Higby fiddled while Mattherson burned

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, Jul 10, 2013.

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  1. ChampagneDragon

    Who freakin cares about 3pm EST? Most of us are working, or at least pretending to work.

    What happens tonight at 10-midnight? Want to bet? Oh wait, you'd simply have your outfit play TR and work a TR/VS combo against the NC.
  2. Alexandrix

    TR+VS combo? funny considering just last night ironfist and crew were running air cover in their reavers for the vs over PERIS AMP STATION (while gloating about it) on the very bottom of indar,a good 10-15 hexes away from any NC territory.Keeping the TR from having any kind of air support.Oh,and also,VS GOKUzerg had a good 20 people at least camped on the eastern hill between quartz ridge/indar excavation instantly vaporizing any TR armor or sundy's ,with thier invisible non rendering bullcrap, that came out of quartz to try and push toward excavation.
  3. ChampagneDragon

    Yes. I mean a VS/TR force to fight the NC.

    The Vindicators thought they would "balance" the pops (per Negator who is "working" to help solve the issues) by making TR alts. Those TRs are called Vandicators (not Vindicators). They now both fight the NC under the guise of fighting each other. It's REALLY disheartening to attempt a fight against what you assume t be the TR Vandicators, only to have a VS zerg, the Vindicators, drop in and fight where they have no link.
  4. Herby20

    Myself and a few people from N did the same by clearing out the Vanu air over Ikanum Biolab last night on Amerish for the NC. Groups of pilots like that care more about killing other ESFs, not about who is fighting or where they are.
  5. Negator

    Did we not resolve this misconception? Contact brandomg of military gamers (TR) if you have other questions.

    I think you misunderstand some of the points being made. id prefer to talk it out in ts then confrontational forum posts.
  6. ChampagneDragon

    It was done, until I see you on here blaming the current server issues to the leadership of the NC and TR. As someone who is out there leading nightly I take offense at that.

    The issues are not leadership, despite what you seem to think. I have run with enough VS outfits, including yours, to know that the leadership varies dramatically even in factions. Even with the best leadership certain things can not be overcome. My point about fighting the TR/VS outfit is that is just one more example of what makes your assertion of poor leadership invalid.
  7. Giggily

    The fact that nobody has figured out how to counter us doing this is absolutely hilarious. It's been months. Months.
  8. DukeFlash

    During normal hours, non-alert... sure, I'd say 42% TR is a typical cap.
    Although last night, during the early AM alert... TR went up to 54% world pop and 57% continent pop
    (Indar alert... I think tech plant. I forget)
  9. Alexandrix

    I can't explain that.I can however say that 90% of the time,your **** doesn't render.You're driving down the road and then just "poof" instantly vaporized with no indication whatsoever of what is hitting you,or where it's coming from.At the distance you are shooting stuff from,no one can see your AV turret missiles or your lancer shots except you.You just take damage from thin ******* air for no apparent reason.Makes it a lot more difficult,especially for the random player,to assess how to respond to the situation when they have no idea what the situation even is.

    I'm pretty sure you already know all of that though.
  10. Dzire

    Take a break from the game, Champagne. I heard you in prox VOIP at Vanu Archives last night and you sounded like you were about to lose it.

    Negator has a point. The VS as a whole have more competent and organised outfits. Those outfits now have more members due to design decisions by SOE. Even after the balances, those outfits were able to retain their members.

    You and I both know the NC, in their current state, are more than capable of providing the VS with a good fight... we just can't do it everywhere. This is a time when the NC outfits that coordinate and communicate regularly with eachother are really seeing the benefits firsthand, and avoiding the sense of frustration that you currently have.

