An Illustrated Address to Fans of The Hex System

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AJay, Jul 8, 2013.

  1. Tommyp2006

    I find this picture ironic, considering how many people in this game's playerbase run this game on a toaster.
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  2. Tommyp2006

    You know, you keep posting this in every thread, but I'm yet to see a new solution.
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  3. Snarfy

    They had to implement lattice to help the high concentration of nooberts that play this game who need to be pointed in the right direction or else they get confused and lost.
  4. Zenatsuu

    Hex the continents, lattice the maps.

    There was a thread about this, that had some good discussions (pre-lattice, and I even think it was back in beta? cant remember) but It seems to be gone now...
  5. Spets

    I see what you did there! Clever boy!
  6. AtheistPeace

    Awesome Post haha
  7. Luighseach

    Acutally if you notice the first game is nothing like the current hex unless the whole map had the same amount of connections as China. If the hex system was more like Risk then it would have been okay since conquest also has choke points. However using the current Hex layout there are no real choke points.

    I would like to say however that the current lattice format is just silly and should never have been implemented this way. There needs to be more connections in the current lattice system to allow for more lines of fighting without becoming the Hex.
  8. VSMars

    Actually, people who understand game design know the "hex vs. lattice" is a false dichotomy. They differ in the amount of links per base only.

    As a "hex supporter", I prefer to have about 4-5 links per base. That's all there is to it. On the other hand, I don't think every single base should be connected to this system; some are just not important enough.
  9. Nocturnal7x

    Very well done.
  10. Luighseach

    Best analogy of HEX ever.
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  11. DramaticExit

    You are right, I do keep posting it in every thread on the subject. I have seem four or five alternative systems around these forums, one of them is linked in my sig.

    The solution I proposed is about using the systems we already have in a new way. There are people on this forum who have proposed totally different mechanics for producing strategic depth to the game. Some of them have been suggested in that very same thread. Some of them are excellent, some are extremely vague.

    The intent of me posting what I post is to get people to think about alternatives. Dream, imagine, be creative and have ideas. Everyone is capable of it. Anyone can think of ways of fixing both systems and everyone is capable of coming up with new ideas. It's just a matter of thinking a little.

    It doesn't matter if the ideas that are proposed don't work or have faults. Don't worry about getting it wrong. That's fine. Ideas are what is needed. I'm sure you're perfectly able to come up with a system that makes sense to you... Who knows, Tommy, you might come up with the thing that'll make this game unbelievably awesome.

    So run along, grab a notebook and a pen and come up with something.
  12. VSMars


    Average number of connections per (non-warpgate) base: 2.62
    Median number of connections per base: 2

    For comparison, the same numbers on other continents with a lattice:

    PS2 Indar: Average 2.34, Median 2
    PS1 Amerish: Average 3.25, Median 3

    You're getting there, SOE. Still way too many lines and way too little interconnectivity though. PS1 Amerish had just 8% of the bases with two links, PS2 Amerish has 60%.
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  13. ovakin

  14. cwcriner

  15. cwcriner

    PS1 amerish also only had 12 locations. When will people realize that PS1 continents were the size of a Battle island?
  16. VSMars

    12 bases for 400 people (33 people per base) vs. 47 bases for 2000 people (42 people per base). Sounds about even, PS2's Amerish is maybe a little bit more crowded.
  17. GRiMtox

    I can't help myself. I've to call this thread total ********. Sadly there is no thumb down. Just like on analrape-facebook.
  18. Udnknome

    Feel free to use it in future Hex vs Lattice conversations. I'm sure this conversation will be moot eventually as all continents will have lattice. At that point, they can either play something else or conform.
  19. Badname3073

    The hex and lattice are the same, because they are both undirected planar graphs. There are many more types of graphs available in graph theory, and the developers could implement different types of graphs on different continents. Even a simple upgrade to directed graphs (like, you can take Ti Alloys from Crown but not otherwise) would be immense fun.