Outfits on Miller?

Discussion in 'Miller (EU)' started by Pella, Jul 11, 2013.

  1. diLLa

    People go for easy farm -> get bored from farming -> quits, while blaming the game for not having enough depth. It's the case for so many players and outfits. What they don't understand is that they choose to go for the easy route, even though the harder route is so much more rewarding and fun.

    Any outfit who quits cause of boredom has probably only themselves to blame for not keeping it interesting for their players.
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  2. MajorZbug

  3. EvilJollyT

    We're waiting in the Bio Lab for you, for our leet kills.
  4. Pella

    Wouldn't say "our". Kanum has it down to a fine art. The rest of you try to follow suit.
  5. Pella

    Problem is DIEM. We are now both competing on the map for good fights. Its like a rush to re-secure before you show up :p
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  6. Ulysees

    Part of the problem is a lack of lattice and the other part is that you are playing TR. I have my suspicions that you ****ers have a WASP alert cos where ever we we fight we tend to get outfit against outfits 9 times out of 10 and regardless of continent the fights escalate very very quickly.

    I say lattice because I am sick of fighting hard over a base, getting a hard earned cap in moving up one base and the virtually the second we leave the base behind us is getting capped by a squad of players or less so either you ignore that cap and keep pushing but risk getting cut off or you split your force to protect the cap and risk getting overwhelmed elsewhere.

    A couple of weeks ago we ran a join outfit event and had 2 platoons of players on the field, we went to Esamir with the objective of removing the TR bonus but spent nearly 3 hours fighting over 4 goddam bases because we didn't have the numbers to push all the required bases at the same time based on the resistance we were fighting. It was an awsome nights fighting with multiple 48+ battles at all of those bases but when you work that hard, push up to the next base and then check the map to find the base being capped by 1-12 enemies detected it really kills my enthusiasm to keep on repeating the process.

    Indar doesn't have this issue but if you play on Indar then invariably you will be playing with either other outfits in your lane or with randoms or god forbid even your own zerg and whilst I do occasionally have to deal with a clever back cap attempt at least it is only ever 1 base not 3 and for me as long as the lag gods don't strike Indar is a much better continent to fight on in my opinion and that seems to be shared by the majority of our playes and I cannot wait for lattice on the other continents so it opens up our options more as to where to play each night.

    The other point is that if you are playing the lower pop faction then hunkering down with allies is a pretty attractive option, not everyone can cope with fighting 2v1 or more at every fight and even well organised outfits find it hard at times because as I said where ever we go we seem to find fights that escalate very fast and to be fair we tend to drag our own side into those fights as well at times but just as often we get hit by 48+ numbers against our 2 squads with no prospect of the cavalry coming to our aid and that can be demoralising also when you feel that no matter what you do or where you go it is all uphill fights regardless so why not stay in the areas where you are guaranteed some support?

    The game is defiantely not dull and at least on NC side it is easy for us to find outfit v outfit fights, personally I think your issue is that you are for the time being playing on the overpop side so it will be harder to find good one on one fights because you guys are like goddam cockroaches and no matter how many we squash there are still plenty to take their place :)
  7. Mordus

    I havent had time to play much lately so I might be slightly outdated on the latest development ingame. I agree that we should spread out more when we play. At least when I lead a platoon and there are a lot of friendlies around not from the platoon, I wait after a base is captured to see where the others are going and then try to choose a different path.
    A "problem" we have faced in =FU= when running up to 3 platoons on the same continent (note, not on the same hexes) is that we attract a lot of other friendlies to move with us which can cause a zergish behavior. One way we try to avoid getting hexes too crowded is to split into infantry and mechanized platoons. The infantry only platoon move into bigger bases while the mechanized infantry do more rural combat, airstrikes and cap smaller outposts.
    Bio labs are often a chokepoint where a lot of the action that could otherwise be distributed on the continent gets stuck. Sometimes we put all in and just maxcrash the domes, not for so much for the fun of it but more as mercy killing to get the action back out there away from the dome.

    One way to tackle the problem we are currently facing is to arrange more inter-faction events where we agree to fight in a certain location in a certain way or we start communicating more between the factions to give heads up on where we wish to set up the combat.
    Personally I dont give a **** about capturing bases or locking continents. As long as we have a good fight where the enemy give us a run for the money I dont care if we capture the nearest base or not. A defensive retreat where we hold off the enemy forces at different positions for as long as possible can be just as fun as doing a glorious charge.

