GPU Physx?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by SgtFlexxx, Jun 15, 2013.

  1. SgtFlexxx

    So I had been playing PS2 for a while with my GTX660, and I had GPU phsyx turned on. I just started playing again recently to notice that GPU Physx was still turned on, but no physx were actually occuring. Jumpads, explosions, bullets, etc. Nothing was working.
  2. susspect3

    not sure i think i noticed you have to have graphics quality up to high and something else.
  3. insane2170

    I havn't used it in a while but I used to play with physx on medium.

    Make sure its set to gpu physx in your nvidia control panel.
  4. SgtFlexxx

    Nvidia control panel says GPU Physx is enabled, as well as all settings are set to high except Shadows
  5. LibertyOne

    They turned it off in the last patch. Temporarily.
  6. insane2170

    Try putting shadows back on. They are important if you play infiltrator, or against them.

    I think if you try using a standard preset instead of custom they will come back on.
  7. MTrock

    I haave noticed that when there are extra large explosions (Multiple Vehicles getting blown up) causes my ATI card to reboot the PC. I turned off CPU overdive and it happens less but it still happens.
  8. Botji

    I think you posted this in the wrong thread but it seems like a clear "not enough power" problem. Most likely your PSU cant power everything in your computer, especially during scenarios that put a high load on it like when there are a lot of explosions going on.

    Could ofc be some sort of bug causing a GFX driver crash but from the limited information it sounds more like a PSU issue.
  9. ProfessorDerpy

    ^ This, sounds like you need to upgrade your psu and get rid of as many cpu hungry programs in the background as you can.
  10. BadassBen

    In the last update (or hotfix, cant remember) they disabled the GPU Physx for many things as it was contributing to the stability issues many people were having. You can turn them on, and some things will still have the effects, but many of them are disabled for now.