Your most memorable TK revenge story

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Harry Cox, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Harry Cox

    I was drop-podding to the battlefield, half-way there this mozzie suddenly flew and got in my way, I didn't have the time to react and I collided with his mozzie resulting in his death, obviously I didn't want this to happen as it was a complete accident.
    My first instinct was to apologise and I did via whisper, then he spawned nearby and TKed me instead. So I reciprocated and tked him, then he whispered me and told me that I owe him one more death, I told him that if an apology didn't suffice and that he wants to be a ***** about it, so can I, so I got into a Sunderer turret and watched this guy helplessly searching for me, I proceeded to TK him again, whispered him "Looking for me? :D" and hid in the Sunderer until he was gone.
  2. Goolloom

    I put a bullet through the head of that son of a b*tch that blew up my Sunderer to put his own. (Yes it still happens)
  3. FateJH

    My most memorable TK revenge story is ... I don't go on TK revenge pursuits. Juvenile nonsense, and that's even before we're playing a video game.
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  4. VSDerp

    i never really revenge tk'd..but if the person that tk me dies in front on me i will teebag his a** outta respect ofcourse.
  5. Kastrenzo

    stuck a C4 to an mic spamming swearing idiot once, he ran into a battle and got shot in the back, and immediatley exploded. And I didn't even get the grief points
  6. TTex11

    Does accidental count?

    For whatever reason, guy drives his own vanguard behind mine, hops out and puts C4 on my tank and blows it up. Then hops back into his own tank just in time for my debris to tumble down the hill and destroy his tank with him inside.

    I wouldn't call that a 'revenge' kill. Instead I would call it karma.
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