Connery NC Defends Indar Lock for 24 hours

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hibiki54, Jun 16, 2013.

  1. HMR85

  2. Riskae

    well well well... looks like me and the boys who stayed up till 7am BROKE YOU DOWN!

    your morning crew stinks of effort,

    and I spit in your general direction!!!
  3. Cidroyz

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  4. Bill Hicks

    Again something that took one faction takes both TR and VS during 7 am to do .

    The fourth faction on the move.
  5. Cidroyz

    ?? it also took NC + TR to take our hold on indar last time... its just normal ;)
  6. Riskae

    the pops were even... the fight took hours... who cares if it was at 7am... taking a single territory when 600 players is impossible even with 600 players on your side.

    at 7am with EVEN POP there was room for a fight and room for some skill to show. I rib but the defenders put up a hell of a fight.
  7. PhiladelphiaCollins

    It was also a much more bull **** point that VS had to defend. Valley Storage is nowhere near as open.

    But yeah, idk why NC is so thrilled with themselves for this one. Not sure why TR/VS are sucking each other's dicks for breaking it. It's not like Connery is imbalanced that much when it comes to Indar population...

    But I guess now EXE can get back to trying to take Saurva only to get **** all over and pushed back to Hvar.
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  8. HadesR

    Yeah TR/NC did take it during prime time and not 7am :p
  9. HadesR

    Yeah TR/NC did take it during prime time and not 7am :p
  10. Terrex

    Wow I can't believe how many topics have been made over NC capping Indar on Connery. GJ ghost capping Indar then losing it.
  11. Bill Hicks

    in the end it was a great battle. It definitely shows that Sony needs to optimize the game for large battles like this.
  12. eufie

    Last I recall, VS Indar was neutralized during prime time prior the merge (I think). NC/TR Connery has set the bar high for the next "alliance" (though more appropriate to say "the-empires-with-a-common-goal") to neutralize Indar. Hat goes off to the NC who attempted to defend. Gratz to the TR and VS for neutralizing Indar, of course. But, the gold and blue will fly over Indar again.
  13. Hibiki54

    Keep in mind that you had to do that while I was at work. Cool story, bro. Everyone knows that 84.789% of NC have real lives and work for a living.

    Kicking the crap out of your rear ends is just for Bonus Checks.
  14. FigM

    Both north and west Indar gates are easily defendable with even pop numbers. Only the East gate is extremely vulnerable due to bases being at bottom of valleys with cliffs on each side and lots of big rocks to hide behind.

    I participated in that battle and one thing that bothered me was the fact that when NC armor got destroyed, they were able to hold off their last base with infantry alone. Long range missiles, AV Turrets, AV MAX, they were keeping huge enemy armor forces at a distance (thanks to flat terrain). To me that just seems like bad game design. Infantry shouldn't be so dominating against armor at range. Close range - sure, but not at 300+ meters.
  15. Cab00se187

    NC also took Indar with Lattice while VS held it pre-Lattice and got to keep it when Lattice went live.
  16. Scatterblak

    Dang. Hate to compliment the enemy, but that's funny right there...
  17. Daemeon

    I was there for the big fight during the 24 hours of constant double teaming. The coolest thing was when the VS brought in waves of Liberators from the flight ceiling. I recall talking on my outfits TS calling out, "We got 2... no 3... no.. 5 ... no.. oh god.. they are EVERYWHERE!"

    We dove right in weaving and bobbing through the fleet of airships.... felt like I was an X-Wing in Return of the Jedi. Bagged four of them and a few ESFs in the first wave... was fun.
  18. Demetrius

    NC locked Indar off-peak, with about 60% cont population. VS and TR broke the lock off-peak, with a combined 60% cont population.

    regardless, these types of fights are fun for all involved. I think this just goes to show that all factions now have the taste for breaking locks, as a point of faction pride. Anyone locking Indar in the future is likely going to lose it fairly quickly. The VS holding it for a month was an anomaly and probably won't happen again for any faction.
  19. Cab00se187

    3 PM on a Friday isn't off peak:rolleyes:

    The point I'm trying to make is that it's a lot harder to take Indar because of the lattice and the VS who had it never took the continent with the lattice in place. They had it pre-lattice so they got to have it with no effort involved