Bolt action the weapon of a coward??

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by LT_Latency, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. Spoprockel

    Do you also blow up your teams tanks when they do this? Because that would be a lot of teamkilling...
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  2. Xind

    I only blow up my teams tanks when they go out of there way to run me over. (When I'm not in the middle of the road.)

    If he had basically any weapon other than a sniper rifle, he'd be within direct retaliation range of the opponent. Who would have taken him into account in some way (if he had half a brain). Secondly, most weapons in this game are ADS weapons, when you use ADS you slow down 50%, while that may still be moving, it makes for a substantially easier shot on a target who is again NOT paying attention to you.
  3. Azereiah

    Those aren't snipers, those are idiots that think they can shoot.
    A real sniper would be sitting behind a rock 300 meters away knocking heads off with every shot.

    Snipers are meant to relay information to their team whilst dropping support classes like flies. If there's a medic rezzing people, then kill the medic. If there's an engie repping a tank, kill the engie. Even better - if there's an engie with a turret at 500 meters, 200 meters out of infantry render distance, then you can still shoot them in the head while they're gunning the turret because they're being counted as a vehicle.
    Let the assault classes fight the assault classes. If there's a nice big fight, then it's probably too mobile to get any truly good shots off. A sniper knocks off the people that run away to heal.
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  4. smokemaker

    Not one part of me logged in to help you in any way.
    I lone wolf and snipe for personal enjoyment.
    I am not here to play this game "your way".

    But if my presence bugs you because i am playing it my way, i see no issue with this.
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  5. LivesInNameOnly

    kinda, along with tanks, ESF's, ZOE, and every weapon VS has
  6. sSie

    Ah the infiltrator. The only play style in this game that is afraid of getting shot at. Also forces everyone's A and D keys to break as you can never stand still.
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  7. gigastar

    I like snipers.

    Theyre a great way to pad my K/D ratio.
  8. Vortok

    Don't worry, snipers make a difference. :p

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  9. illgot

    Easy way to counter snipers, keep moving.

    Easy way to counter people that flank you, keep moving.

    The only people that get caught standing still long enough to be sniped are noobs or other snipers.
  10. then00b

    Snipers are mostly useless for actually getting anything done, one miss and if your target isn't completely idiotic they'll dance for you. They do nothing against vehicles, and tend to hide on hills far far away from any objective.
    If I really want to annoy snipers, I pull out an Ediolon, its quite literally a railgun.
  11. BigIronRanger

    Oh LAWDY so much sniper hate, as opposed to running into a room and holding down left click which is SO brave haha.
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  12. Squirreli

    Why use a sniper rifle when you can use a tank or a mosquito or a harasser or an engineer turret or ... ? There is maybe one useful, legitimate use for the bolt-action rifles in this game and that is harassing hostile missile nests that are on a hill crest. Sniping at the AV turret engineers, heavy assaults and medics might keep them pinned down enough to help your friendlies mop them up without them getting all their vehicles all blown up.

    So, bolt-action rifles are way too situational and ineffective to actually contribute to the team effort. Their users however have every right to spend their time doing nothing and it may be fun to some people, so I really don't care about them snipers... As to the topic calling them "cowards", I'd say that using tools that actually work is much more effective and also more cowardly ;)
  13. exLupo

    Is sniping useful? Rarely. Great for clearing out HA/Engi AV nests.
    Is sniping fun? For some people, tons.
    Do snipers ruin the game? Only for people who haven't learned that a stationary target is a dead target, infantry or vehicle.

    They serve a small purpose in the metagame and fulfill a playstyle niche that some players crave. These players are content for other players and, hopefully, income for SOE. They don't mean much overall but, in that, they're as useful as the legions of CQ bullet-catchers who spawn-die-spawn-die without getting a single, useful shot off. They're harmless, let them have their fun and use them to pad your own K/D. If you like, they're as useless as the thousands of players who, every day, spam bullets out of the spawns of to-be-lost bases. At least you can shoot back at the snipers. If you want a coward, look no further than your own tubes.

    OP: Some players are afraid of CQ combat so choose to snipe. However, the good snipers, the ones who regularly land headshots on evading targets, they do it out of joy for the skill it takes. The latter aren't cowards, they are just playing a different game than you.
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  14. Pengalor

    I'm used to it, it's the same thing in TF2.

    Exactly! There's no satisfaction like nailing a guy with a single shot at 200 meters while he's moving at full speed. If people don't like me doing it then they can frankly go to hell.

    Oh, and for the record, anyone who team kills people for playing a way that is entirely part of the game but they just don't like deserves to be banned for the admission of doing so. It's people like you ruining online gaming.
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  15. lilleAllan

    It's my impression that most people whining about nanoweave are just straight up bad players who suck to much to hit a follow up shot. The type of cowards who wants to sit in place and play shooting gallery like that's remotely hard.
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  16. Amouris

    Cowards? You need to get out of the house if you are using terms like that to describe how people play a video game. You aren't a hero charging in, just another kill to pad my stats. Hell most of you would piss your self if you heard a bullet snap near you.
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  17. FABIIK

    Snipers cowards ? LOL

    I'd say a guy hiding inside a tank is much more cowardly. Get out if you're a man!!!

    Also, those who call snipers cowards obviously never have had to fight off a sniper hunter with a pistol :/

    Oh and if snipers didn't contribute to the team, they wouldn't exist in real life. Yet they do.
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  18. exLupo

    latency, random target movement, projectile velocity, bla, bla, bla.
    Fairly big talk. Care to share your stats to back up your ability to speak on the topic?

    Snipers destroy priority human and non-human targets. These do not exist in PS2. You can't kill some critical member of the staff or anything like that. Death has no meaning so the sniper's traditional role does not exist. Apples/Oranges friend.
  19. Rown

    A coward's weapon I don't know, but 90% of the time is the weapon of an idiot. You can see the hit marker, even when you're killed in one shot, and deduce easily where did that come from. Much more often than not, I just have to go there with a shotgun and murder him (or, in many cases, them) while he's exactly in the same spot ADSing.

    It's particulary blatant in the case of those who drop pod on the top of towers and snipe poeple in the landing pads. Didn't you know there's a class that can use jetpacks? Every time I get hit from behind when I'm in a pad I sigh, change to light assault and blast the poor idiot while he's thinking he's so clever.
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  20. exLupo

    ^ I spend a lot of time on bio-domes cleaning off scum crusting the roof.