New Conglomerate on Miller (EU)...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by FSNights, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. FSNights

    Hello community, I'm FSNights. I've recently installed the game and have played just a couple of hours. So far, I'm enjoying my time online, specifically the infiltration class.

    I've decided to finally create a proper character to dedicate my time onto a server. I've read the lore of all three factions, and I agree mostly with the New Conglomerate. Though, the other two aren't awful, I see why they're also fighting for what they believe.

    So, I'll be joining the New Conglomerate upon the server Miller (EU).

    Firstly, I do understand that they're somewhat struggling along with the Vanu Sovereignty as for the overpopulation of the Terran Republic, but to be honest, I enjoy the challenge. I've read on other threads that even though a little struggle is happening, the New Conglomerate are an organised and well fought faction. The outfits advertised for this server also look rather organised for the New Conglomerate, so I'll make sure to read the information provided there.

    Anyway, sorry for baffling along. Thank you all for reading.
  2. FSNights

    *Also, if it'd be alright, I'd like to make a couple of friends before playing so I can perhaps ask for advice when need to be. If that's alright with anyone, could it be possible to send me your in game name? Thank you.*
  3. McStrike

    Sure you can add me; McStrike and welcome to Miller!
  4. Kinj

    Welcome, and good choice !

    Feel free to add Kinj.
  5. Arch

    Welcome to Miller, shame you chose to be a corporate sponsored terrorist, but we can't all be loyal to the Republic I guess ;)
  6. LordMondando

  7. FSNights

    Thank you guys for commenting, I'll make sure to add you all in game.