Getting killed in spawn room all the time

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roarboar, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Roarboar

    Since the latest hotfix I am constantly getting killed in the spawn room by enemies. So far noobtubes and tanks are the main cause of death. How is this happening, is there a new influx of hackers or is there a new bug that people tend to exploit?
  2. xGreedFuSioN

    Solution: Get out of the goddamned spawn room.
    Boom, fixed.
    • Up x 3
  3. HannaDest

    Yeah sometimes damage trickles through the shield. Like in November.
  4. Ssidistik

    This right here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  5. IamDH

    Strange i havent been killed in my spawnroom ever
    Maybe it was a friendly? or you werent fully in the shield?
  6. Van Dax

    There is a bug that allows them to do this, I will not share the details of it but just reporting them for exploiting is good enough.

    Remember guys exploiting is exploiting no matter the situation and no matter how much of a chicken **** the guys are for not leaving the spawn room.
  7. ent|ty

    Irrelevant to the observations the OP is making.
  8. Word Of Madness

    From what I understand there are two causes for this. The first is a bug/exploit where the spawn doors don't render for the attacker, allowing them to shoot through unhindered. The other I'm not 100% certain on, but what it seems like is happening, is that the enemy are using an explosive, and it hits someone outside the shield doors, and the blast radius then travels inside the shield doors. If it doesn't hit anybody, then the blast radius is blocked by the shield.