Should a character's name like that be allowed?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by AmazingBob, Jun 8, 2013.

  1. AmazingBob

  2. Rarg

    With stats like his, I don't think me meets the requirements.

    On a serious note, yes he needs to be banned.
  3. Amorphium

    depends in which division maybe?
  4. ManualReplica

    I met a guy called RussianRedGuard ways back, and *I* didn't post threads about it.
  5. Daddyo540

    He could be a TES redguard....
    • Up x 1
  6. MrForz

    They are nothing compared to the might of... ah, right, I remember: 'ThrobbingTesticle'.
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  7. ih8Darian

    Alert the media!
  8. ItsJustDash

    As long as he is not spouting the words of the regime and trying to get the trains back on time... we are cool...

    There is much worse out there
  9. Jac70

    Is that some kind of **** division? Obviously some kind of troll.
  10. AmazingBob

    I haven't posted threads either, just one.
  11. Panssarikauha

    I think it's way far enough back in time (That sentence makes no sense) that we ARE allowed to make jokes about it. I mean, we can use things like "Crusader" or "Jihadist-Engi" and those things are fine. Its been 70 years since the ****'s and we cant be ******* about it. Man up guys
  12. AmazingBob

    Yeah, though that I might be exaggerating, hence this thread.
  13. Marinealver

    I know of a few guys who got into a lot of trouble and "EVERY ONE" felt it. Well maybe not everyone felt it but we had to take a culturallization sensitivity brief and sign our social saying that we got the class so it had world wide impact.

    Caution link contains images that others may find offensive but are placed for information not for statements.’s-your-excuse/
  14. Panssarikauha

    Ignorance breeds stupidity.

    That has a point, we need information. If we just do things without actually knowing, then thats no good either. But the media and authorities seem to like blowing things out of proportion or making very extreme comments on things.

    I still strongly think that these things shouldn't be taboo anymore.
  15. LahLahSr

    Report him and see what SOE says about it.
  16. Eugenitor

    The dude's got a k/d of 1/3, it'll make the people who kill him feel better about themselves. Leave the poor SOB alone.
  17. Saiph

    Racist stuff in video games is pretty hilarious. Even in real life, the people that whine about racism and how their entitled to better treatment is amusing to say the least, for me anyway.

    Were you so offended that you had to make a post about it?
  18. BloodyPuma

    Thats not the matter of K/D, joke or other crap.

    This is way over the line. This guy play on european server and more then HALF eurpean countries penalize such acts with a very harsh way.

    This is not the past. Victims, as well as butchers from that war still live. Milion unsolved cases, uncountable tragedy.

    Ban him to the ground making a good example of it!
  19. AmazingBob

    From couple days ago:
  20. Saiph like 15-20 years we can joke about it?