The Math and Statistics behind The OP Striker and Why It Needs To Be Changed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vanu-Tman, Jun 21, 2013.

  1. Vanu-Tman

    The Striker is the easiest lock on launcher to use with the greatest lock on range by FAR (500 M) and the greatest damage output. One simple N00b Striker gunner can lock down an area of 785,398.1634 square meters! (If his range is 500 m that means the radius of the circle is 500 m and area of said circle is equal to Pi*R squared. 500 squared is 250000 and that times Pi equals 785,398.1634 square meters) This is ridiculous! The range is absolutely ******** and the amount of damage that one clip of the Striker puts out (500 damage per rocket times five rockets= 2500 damage) is enough to take an ESF down to about 1/4 of its original health. To add on to the absolutely astonishing damage output AND range, the Striker's missiles can hardly ever be avoided! Pilots have said numerous times that they deployed flares and the Striker missiles continued to track them. This, coupled with the fact that the missiles follow the vehicle's EXACT flight path, which means the missiles can't be dodged by weaving through tress or hiding behind a mountain, means that if you get locked onto by a Striker, there is almost no way to avoid it.

    I just don't understand why SOE hasn't taken another look at this weapon. The statistics of it prove that it is FAR superior to any other lock on in the game. Also, so many people that play this game, including TR players, agree that this weapon is cheap, overused, and overpowered. It simply needs to be changed. There is no other way around it. Feel free to post any arguments against my claims but don't be douchebags about it.

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  2. BoomBoom4You

  3. LT_Latency

    Then they have to give us something else.

    Other factions get a lock on launcher and something else.
    We just get a better lock on because it replaces or old one
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  4. IamDH

    I beleive the concept of the striker is wrong.
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  5. P4NJ

    You know 5th grade math! Which is everything this post is based on apparently.

    -All lockons avoid terrain
    -The ignore flare bug I've never seen in my life, it's possibly due to server lag though if it exists
    -Against ground you'd be far better off with engi turrets
    -You rarely hit all the missiles against a competent pilots (though with avoiding terrain it's easier)

    Only thing that needs to be changed is lockons avoiding terrain and that means for all lockons, not just striker.

    Unless of course they give us something cool like the phoenix =)
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  6. Bearcat

    I play all three empires, and I think the empire specific rocket launchers are balanced (albeit very different, which I like!). Personally, my favorite is the Lancer (followed by the Striker, then the Phoenix).
  7. Radec594

    Striker: most boring out of all ESRLs. Fun is UP. Buff it.
  8. Vanu-Tman

    You forgot having the range and damage being reduced. At the moment they are completely ridiculous.
  9. Trebb

  10. Regpuppy

    Just because of flavor and the fact that the mechanic exists. They need to change all of the lock-ons to guide by wire. This would both be more fun for those of us who hated using lock-ons and it would add an element of skill to it.

    The air variants could travel faster and work work similar to flak, exploding when near aircraft doing a decent amount of damage as well as having a decent flak radius. The damage they could do without this should be beyond negligible to anything else.

    Tank variants would be more powerful against tanks, but work just like current guide by wire weapons. low damage against air and infantry.

    Annihilator would have moderate damage on planes and armor, with the travel speed of an AT rocket but the flak mechanic of an AA rocket.

    Striker would similar to the annihilator, but slightly more DPS at the cost of having to lead 5 rockets to take advantage of it. Would have a greatly reduced flak mechanic, but would have more chances to hit and it would do fairly good damage to armor/air if all five managed to hit. Would have decent travel speed for each individual rocket.

    Change flairs and IR smoke to cause rockets to detonate early before causing damage to the vehicle in question.

    While these may be unrealistic at this point and not all will like them. I can dream, can't I?
  11. Vortok

    Greatest lock on range by far? Compared to what? Only lock on with lower range I can think of is A2AM which is 400m to my recollection. Every other lock on is 500m air, 400m ground just like the Striker. Whether or not that range is too much, it's fairly uniform.
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  12. NietCheese

    The Striker means that the TR can clear the air much more easily, there is nothing else like it in game. It is a significant advantage and never should been introduced. It still impacts on the game everyday, making the other factions angrier and angrier as they die after it ignores flares/smoke and goes through terrain.

    It is thoroughly broken AND overpowered. The worst combination.
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  13. asmodraxus

    Just revert the striker to what it was in PLANETSIDE 1

    That required the player to maintain visual lock or the rockets go dumb fire on the last course, thus making it able to bypass flares etc. That and make the rockets show on the minimap

    There would also be an increased risk to the TR, but hey it won't be the same fire and forget that the other lockons are.
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  14. Valkyr

    Most days it feels like every TR and his dog have a Striker out, yet I hear the beeps but never get a single tracer from them.
    Combine that with the fact the guys firing them don't render half the time and you cant tell which direction they are coming in because they will still ignore the terrain and fly through the side of a mountain.

    The amount of damage they do is fine, its the stupidity of the way they fire and come via the invisible man that smacks of sloppy programming and an unfinished beta weapon.
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  15. Ganelon

    If you actually get killed by a solo Striker user, you're awful.

    It's supposed to be used in groups.

    I vote for that.

    The striker is a ridiculous addition tot he game in its current implementation. Its just a look-click spam weapon. No fun for the user, OR the victim. Its just a detriment to the game entirely. SOE needs to replace it, or tweak it, to allow the launcher to be FUN for the TR, but manageable for its victims, much like the other 2 ESRLs.
  17. gunfox

    So the "math and statistics" in your thread is a simple area of a circle calculation?

    Come on man, you can do better. Give me the volume at least!
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  18. Maverick556

    nerf the striker.
  19. Forkyar24

    I disagree, clearly none of people complaining even know how much it sucks.
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  20. Arcfade

    As a Vs and someone who mains in vehicles, the Striker is fine. I just want to be able to SEE the damn rockets and require a maintained lockon.