What happens to the "mighty" Mattherson VS

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Pat Cleburne, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Elrobochanco

    Was this a thread to show that TR managed to park a galaxy?
    I don't see a TR cont lock. Did that screenshot not get attached?
    Oh I get it, it was a post to show how VS held out against balanced/overpop other factions and it was fine.....not like when the shoe is on the other foot?

    What was the story being told in those screenshots?
  2. Ztiller

    Inb4 in 2 Weeks when the forums is filled iwth Terrans crying and whining about how unfair it is to get Warpgate locked.
  3. VSDerp

    i been taking a break so i havent been on
  4. AtroposZero

    There would be at last half a dozen threads with TR swarming all over each one if they broke the lock.

    If they actually locked Indar themselves, the forum servers would effectively be DDoS'd from the sheer traffic load of an entire faction simultaneously ejaculating their self-congratulations along with their jabs at the VS all over these boards.
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  5. woooow

    There's a flaw in that plan: Come 5pm ULTRA logs on...and the goonswarm can't do jack against them and will get rolled. They already got tired of being kicked around on NC and then ragestacked the VS so they could lock at night without opposition.

    But it would be pretty fun to watch on the stream if they tried. You should make this happen.
  6. AtroposZero

    You know, for all the hate against Mattherson NC... they're still consistently outperforming the TR when it comes to strategic victories**. If the VS don't have a continent locked, there's a very high chance that it's either contested or the NC have it. I haven't seen much red on the 3-continent dropdown list lately. The NC are just much less whiny (and braggadocios, on the flipside) on the forums, so somehow they get this horrible reputation.

    How does it feel to know that it's VS>NC>TR on this server? :)

    (**Note: don't try to tell me that the TR don't care about strategic objectives; you guys have a paroxysm on these forums every time you lock something or break the Vanu's lock on Indar.)
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  7. siddar

    You can trace the arc of Matterson TR's decline with forum threads.

    They went from we hold Indar and will hold it forever.

    To no fair we lost lock because of a hacker.

    To were so great because we teamed up with NC to break months long VS indar lock.

    To locking continents don't matter we won a Indar alert so were the best.

    Then finally we have this thread where TR is great because they almost warpgated VS and broke there Indar lock. But in fact you didn't actually break VS Indar lock at all.

    things are getting very sad very quickly for TR on Mattherson.
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  8. woooow

    I wouldn't know, its not my main server and I only go over to mattherson during primetime when pops are even and everybody who isn't TR pretty much spends their time getting herded.

    I suppose if I played on off hours when the folks that can't get anything done get on their stacked faction to ghostcap so they can make posts like yours without having to actually fight for anything then my opinion might be a bit different but I don't like online fps's unless there's pvp.
  9. Ark Dax

    I love how quickly the ATRA talk goes in this server. Though, doesn't help when you go in for operations, both NC and VS can't handle ULTRA, or contain them. Though, when the TR are about to win an alert, this happens: [IMG]
    Fourth Factioners come out of the woodwork. Though I love how GOTR, GOKU and AT are the first to reply in this thread, genuinely demonstrating that their players have nothing better to do than roflstomp TR (on off hours, while ULTRA rests) while rubbing it in their faces. Good on you, VS. Good on you.
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  10. Ark Dax

    And I'll just keep updating this thread on the overpopulation of VS hourly. Sounds like fun.
  11. Machine Spirit

    I find it insanely funny how the VS is overpopulated on one server, as a result, that server gets all the whining about pop imbalance, while NC/TR basically overpopulate every other server.
  12. Ark Dax

    I can tell you why: Because nobody wants to either 1) Fight against overwhelming population with broken weapons or 2) get camped into their own warpgate while forced to ghost cap, to avoid situation 1 (but ghost capping ultimately leads to situation 1). It's a vicious cycle. And it's because of that there is a population imbalance on all servers. Mattherson is where most of the devs look to modify the servers, to give one side a temporary, albeit, game breaking advantage. Mostly because of the hatred of one specific player on Mattherson, who just happens to be TR. So anything he finds that works immensely are immediately nerfed. Anything he hates, they buff, so on and so forth. Plus, it doesn't help the devs also read alot of Reddit, which, well, most of Reddit are VS players, so of course, they'll get a biased opinion, adding to their own increased hatred.
  13. gigastar

    Wouldnt matter. They would just cap it at 4am again.
  14. Ark Dax

    In my honest opinion: Whether an alert happens or not, populations caps need to be enforced. No one side should have a distinct advantage, other than just sheer numbers. If one population is x% over the entire population of both of the other factions combined, that side should be locked. Or we could use the old PS1 style. If you've played VS, your TR and NC characters are locked for 6-8 hours (I don't remember the exact hourage, but it was somewhere along those lines). They also need to restrict it like they did before. You can't create additional characters on that server to get online. Because in PS1, even if you created a new NC character, if you've played VS, your new character is locked as well from being played. Population control at it's finest, in my honest opinion. I may be a bitter vet, but isn't this what they preached for so long, that vets were going to have a better experience with PS2, than with PS1? If this is a better experience, call me the Queen.
  15. Ark Dax

    And for VSSide Mattherson, updated as of 8AM EST:
  16. DevonKain

    So it's gotten so bad that all the TR have left to brag about is ALMOST warp gating the vs?? Also 4TH Faction SCUM!
  17. Shinrah

    Playing on Miller, I find this insanely hilarious. TR complaining about pop imbalance and "broken weaponry"...wow! Isn´t this TE outfit on Mat, thought one of those guys can easily wipe out entire VS/NC squads?:eek:
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  18. BaronVonVirtu

    Oh, did TR skip another alert and go for the warpgate attempt on Indar? It must be boring as hell ghostcapping all of that territory while the other factions are fighting.

    Now, yes, the late night pops (especially around 3-4am) get pretty excessive, at the end of one of the alerts VS ended up with 60% world population. It settled back down to 42% after that point. We can hope that most of this problem is indeed a mysterious 4th faction, it'd be nice to have semi-balanced populations all day, but that's a hard thing to achieve.

    One thing to help out with overpopulation issues could be to disable starting alerts if a faction holds more than a certain world population percentage. This value could be something like any faction having a population over 45% will void any potential starts to alerts until the population goes below that for a period of time.
  19. Pat Cleburne

    I love seeing butt hurt VS try to downplay being put into timeout by the big bad Ultra Alliance.

    Face it VS. EVERY time the populations on Mattherson are EVEN, or CLOSE TO EVEN, your "MIGHTY" faction tumbles all the way back to it's warpgate and loses alerts left and right. Folds like a deck of cards some would say.

    For a faction that is so full of itself, you aint **** when you don't have a massive numbers advantage, or have 1000 overpowered ZOE maxes stuck in a biolab or skydock.

    You can downplay Ultra all you want, but every single day during primetime we wipe the floor with your *****.
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  20. llPendragon

    Proof positive that being OP all the time makes you suck at fair fights.
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