we need to change friendly fire for running over players

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by illgot, Jul 4, 2013.

  1. BlackDove

    Ever notice how easy it is to run over a friendly? You can touch a friendly and they're dead instantly. I do it all the time, unintentionally.

    Try running over an enemy, and it's like they clip right through the vehicle. There have been MANY instances of me running over an enemy, and them taking almost no damage. I have even hit them and dragged them for 20 feet before, and they live, sometimes to C4 or rocket me.

    They should REVERSE how that works, to make the game more fun. Make it easier to run over enemies than friendlies. Of course, like virtually everything else about this game, from tanks flipping over when hit from the side, to the 2D menus being the most GPU intensive aspect of the game, its completely backwards.
  2. BlackDove

    Or they could make it easier to kill enemies by running them over, since they're virtually invincible now, and harder to kill friendlies than they are?

    I'm pretty sure the majority of TKs that involve running someone over are accidents. It has nothing to do with being careful or not either. I kill people who touch my magrider all the time, and I'm careful as can be! Like I said, they have the vehicle dynamics for running people over backwards.

    Implementing a punishment system in a game that just got a massive vehicle nerf, for accidentally running someone over who is too easy to kill, is an absurd suggestion.

    And the ******* vehicles blow up if you touch debris, if a friendly sideswipes you, if you touch a doorway and clip into the building, because the vehicle collision dynamics are so broken in this game.
  3. Lancener

    I got really lucky the other day, was squatting under a magrider. Normal tanks are easy to avoid, magriders are irritating sometimes because you can't get close to any side of them or you risk being run over. I remember them changing this once but it may need more tuning.
  4. XRIST0

    I didnt contradict myself , nor am i "mad bro" :rolleyes:

    Child ..
  5. Nogrim313

    resorting to personal attacks and name calling

    you might want to relearn the definition of a contradiction, here made it easy for you so you don't have to strain that superior brain of yours
    don't fly
    do a bit of everything
    dont hide in tanks

    pretty limited view of "everything" and a very obvious contradiction

    also im 4 years older than you

    your obviously painfully biased toward infantry only combat as your "everything" seem to not include 2 out of the 3 types of combat in a combined arms game
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  6. Menelek

    If only Engineers had a way of setting a mobile forward operation center were they can rep tanks in an area around them, something they can pull out like an AI turret ( could add spice to battles to defend or destroy these repair centers ) without the need for them to go so close to tanks and be pancaked ... or some other solution, only imagination is the limit here.
  7. Nogrim313

    you mean like a repair sundy?
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  8. Zorlox

    it should be a punish/forgive system. if someone runs me over i should be able to choose to forgive the player so he doesn't get any penalty towards his weapon lock. it wouldn't make a difference for trolls that do it on purpose because the punish would equal the same amount as it always did. I have no issues with the way stray bullets work, it's probably hard to set up a system for every single bullet but at least allow me to forgive/negate the penalty when i get killed accidentally or otherwise.

    as for being run over, that's as much your problem as the player in the vehicle. especially in a mag where it's a real pita to see anything except what's in front of you. there's the odd ball that roadkills on purpose but even they are pretty easy to avoid if you even look at your minimap once in awhile. especially so when you hear the sound of a vehicle approaching, it's not hard to see he's coming right at you with a vengeance or if you're going to cross his path. if I can run around in the middle of 20 tanks moving back and forth while repairing without dying regularly then there's no reason other people can't avoid one vehicle driving down the road.

    for harassers, half the time people won't even render before they get roadkilled, i don't see how they should be punished because of technical issues. you could try actually staying out of the road, especially if you see a smoking harasser incoming.

    all that said, it's a lot harder to be killed by a friendly vehicle than it used to be. before as long as the vehicles box made any contact with yours you were instantly dead.

    the blame isn't one sided if either were paying attention they could've avoided it. but even if the driver was a jack and doing it on purpose, it can be avoided. situational awareness.
  9. The King

    lol, I've seen this many times.
    While I was at my brothers watching over his shoulders while he was riding a flash.
    There was this guy running across the road, didn't look both ways and a lightning came along and splatterd him all over the ground.
    it was really funny at that time. We were both thinking, if that guy only looked both ways before running over the road, he would still be living.

    For the penalty, I don't think it should be in since many times, you avoid, yet you still kill. Infantry should take note and try to avoid em too. They should try to understand how it works which would help em and the situation.
  10. ShureShot

    Let's make a deal: if you get roadkilled ON A ROAD, you get your feet locked for 10 minutes and are forced to watch a basic safety instruction video.

    The same applies when you were behind a tank that was forced to back up.

