire rate then the fracture. (having similar ranged ttk to the dual mercies).

    Add a sort of sound effect and animation for each shot that gives the impression you just fired a massive steel pipe through someones face, through the almighty powers of electromagnetics!
  19. Khyrin

    That's what i want for all NC weapons, especially the vehicle weapons, they just feel like ordinary guns with conventional projectile and propellant, just the rain of empty casings is missing, at least the infantry weapons have a different muzzle fire, but firing the Vanguard turret just feels like firing a single, bigger Prowler turret that deals more damage and reloads a ******** slower.
  20. Goretzu

    If Reaver>Mossie then airhammer <<<<<<< chaingun.