"Revives remove the death stat received"

Discussion in 'Test Server: Discussion' started by AuntLou42, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Valena

    In addition, this is a good change for medics. I can't count the number of times I've run up to someone to revive them, only to have them redeploy at the spawn room half way through my channel.

    Currently there's no incentive for people to wait for a medic to revive them. After all, you don't get your grenades refilled, you don't get your utility slot item refilled, you don't jump up with full HP and you revive with however much ammo you had when you died. Given this, a lot of people prefer to just run back with full ammo, health and utilities than wait on a medic, which does the team no favors and deprives the medic of revive exp.

    I'm all for giving incentive to wait the extra few seconds it takes for a medic to finish reviving you, and as for players who will use it as an excuse to sit 600 meters away from a battle begging for a revive, well, it's safe to say that they're not going to get it. But that's okay. They likely weren't contributing to the battle anyway.

    As a side note about Daddy, I'm not sure why he isn't banned yet. I'm fairly certain stat padding is against the TOS.
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  2. kyxash

    And the game should get rid of dumb K/D-
  3. kyxash

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  4. Valena

    I care about my K/D because I use it to measure my own skill. I play as a sniper almost exclusively, which is, in my opinion, the only class where K/D tracking actually means anything. If I can stay hidden long enough to kill 50 people, then I've improved over my previous best of 40 and my K/D accurately reflects that. But I never, ever compare my K/D to any other player, because it's impossible to know exactly what they did to get those high scores.

    For example, there was a guy on Waterson who forced his entire outfit to chain spawn liberators back when they were OPed and fly over battles using a Dalton (Or maybe it was the Zephyr, I forget). Any time the lib was shot down he would bail and log off before he hit the ground, then log back in and return in another Lib for more kills. It took 0 skill on his part, because vehicle cool downs and resource pools didn't apply to him when he had 100+ outfit members waiting at the WG to spawn a Lib for him to gun.

    He had a ridiculously high K/D because of this, but overall he was a poor player who had to rely on his entire outfit to pad his stats.

    TL;DR - Measuring K/D against other players never has been, and never will be an accurate representation of your skill versus theirs.
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  5. Verenz

    KDR is a useful stat in the sense that there will be a strong correlation between player skill and KDR for most players who share a similar playstyle/percentage of time in each vehicle (it is not a coincidence that I hit 3-1 before really even utilising vehicles, I am a better player than most people I see).

    The problem is there is no way to tell if someone is a suitable person to compare to or not which renders the whole thing pointless. Jimmy may have 1.2 KDR but if that is because he usually goes 0.7 as infantry then uses a lightning to pad himself back up to 1.2 every now and then I have no way of knowing.

    Even myself, I try not to let it influence me, but it still does. I play vehicles a lot now and have pushed my 3.0 infantry KDR up to 3.22. Most of my vehicle sessions (AP vanguard with a friend) see me gain about 15-25 kills each life, whilst an infantry session will usually end with me somewhere between 2.5 and 3.5. Soon I will hit the point where I am performing above my KD in vehicles and below on foot - rendering the entire stat IRRELEVANT (and also likely to start making me feel feel as though I am underperforming when playing on foot) unless it could be viewed on a per class basis and EVEN THEN only relevant if I can honestly claim that I was not "playing under the influence".

    Basically, it can be measure of skill but the game would be better off without it.
  6. Chella

    It encourages Team Play

    It stops people caring as much about dying

    It'll get people pushing forward, as running in, killing a few, dying, getting revived, and repeat will pay off more than sitting back picking off the odd straggler.

    What am I missing here?
  7. Memeotis

    I agree. It having a bleed-out timer is yet another element that SOE can use to steer the players' mindset. Where a KD/r obsessed player may choose to wait for several minutes to keep his ratio shiny, giving him a 30-45s timer will force him to hit that respawn-button more often. It will, however, also force him to think differently while he is alive. He will want to keep his team-mates alive, especially the medics, and he will want to stay close to friendlies.

    On a side note, I get why you're annoyed by this change. On the surface it might seem like SOE is catering to the COD kiddies, but if you think about, the KD/r stat can really be manipulated such that you change the behavior of your playerbase, and I hope that this is what SOE is thinking.
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  8. AuntLou42

    Yes! What about Light Assaults? Are they not supposed to be team players? The majority of the time they play out of the reach of medics. How is this fair to them?

    Then there is every other point I've made multiple times as well.
  9. Corezer

    This encourages people to stay down for hours waiting for one of the least played classes to come by and help them up rather than just respawning and getting back in the fight.

    People in spawn will be there they are afraid of dying at all.
  10. LohaMoha

    Currently you can be revived after 30-60 (dunno exactly) sec after you died.
  11. Corezer

    It was an exaggeration.

    30-60>8-10, and since this is mostly a numbers game, it can poetically be a big deal.

    Not saying I'm against the idea I'm actually for it, just pointing out potential negatives before everyone jumps on the rainbow sunshine band wagon.
  12. AnnoyingFlies

    I'd admit to being someone that likes to keep and nice KD/r stat. It matters to me on a personal note, for whatever reason.
    I think it's a good change - People are more focused on Reviving. I wont - even without this change - sit dead for more than 30-60 seconds. It's boring.
    I like the fact i can tell when i "properly" died. It also brings it in line with how this mechanic works in every game.
    and lastly: as Chella says, it does encourage a bit more teamplay. People will push bases, people will charge through doors to capture a point. Before, I'd be more likely to decline a res because i though it was a pointless task: I'd just dying in the spot again, gain another death... Now, I've got nothing to lose by accepting that res. The medic gets points and i get a second chance.

    The point of a light assault is to be away from medics anyway. Recording the death stat is irrelevant either way. This stat makes no difference for them. I play light assault a bit and am pretty OK with the fact I'll be jetpacking to a place that medics cant reach. deal with it.
  13. AuntLou42

    Recording the stat is very relevant if you care. As a level 100 there isn't allot to shoot for once your max level. I found that going for medals and trying to improve my statistics were a couple things I could shoot for to keep the game interesting. So everyone that thinks stats don't matter, K/D doesn't matter whelp sorry it's your opinion. If it doesn't matter to you then what does it even matter to you? Why even post here?
  14. AnnoyingFlies

    I didn't say it didn't matter. In fact, KD/r is my most important stat. I was basically saying that if you want a good KD, don't play light assault. It's not really a light assaults job to hang around medics on the ground, hence, you're going to die more. (normally)
    I like this change. I don't feel like I've properly "died" until i respawn. This change just brings more people into teamplay.
  15. Phrygen

    this doesn't even work on regular servers despite GU11

    jokes on everyone who thinks revive removes death stat. Only works for session stat. logout and back in and the deaths are back.

  16. Posse

    Lol, I'd have to check this, but if it's as you say then it's the biggest troll change I've ever seen.
  17. SgtBreastroker

    And ever since it was implemented..... nothing has changed.

    People still redeploy as usual.
  18. AuntLou42

    I'm fully aware that if you want to be revived don't play light assault. I'm stating the obvious that it is unfair and NO the answer to that is NOT "don't play light assault". Should the answer to every imbalance in the game "don't play it"? I tell you what I have a simple fix: Deaths count as deaths. There you go!
  19. Truehunter

    This thread has no relevance to the test server as it is an implemented feature and should be closed down. keep the test forums free for test discussion., auntlou42 you have flogged this dead horse so much now it is nothing more than a red stain on the stable floor.