can't believe my eyes

Discussion in 'Light Assault' started by simmi1717, Jun 19, 2013.

  1. simmi1717

    GU11 patch notes:
    • Light Assault Drifter Jumpjets have been enhanced to provide a speed boosts while using them on flat ground, these should now provide a new alternative gameplay role for Light Assault.
    Is this for real? They are actually giving LA a buff or am I going insane? They are finally breaking the nerfing trend with each patch? Rejoice LA for there might be more in the future.
    BTW for people that have already used drifter jets highly effectively and know when to pull them out. LMAO. I know you are laughing too. I love it.
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  2. Plague Rat

    Yeah it's actually pretty fun. I've been playing with it on Test. It's not terribly faster than sprint but it lets you move laterally (strafe) at full speed while you're doing it. It stacks with adrenalin pump as well for additional speed. But because you're using the jump CoF numbers the whole time you're definitely going to want a laser or even advanced laser if you're going to use it offensively. To be honest it reminds me very much of hover strafing from the Armored Core games.

    As a downside however, your movements are fairly predictable and to make a sharp direction change you have to cut the jets, stop, change direction, and jump again to fire them off in a new direction. Also the animation is a little ridiculous at the moment. Very crazy legs. But even with that I can definitely see myself having some fun with this.

    Might even throw in the certs to get the final rank if it's as fun in live as it is in test.
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  3. Ronin Oni

    I'm definitely getting drifters now finally...

    this is exactly what I wanted.
  4. Plague Rat

    Definitely, you just have to be very mindful of terrain. Little bumps won't slow you down much, but trying to go steadily up a uphill, even a fairly minor slope, will end up slowing you down to the point where running would be faster.
  5. Wolfwood82

    They are finally useful for more then 2 tricks. Happy.
  6. Paqu

    I was very surprised to see a change like this. I thought light assault is not going to get any upgrades (only nerfs) until somewhere in a very distant future. I played around with it on test server and man is that fun or what. First you can glide on the air and when you finally get down to ground level you keep gliding until fuel runs out.

    This is going to be a nightmare for tanks and Iam sure when you start seeing more LA's drifting around the whine train will fire up.
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  7. Van Dax

    Looks cool but prepare for the same guys who couldn't hit ZOE maxes to get real angry real quick.
    Anyway here's hoping it doesn't turn out like I fear.
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  8. Gary

    Give me back Icarus Jump Jets :(

    I know you have them hidden back there SOE!.

    Beta light assault was most played class, Now its Least played for me :( no fun
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  9. Boroming

  10. HeadshotVictim

    well... c4 has a little red light on top now.
    Who cares?
    A sundi wont run away from the blinking light...
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  11. Vanon

    Yea, been playing with them on test as well. They absolutely own at circle strafing, however you have to drop out of drift to shoot due to accuracy problems. They are also insanely good at C4/Nade/Nubtub drive-by's on room's inside buildings.
  12. Compass

    The sacrifice in accuracy while flying is not horrible at mid range. Shouldn't be long range shooting at long range with an LA anyways. I will be SKATIN' ALL DAY ER'DAY WITH THIS.
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  13. Plague Rat

    Yeah about that C4 light...

    As a someone who mostly plays infiltrator, I can tell you the lights they put on the AP mines have made no difference whatsoever in their usage. 9 of 10 still run right into them. And with C4 stickiness you can put them in interesting places to hide them. Got a few kills sticking them to the top of door frames once.

    So C4 trap away my jetpacking friends. You'll still kill them, but now they have no license to complain about it because there is a blinking light on it, and it's their own fault for not seeing it.
  14. Hagestol

    The strafe speed on this is WAY to good, try drifters at max rank in a wide circle and you'll see what I'm talking about.

    WG spawn room is great for testing that. ZOE has nothing on this.
  15. TeknoBug

    I see NO point in adding a light to the C4, C4's are usually dropped and used on you in the midst of a fight, who drops one on the ground and leaves it?
  16. Compass

    It does almost nothing, considering if you die and respawn, they're gone, and so on.
  17. hihihilolHI

  18. Fang7.62

    LA doesnt have health of multiple infantry stapled together and two LMGs with beastly hipfire. And difters have a looot of momentum, you can get decent speed in one direction, but ADAD is impossible. Been using drifters for a while over jumpjpets and they were already effective for jump-strafe-skating around corners to hipfire with your gun at head-height, for tank hunting you need elevation anyways and when crossing larger distances, having some air is still better. After the initial omgwtfbbq impression, IMO drifters are good enough as they were before, now they are just more funky.
  19. Makwa

    Loving the new drifters. Last night zipped up to a sundy, dropped c4, was gone, and hitting the explode button before the gunner could figure it out. Didnt kill it alone but it was awesome to go from "I wonder if I can get over there" to "Holy **** I did!" that quickly.
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  20. Boroming

    the new drifter are not bad, but they are very limited. you can shoot with just a couple of weapon while drifting (shotty with laser, smg with adv laser, carbine with adv laser) and you can forgot fire over 15-20 meter...
    the problem is the inertia, you are way too much predictable on your movement, even if you go around in circle.

    and the biggest problem is the lack of elevation that give the real advantage to the LA.
    my suggestion is:
    when you max both jet you are able to switch between them by pressing F. switch with no fuel every 30-45sec
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