G30 Vulcan - Ultimate air deterrence

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Ned, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. Adjuchas

    Can you justify why it shouldn't? It's a bullet based weapon, typically bullet based weapons are effective against aircraft.
    It has a low damage per shot, large cone of fire, high weight projectiles (drops quickly), rapid ranged damage fall off and terrible damage against infantry.
    The Saron and Enforcer by contrast don't have any of these issues whilst at the same time rewarding more skilled / experienced players who have good accuracy. A Vulcan user's skill can not change the cone of fire however.
  2. Cinnamon

    Any pilot deterred by a lone vulcan is a tool if they are not just ambushed by it and die immediately.

    All you have to do is fly above it and dive bomb the vehicle. If they try to angle the vulcan up by going on a slope then adjust position.
  3. KanoHe

    And be an Supper easy and predictable target for AP-AP other vulcans , tons of Strikers ... hell even Fractures , since i can do that with Comets already ...
  4. Cinnamon

    That sounds like a pretty busy battlefield there. And the only thing really deterring the ESF is a single vulcan?
  5. Izriul

    it's not terrible at all. It's just not as good.

    However, the marauder is the best AI secondary for tanks in the game

    Oh? I see, you wanted to do it ALL with one weapon.

    Saron = AV/AI
    Enforcer = AV/AI
    Vulcan = AV/AA

    Marauder = AI - by far the BEST at AI
    PPA = AI and crappy
    C85 = AI and crappy

    Magrider - AV/AI
    Vanguard - AV/AI
    Prowler - AV/AI/AA

    Saron and Enforcer both got a nerf.

    TR have the option to do it ALL, VS/NC only have AV and AI. The vulcan is the best AA for tanks, and the marauder is the best AI. For vehicles, all are pretty equal with their ups and downs.

    I actually loved the vulcan before this buff (Haven't actually logged in much after GU11 though so won't comment on it after) and it was my favourite gun, I never took it off my prowler, there was so much unneeded whining about it before the buff, but the whining at downplaying it since the buff? It's desperate and pathetic.

    The one thing that killed my tanks the most across 3 factions, was ESF's. The difference being, they hardly ever killed me on my prowler thanks to the vulcan.

    Oh and really, the TR have no warrant to whine about AI abilities, the prowler is by far the best at taking out infantry with it's main cannons, so by having the vulcan you can nullify any threat from the air, pump out INSANE dps upclose, and deploy and still outdps 2/2 tanks while you're 1/2 in anchor. Yeah yeah, you're a sitting duck....only if you don't use your brain and a little situational awareness, something which the prowler has best again, the magrider has none since it's a fixed turret and 3rd person takes up the whole screen, the vanguard has similar to the prowler, except the tank again takes up more of it's screen, and has a very slow reload, something the prowler does not, ESPECIALLY when deployed, so there's absolutely no excuse with that either.


    Stop downplaying your weapons/tank to make it sound like you're hard done by.
    • Up x 1
  6. KanoHe

    It's mostly a combination of various TR AA weapons...
    Most of time it goes like this , you start dogfighting get a bit of dmg , chase mossie and get shreded instantly by Vulcan or Strikers if Flares are on cooldown or you wernt afterburning like madman 800 meters away from TR ...
  7. Cinnamon

    So what. I have shot down over extended ESF with an infiltrator scout rifle as TR. Does that mean that TR scout rifles need to be nerfed?
  8. KanoHe

    Dont exagerate m8 ... Get in Scythe/Reaver in fly in TR territory once ...
    Meanwhile i have no problems in my mossie chasing Liberators at VS/NC till warpgate ...
  9. Cinnamon

    I have flown those ESF. How much experience do you have driving prowlers with a vulcan gunner?

    And I did shoot down a scythe with a scout rifle.
  10. KanoHe

    I did shot down Galaxy with Bolt Action Ghost ... So what ?
    I know you can think of "how the hell it's even possible", i can tell you how... but i wount - but it's actually pretty easy...

    I was gunning vulcan prowler after first tankbuster/vulcan nerfs in ~gu01 and it already was way better vs air than old Saron or Enforcer IMHO

    OK your join date is Jan 8, 2013
    Mine Aug 26, 2012
    Want to have a conversation about experience ? Realy ?
  11. Chris Bingley

    Okay people, time for the 4th factioner to weigh in! :)

    People seem to be forgetting that the Prowler is not (despite the description) a main battle tank. It's mobile artillery. You make best use of a Prowler by keeping the starting main gun (HEAT) and parking yourself just within infantry render range of an enemy base and shelling them back to the stone age. At that point the only real threats are enemies coming from the next base over.

    Now if we assume that you're sensible and have positioned your Prowler on a hill to get a better angle for your shots, then the enemy creeping up behind you is going to have to get good and close before they can see you, at which point the Vulcan can happily shred them.

    Magclimbers get inside bases to fight (even Vanu Archives) and Vanguards circle the base soaking damage. Each vehicle has to be used in different ways. The Vanguard shield is probably the worst faction specific MBT ability, but I'm not going to go into that now.

    As for secondary weapons, The stats do still favour the Enforcer and Saron, but that is countered by the versatility of the Vulcan. And lets not forget, the openning post just wanted to prove that the Vulcan was good as a *deterrent* not that it was awesome at killing ESFs, but at keeping them away.
  12. Adjuchas

    Trouble is, if they get a burst of hits on your enormously wide back before you notice them, no amount of Vulcan fire is going to turn the tide of that battle :p
  13. Adjuchas

    The G30 Walker is the best AA weapon for an MBT.
  14. freeze

    SAY WHAT?!


    what is this here now?
  15. Satanam

    That's it.
    TR: Ultimate Anti-Air
    NC: Ultimate Anti-Vehicle
    VS: Ultimate Anti-Infantry

    Now I understand why the 4th factioners think they're playing a single faction.
  16. KanoHe

    Damn if you actually can lead with G30 , it's not that harder to lead with Vulcan , except Angle but that's wasn't realy restrictive on for Vulcan comparing to other AV guns
  17. KanoHe


    NC Anti-Vehicle = Phoenix ? Naah... Enforcer ? While being good at AV it's subpar now at AI with other options....
    VS Anti-infantry = Name one ... Wich is actually Best by a good margin
  18. KanoHe

    To all those who protect Vulcan DMG vs Air ... And TTK before buff vs Armor comparable to Basilisk...
    Just awnser me why basilisk doesn't have same DMG to air being same 20mm Cannon with lower ROF ?
  19. Satanam

    Okay, I'll act like you're not whining and your faction is underpowered.
  20. sindz

    Pulling air vs TR is a complete joke atm.