Worst buy that you ever made

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Jur270, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Slaidd

    The game itself is frustrating enough, WhineSide 2 or these forums, are even more so.
  2. HannaDest

    I you have bought the Skyguard months ago I suggest giving it another try. It works these days imo.
  3. MFP_TK_01

    1984 Bronco ii.

    Oh in game. I guess the Warden. It's not a bad rifle, but there are many better ones to choose.
    Best: Either the Dalton or the Vanguard shield.
  4. FIN Faravid

    Infriltrator composite armor. I don`t know what i was thinking. I sure hope new inf armor that was suppose to come with GU10 is remake of composite, not completly new one.
    Best bought was indar canyons v2 camo, second best is Emperor pistol, and third are all other camos i have bought. Both becouse of cooler look, and to give me extra 0,3 seconds time to kill enemy.
  5. SClaw

    Skyguard is the king of killing libs and gals now, plus any ESF stupid enough to fly straight at you. Stupidly inaccurate at longer ranges, of course, but I think it's in a great place now.
  6. PhysicsMan

    Worst - The TAS Blackjack pump action TR shotgun. It's such a useless gun - I don't know why people rave about pump-action shotguns, I was expecting it to be a OHK weapon; alas it is not, thus rendering it useless. I mean, come on, it's a damn pump-action shotgun, why has it not got OHK ability like every pump action in every other game?

    Best - The fractures for the MAX or the Jaguar carbine - both excellent weapons.
  7. HannaDest

    What makes the emperor pistol good in your opinion ? Just curious.
  8. SheldorTR

    Worst: Haymaker
  9. Justicia

    Vehicle stealth, any rank greater than the first, because they literally don't do anything.

    Otherwise, probably the Lancer.

    No other unused weapons/stats so far.
  10. Pikachu

    Did you buy it pre-GU8?

    Always wait 1 GU before buying something new. :)
  11. Emerald11

    Best: Dual Cosmos before nerf, after that dual Blueshift for my VS Max, Dual Raven for my NC Max
    Worst: everything concerning camo, optics - but I will do it again in future sometimes

    Best: Autorepair for my Maxes
    Worst: Until now nothing, but when the ZOE nerf comes live at is announced for the PTS - 2250 Certs for ZOE.
  12. starlinvf

    My only real regret is the Annihilator, despite me seeing the nerf coming. The Damage difference isn't too big an issue, but the extra lock-on time is a game changer for it.
  13. Mightywonder1

    4 English Pounds for an Annihilator!
  14. Rebornvanu

    What? Is my best purchase on my TR character. Reallly nice thing especially against pre nerfed ZOE maxes.

    My worst purchase was the first generation pump-action vanu shotgun. I am not the player for such a weapon. Best was the NS-11A and battle rifle.
  15. HannaDest

    Now think about all the yummy fish and chips you could have had for that money. :eek:
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  16. C0L0NELH0GAN

    Stationcash on this ******* game
  17. Tycoh

    3050 certs for Lockdown, thinking it would make me a great Anti-infantry asset. Nope.
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  18. Mightywonder1

    Thats almost a whole beer in London ;)
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  19. GSZenith

    Battle rifle, followed by G2A lockon, followed by price drop 3 days later! :rolleyes:
  20. BH Brigade

    BullDog does not replace the Dalton/Zephyr it replaces the Walker/basilisk.