    Want to stop getting your *** rolled by a larger force? Lose your pride, get in the in-game command VOIP or the NC Coalition TS server, and start working with the many organised NC outfits on our server.
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  11. Crookymouth

  12. LowTechKiller

    The second a poster here inserts their emotionally charged blanket opinions about "unskilled" and "easy mode" players, they expose themselves as the angry trolls that they are.
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  13. Van Dax

    I see where you are coming from with your argument here, but think about resources-they can't afford to keep throwing sundies at you as much as you can c4 them.
  14. Negator

    There is no point, because it is entirely invalid. Since it is now public domain, Ill say again that we rolled TR alts in order to play with [MG], Military Gamers run by BrandoMG who is TR on their OPs night. They are a small but growing outfit and we wanted to support their ambitions. About 15-20 Vindicators were playing with them. Well, The other 15-20 Vindicators online taht night decided it would be fun to hunt us down and would continually roll Sunderers to where we were fighting in order to engage us; it just so happened you were between us. I assure you, we didnt need a joint faction force numbering over 40+ to handle the 1-2 squads of NC there at west highlands. This was the one and only time that we had any large presence online as TR, ever. My TR alt has 1044 VS kills and 950 NC kills. My NC alt has 1256 VS kills and 514 TR kills.

    I'm still a bit surprised my initial explanation has been thrown aside in favor of wild conspiracy theories. What would we have to gain from this? I play my TR alt, neg0tiat0r quite a bit lately, with AOD and HNYB for the most part. I've led squads and platoons on TR; just this morning i was using command chat and working with Autoaim (AOD outfit lead).

    As far as the rest, we did split our force to try and get equal fights. In fact, VS and NC pop were equal at 34% for the majority of our 2 hour ops night. There were times where there was no choice but throw what we had at the NC. If you remember, we began an assault on both Briggs laboratory and Mao Southeast. Both failed. By the end of the night NC had taken both Howling Pass checkpoint and East Canyon checkpoint, and was beginning to assault NS material storage. I fail to understand how this 'massive VS zerg' was no fun to fight while simultaneously taking ground from us. I assure you, each of my four squads was shuffled around to the absolute limit that you could shuffle by the end of the night.

    Lastly, ValientViet, outfit leader of CML played with us, in our teamspeak, and in our command chat. Ask him for an NC player's perspective on last night. He knows we tried very hard to find good fights. The offer for you to run OPs with us is still out there. We have nothing to hide, and though I might come across as a knowitall, i have no problem humbling myself in order to learn from others if the opportunity arises.
  15. Negator

    Lastly i am by no means saying there are not competent NC and TR leaders out there. There certainly are.

    What I am saying is there is not enough, or the perception is that there is not enough because the largescale teamwork appears to be lacking.
  16. LT_Latency

    Leader get frustrated just like the players when every battle is 2vs1. When no matter what you do you are going to get push back after a while people just say "What is the point"
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  17. Negator

    When pop is 50%, i have no rebuttal to that. But consistently i see NC platoons hanging around where there is nothing to fight. Well, given an equal pop, if you have 48 VS attacking a point defended by 24 NC, that means there is 24 NC somewhere else doing nothing. So 2 things can happen: the VS splits, or the NC focuses.

    Just the other day, i witnessed a 60/40 pop at freyr amp station, with NC being the 60%. It took the NC all of 1.5 HOURS to take Freyr amp station. You know why? Because an ENTIRE PLATOON was on the exterior, shooting pretend enemies on the towers. Once the towers were 'neutralized', they pushed inside, and guess what, sent THE ENTIRE PLATOON to each shield generator one by one.

    So guess what, every time you are out numbered during prime time, you can blame platoons like these for holding up so much of the NC pop.

    if youre playing at 3 AM, i dont know what to tell you.
  18. LT_Latency

    So what?? You can't pull one instant out of the air as an example. If your teams spend most of the time playing getting gang banged your team is going to be frustrated and demolized
  19. Utrooperx


    Institute a kill cam system on the "Your Dead" screen...show how many shots hit target, where they hit, how many fired, what range fired from...show a 5 second clip from the Enemy's POV of killing you...if his target sight never leaves your head until you round a corner for LOS or "snaps" to your head from 100 meters away and stays on you as you run without jiggling...nobody is that steady or that Elite...have a big red "Report" button right on the death screen...if the GM's get enough reports and watch a few of the kill camera vids of "Super" accuracy...Ban away with total proof.

    Cheater problem solved...next?
  20. Negator

    But one example of many ive seen. I agree that people leave when things suck.
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