Ammo Sundy Exp cap - Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kilmannan, Jul 6, 2013.

  1. Kilmannan

    If I'm seeing things right, a Sunderer with an Ammo utility stops earning Exp after a certain amount when resupplying vehicles.

    One question:


    Where is the motivation to keep my fellow soldiers well stocked up if I'm earning nothing for the pleasure of doing so?

    It seems to be per area - I understand this could be open to exploitation, but why can't we limit a resupply cap per vehicle instead of per area? I hardly earn anything, a few hundred Exp then it caps out whilst my colleagues are earning thousands in kills.

    It just seems like another poorly implemented solution.

    Hence why you never see an ammo Sundy around.
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  2. Mxiter

    Even AMS sundys have XP cap.
    Deal with it.
  3. Wezdor

    Ammo sundies should be giving more rewards. As it is, they give the same amount of XP as an engineer ammo box, while this is a large bus, much more succeptible to getting killed and has less potential targets to resupply.
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  4. Kilmannan

    Nice solution.

    Why should it cost 400+ certs to spawn something that only gives a few hundred Exp in return and is the games biggest target?
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  5. P4NJ

    Repair sundys too. Actually, all support XP is capped I think. But the Repair and Ammo sundy caps are way too low.
    They gotta stop exploitation of people just shooting one bullet and reloading, but perhaps there are other ways to do this.
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    this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we can't have nice things.
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  7. StolenToast

    I think a per=player cap would be a good solution. But the question is:

    Would I still be able to play the game after?
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  8. Hunter_Killers

    The XP caps make me question the purpose of having your ammo pack last 6 minutes if its going to stop giving XP long before that.
  9. Tommyp2006

    This. I understand that support XP cap is to prevent farming, but it's such a slow gain rate, and such a small percentage of people would actually sit there and farm, that it seems stupid to cap it, because it makes people not want to pull those support roles due to capped xp. I know I would pull my ammo sundy or repair over mineguard more often if it weren't capped. Because the cap is so low, I usually don't bother.
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  10. LT_Latency

    Yeah, everything about sundries should give more points.

    Why get 3 points per spawn when you get get 1000s for blowing stuff up with a tank
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  11. Astealoth

    before they added caps you saw people macroing 2 accounts in the warpgate. use a VM to sit 2 sunderers next to eachother, use any commonly available key macro system to sit there and auto fire the machine guns on both sunderers into the ground, gain endless XP. i saw it many many times before the cap was added, there's likely quite a few very high BR people who got it by easy cheating.
  12. Macchus

    lol they're are putting caps and timers on everything AND increasing resource costs to make another artificial timer .... its gonna afkside soon, or at the very least waithalfanhourtodoanythingside ..
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  13. Macchus

    i would guess that its to keep your teammates supplied for six minutes without having to throw down another ammo pack ...

    that being said welcome to timerside ladies and gentleman ...
  14. SpcFarlen

    Played a medic a while ago in a biolab, threw a hail marry of a rez-nade and got about 20-30 revives off it. For the next 15 mins (or what felt to be that long) i got nothing in terms of exp for heals and revives. I coudln't take out infantry as well as a HA, or armor, yet im only getting rewarded for kills now. Which killing has no cap on what so ever, yet we see these farming videos of fury flashes, MBT lobbing shells, and all that... but they want to stop farming?

    Keeping my team supplied, should never be capped. Making sure as many soldier have their feet on the ground at any moment, should never be capped. Helping damaged vehicles get fully repaired so they can stay in the fight, should never be capped My primary method of gaining exp should never be capped. When i play a medic, i revive and heal above all else. When im an engineer, i repair and supply above all else. Yet the game is telling me, kill kill kill.

    If i resupply someone 6 times in X minutes, i no longer get exp off that person. If i have to revive someone 6 times in X minutes, i can no longer get exp off that person. Support roles should be rewarded for doing their role, just how offensive classes like HA, LA, Infils are rewarded for getting kills. Its their role.
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  15. Madmojo

    To stop people from squad xp exploiting resupply. Someone parks ammo sundy in a secluded area and resupplies a second account character's vehicle in squad. It could even be macrod.
  16. WTSherman

    My guess would be it's because if you park two ammo sundies side by side and start spamming the guns, they both grant EXP. So they capped it to prevent that infinite EXP loop. It's the same reason you don't get EXP for healing/repairing friendly fire/self damage: if you did, you could farm EXP by shooting a teammate and healing them, or driving a vehicle off a ledge and repairing it. It's also why you don't get EXP for resupplying/healing yourself.

    That said, repairs, heals, and revives really shouldn't be capped specifically because you already don't get points for friendly fire. Which means that if you're getting EXP for those, you're obviously contributing to a real fight.

    Resupply caps though, they should be per-person and reset on death. That way if you resupply 1 person in the warpgate constantly you get capped, but if you set your box in a biolab to rake in EXP from 50+ people fighting and dying you don't.
  17. Lancener

    Why not just grant support experience in territories where there are other allies and enemies actively fighting, people consistently killing each other every 2 minutes or less. We have hot spots, we have the population numbers of different territories, it wouldn't take too much to implement this. This would also make it easy to spot people that are exploiting.

    Experience caps for support roles just discourage people from playing support, removing them seems likely to increase team play even outside of outfits. If someone is doing a good job supporting their team, they should be rewarded for it.
  18. FateJH

    You are all terrible Engineers and Medics if experience caps stop you from doing your on-field job.
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    If it really helps your team, who cares?

    I play engi most of the time. I will see a "Re-supply" text flash across my screen W/O the xp reward, more often that with it. That means that while I am laying down ammo, I am giving it away for free, more times than I am getting XP for it. Im COMPLETELY OK with that, as it means my team can continue to make their push and win the day. I will run around and re-supply different pockets of people, whilst getting no XP, just because I know they need it. If my ammo pack is giving me tons of XP (have it laid in a good place), and someone asks for ammo, I will drop ammo for the person that needs it, and then run back and replace my pack (or die so in the process.

    That im trying to say, is that giving ammo is not about the xp rewards. yes the rewards are nice, yes we need incentives, but the xp rewards should NOT be your sole motivator to help your team.

    OP, XP caps are there to prevent padding. I personally dont care if a player pads (most legit BR100s have in a "legal" way), and I dont think there should be an XP cap. that being said, its NOT a big deal, and is not as big an issue as you say it is. If a player doesnt want to pull an ammo sundy because of the cap, then i say good, quit clogging up the lanes.
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  20. Stealth1

    You think the XP cap for Ammo is bad?

    Last night my battle sundy crew discovered that Gunner Kill XP is capped for the driver. Seriously SOE, WTF!?
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