Stop Continent 3am Ghost Caps

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CptFirelord, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. khornedwarf

    Maybe a system that prorates cap time and XP rewards based on world population would help. Increased time to cap and decreased rewards would likely lower the propensity to over pop, flood and ghost cap while keeping the option open. No details from me, just a suggestion, let the 10 pound brains on the forums and at Sony work out the numbers. This may also help alleviate the 4th faction issue as the easy win would not be as lucrative. Lower rewards may have 4th faction seek a more balanced server to maximize their XP potential without ruining server balance.
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  2. NikkoJT

    I'm getting tired of saying this, but here it is again: AN UNOPPOSED ATTACK IS NOT GHOST CAPPING.
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  3. RedPsycho

    So many stereotypes. I tend to be one of these late night players due to my work schedule. Not everyone can play to your schedule.

    Trust me... if I could play against players I would. I though understand that not everyone works on my schedule.
  4. Menelek

    I don't understand these ghostcapping complains, its only ghostcapping if no body show up to defend the point, so you are as much responsible as the people doing it, you shouldn't leave places unguarded or sleep for that matter, i think we should ask SOE to nerf sleep.
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  5. capocapone

    wow someone is very,very mad they fought hard for 5hrs ...then logged for a bit(battle was over) came back and that tower was being ghost capped....waaaa-waaaa-waaa-waaaa **** 4real..

    you are gonna whine about some guy camping a base,cappin it? really? wow...this is why pre teens need to go to the ps4 vr or xbox..cause imo cry babies made the game what it is now...zerg the line...

    cause before they made this game into a one way road....going to the ghost cap was some of the best fights i ever been in...

    and sometimes a ghost cap is to draw dudes in,like you.....

    and most the time...just so happens on a fly by no one to kill,cap it move on look for someone to kill..maybe he will be on his way...maybe not and i move on...ghost cap

    on another note,how can you cry for easy xp?..flip it back with no fight....or move on baby
  6. DashRendar

    The real problem is people from outside a reasonable radius playing on servers. When more servers are opened up in faraway lands like China, South America, Hoth and etc. the problem should minimize.
  7. Fried

    Oh I didnt realise that those of us that work different hours were "spineless losers who should really start moving out of mummies basement" perhaps we should change what we do for a living and work and play by YOUR hours, jesus there are some stupid bloody idiots on this forum.

    Oh and by the way, I moved out of my mummies basement 30 years ago
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  8. Vandraad

    So the OP forgets that what he considers his prime time is not the same for everyone else. I play on US EAST...but I live on the west coast. I'm one of those evil off-prime players I guess. I'm only there because my friends (who started playing PS2 before I did) picked that server.

    He also forgets that losing an entire continent that his faction conquered earlier is completely irrelevant. Why? Because you can't stockpile resources beyond 750. I could see getting pissed if your stockpiles had no cap, but even when warp-gated/nearly warp-gated on more than 1 continent (which the NC on Waterson deal with nearly every day it seems) resources flood in faster than can be spent.
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  9. CptFirelord

    Yes it is. Look up the def.
  10. CptFirelord

    I have not forgotten. I play VS on Mattherson too, and Primetime is not 3AM. Primetime is 7-10 just like it is for the TR and NC. To address your statement about Waterson NC getting warpgated "nearly every day" that's complete ****. My alt is an NC on Waterson, who I've devoted much SC and time into, and hardly ever have we been pushed back to the warpgate.
  11. CptFirelord

    Pre-teens? I'm 34. "just so happens" is hardly "most" of the time. You know this, I know this, and the general forum dwellers all know this. You've probably done it yourself, picked a semi-inactive continent, planned where to hit, and planned to meet no resistance, keeping all the points, and resources that come from them, to yourself and your faction. Nobody "accidentally" ghost caps, be real.
  12. subz3r01337

  13. smokemaker

    Sounds like smart play and a good way to get certs... If it bugs you so much log in and stop them.
    Otherwise.... find something else to whine about that actually makes some sense.
    Lattice is coming to all maps... Ghost capping is dying.
  14. Eugenitor

    I'm just awed how you can make a post like this directly in the teeth of evidence. "Ghost capping", as in overwhelming populations against few defenders (still not the true definition), is clearly alive and well even on lattice-infested Indar. The ghosts just dodge in time instead of space.

    And if SOE ever does implement intercontinental lattice and sanctuaries, the 3 AM crowd will simply cap everything and shove the other two empires back to their sancs, and repeat the next night. Just like they do now on Indar Mattherson.

    If SOE really does something to "fix it" and prevents people from capping at "not primetime" just like the zergfits want, playing this game at all will be utterly pointless and we can all go back to Battlefield, because it won't be a persistent world anymore.
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  15. SgtBreastroker

    The game never ends. Territory will always be lost and retaken. This is the cycle of Planetside 2. No need to be upset.

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  16. smokemaker

    Then log in at 3 Am and fight them.

    Ever present battlefield.
    Your night is someones else's day.
    I can not play and cap territories until you log in?
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  17. SgtScum

    Imagine that. A game that is open for play 24 hours a day has people playing 24 hours a day.

    The Horror.

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  18. Eugenitor

    Didn't you read the last line of what I said?

    My point is that trying to prevent unopposed capping- whether it's through lattice or some other mechanism- is not feasible. The nature of peristent, 24-hours-a-day worlds is that the enemy always has a way to be where you're not, especially when there's a lot of them and they're determined to do just that.

    Basically, SOE has completely castrated the game at the behest of zergfits (lattice) in an attempt to stop something that fundamentally can't be stopped.
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  19. Major

    Play on a server where it's prime time is your play time, then you don't have to rage at 3 am.

    P.S. You need people on the point to cap it.
  20. Leal

    People play a game whose whole thing is "Persistent 24/7 battles!", cry when people capture stuff at night.

    SOE as someone who lives on the east coast and is a nightly security guard who plays this game during work, you know at night, I ask that you do something to stop people from capturing stuff during the AM hours, when I am asleep.