    Seriously though, it's 10 times easier to run over friendlies than enemies in this game, especially with a Magrider. On top of that, players are often meters away on my screen, but somehow they end up dead because on their screen they were somewhere else.
  11. Jaxxx

    Not only is the damage to a friendly ridiculous compared to hitting an enemy player but I notice the hit box seems larger as well. Ill drive past a friendly without even touching him/her and see their shields flicker, and even kill them sometimes. While Ill hit an enemy dead on wait for the kill message and get absolutely nothing, I try like hell not to hit friendlies when I'm out and about in my harasser but jeese I cant come within 3 feet of a friendly without getting a friendly fire warning.
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  12. Illusio

    Surely, if you've played this game more than 5 minutes, you know that tanks will have to repair from time to time and that this typically involves maxing out your reverse thrusters to get out of line of fire. If you stand behind tanks, for whatever reason, you are the "problem". But this really just amounts to having a generally positive attitude to the whole thing. If you are an engineer, which is the only reasonable excuse anyone could have to be close to the rear of a tank, then your death is likely a small price to pay to have helped keep the tank up. Sure, it would have been great if he managed to avoid you, but tanks die so fast to anti-vehicle barrages that there's really nothing they can do but get to safety fast. You'll likely respawn in the local Sunderer in 10s, but it could take 10+ minutes to get a new MBT in the fight. Do the math. And, if you honestly don't think the tanks are doing anything useful, you should not be repairing them in the first place - problem solved. I think people playing as engineers also need to remember something: The tank drivers most likely did not ask you to try to repair them. In fact, most tank crews will be engineers themselves and you might well be more of an annoyance than a benefit if you have to restrict their escape routes to do it. (And with Magriders, those escape routes will be in every direction.)

    As for the "morons who want to be the first to deploy", realize that they have the same problem. Often they are under fire and have to get to one of the safe deploy spots before dying and stopping for pedestrians is typically out of the question in a hot zone. That could be the case with trying to evade them as well, due to the fascinating sliding mechanics in this game which can easily send a vehicle unrecoverably into oblivion. It's not at all uncommon to be 100% committed to a full speed run along a pre-planned path in such scenarios. Now, if you don't understand why getting a Sunderer placed is more important than your spawn, then you should probably be playing another game. Especially so if you'd have reactions like the OP and be willing to screw over your entire team by C4ing a critical Sunderer to "get even".

    I get it when you point at people trying to drive their lightnings up stairs or otherwise displaying overt inconsiderate behavior, but that's just not something anyone are dying of regularly.

    I think the proper advice to people who think they are being run over on purpose is to use vehicles more and just experience that they will be doing it as well, both by accident and for good reasons.
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  13. TribbleFluffer

    like i said in the post you quoted. if your taking damage, feel free to run my *** over, though the only reason that would happen is becuse i decided to either cross behind you right as you started getting damaged, or i was taking cover.
    what im refering to is when there isnt anyone else around, sometimes people just sorta....aim for me, im a good distance off to the side of the road where i wount get run over normally...but i get hit from behind as some idiot decides "oooh roadkill! :D" THOSE are the ones i C4, not the ones who had a very valid reason for flattening me like being about to die.
  14. SwordofCyric

    Sometimes yes. When it's clearly my own damn fault because I run around without looking or sprinted in front of a vehicle in the last minute without a chance for the driver to react I write it off as my own stupidity.

    Yes, there are cases where it was clearly the fault of the killed pedestrian but quite often it's just a wantonly driver who wants to safe his K/D and doesn't care over how many friendly pedestrians he has to drive into the ground just to get his precious but out of the enemy fire.

    In such cases I remember the name and then pay him back with C4 or a few decimator hits to his vehicles back. Especially satifying since the increased vehicle ressource costs

    And that's not only for personal revenger for driving over me. If I witness such an reckless driver running over other friendlies, I will avenge them even if I wasn't killed this time.

    That's the typical "friendly" I take great pleasure in blowing up as soon as I am respawned
  15. Serell

    Got into a Harasser yesterday. Accidentally ran over so many team mates, that if I were to hit one more person I would have gotten weapon locked. I was driving as carefully as I could. It's way too easy to run over your team than it is to run over the enemy.
  16. Sebastien

    Are you sure it's the K/D the driver wants to save?
  17. BlackDove

    Also, since GU11, I will protect my vehicles at all costs, so I don't care how many people I TK trying to get to safety. I used to at least attempt not to hit them. Now I just run them over and laugh at how broken this game has become.

    All they'd have to do is nerf the amount of damage you do to friendlies with vehicle bumps at 2mph, and make it actually possible to run enemies over. Oh wait, that'd make sense, and therefore be impossible. We now have fireworks which are louder than any other explosion in the game, so everyone should shut up and be happy right?
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