    We will do our best from FU to arrange/participate in more events for all factions to bring out the best sides of the game for everyone.
  8. Yloh

    Thats why i am about to quit VS after 10+ years. It hurts me more and more if i press M for the map, watch the cont pop and the actual progress. Headless chickens everywhere. Orders nearly never seen, guys just sit in spawnroom, horrible.
    This realy hurts me. :(
  9. AdennTM

    The Supreme Commander(Mordus) has spoken :cool:
  10. pnkdth

    I've been having a blast the last couple of months. The problem is, probably, that most seriousface outfits on VS melted away. There were not enough of us, and when there wasn't enough of us people either left the game entirely or decided to go more casual. Indeed, when you check the outfit recruitment here you don't notice a whole lot of VS. DIG(T), DWG, IVRI, and the rest are TR/NC.

    It also needs to be said, there are a lot new players lately. We need to be patient, or better yet, help them along the way. If you want people to man up, you don't do it by shouting at them(for some reason gamers think this is motivating).
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  11. MajorZbug

    So very true. Last time on Heyoka : "ok 10 seconds to go rush the point we can do it" "the point flips" "what?" "INI..."

    If we're on the same continent we need to communicate otherwise one of the two gets the resecure and the other misses a fight.

    To answer your question more directly : we've having fun. As much alien as it may seem, our guys seem to like it.
  12. raw

    But that would just mean that you come for the fight aswell, doesn't it? The problem is, for meaningful fights to errupt there needs to be some kind of value attached to each hex.

    I am not saying that there are no outfits doing any kind of organized warfare right now, but for the majority of players there needs to be more than just the next meat grinder, because meatgrinding I can do fine all alone.

    A larger landmass gives us a broader front, which would give single outfits a better posibility to leave their mark.
  13. Seron

    Well due to overpop on continents + membershipbonus + 3 months boosts ppl end up with a 3 month -double exp weekend.

    Can't blame them to go farming then :p
  14. Luzario

    We in 252 strive to always fight our own fight and to not fight with the zerg, but unfortunately these days we can either fight alone (we only have 2 quads) or in a zerg.... cannot be any other way...

    if we are on indar, we can at least have the pleasure of doing something fun, like pushing forward and capping bases but on other continents the pop differences are too big... i cant count how many times we are at a base ready to cap and we get kicked out by 48+ BRTD or DEIM + INI or FU assoults.... we cannot fight those numbers and we cannot call anyone to our help seeing as almost all of the outfits on NC side are inactive or not willing to help (WASP uses command chat already?)

    this is different for you TR outfits which always get a zerg or other big outfits to support the attacks you guys start... 252 goes to cap a biolab in a biolab alert, asks for help in leader and sends orders for help, and no one comes... and than a full TR population descends upon us... and then on top of it all we get /yells of being ****, noobs and TRAM-ed... takes away the will to do this and so yes, we go fight on Indar where odds for us NC are better ....

    the only one i have to commend to helping us a lot almost every day are GSIC and Zhukov's platoon... but the latter only fights on Indar....

    So INI i would say to you, try the NC side... really do, and see if you can imitate the success you have on the TR side... I personally watch a lot of your streams Pella and i try to imitate as much as i can... but the factor of allies coming to your aid is a big part of your success and we just aren't able to imitate that portion of it :D :D :D
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  15. Justicia

    Yes, having an active alliance helps immensely, if not for the cooperation then at least for the communication. We in DIG don't have a special way of going about our daily routine, we just go where we feel we can be effective. Sometimes it's assisting the zerg in a push, sometimes it's ghostcapping a continent, but most of the time we find our own way. When we do, we often cooperate with other TVA members. Last night, for example, I (and others before me) ran a public platoon on Amerish and with the assistance of a few other TVA outfits we were able to effectively cap it. The cooperation of an alliance can be great, like yesterday we did a couple of dual-outfit (shoutout to EMLD) double-platoon MAX crashes on the Amerish biolabs to great effect. I don't know the situation in NCTO, but I would like to see that it evolves into a more structured organisation as well. It's always good to see some nice enemy cooperation.
  16. LordMondando

    We are the shield that guards the realm of freedom.

    Or maybe a galaxy full of shields, that goes around belching them out where the situation be ******.

    Play objective so mobile defence, flying reserves whatever, unless stupidly outnumbered, then act as tactical strike force for random zerglings making it actually capture points, take down gens and such.

    Frustrating as hell a lot of the time. Got to be done though.
  17. StanFor

    Only 3 people left but we got alot of new recruts in the past 2 weeks, now they are going through some bad *** SoV trening so I'm sure we will meet on the battlefild. Oooo and dont forget its summer so most of the people are on holidays :).
  18. Mordus

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  19. Bvenged

    Yes, I do. If I'm leading a platoon or squad, I'm in the in-game command channel more often or not. If I'm not leading, the chances we're in command channel are slimmer, but we are trying to make an effort to be in NCTO TS more often. too.
  20. PeaSum

    Good to hear :)
    Would be a shame to see an outfit like SoV vanish :/

    And yeah, we know this kind of "summer-problem". We need more members that hate going on vacation...